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Ferrari Crash


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Just heard on the radio about a ferrari which crashed in Melbourne today;

Fatal crash could have involved second car: police

Police are investigating whether a second car was involved in a fatal crash in Melbourne's outer east this afternoon.

A 33-year-old Wandin North man and a 22-year-old Traralgon woman were killed when their Ferrari sports car hit a tree on the side of the Warburton Highway at Lilydale.

Senior Constable Bradi Owens says they believe another car was in the area at the time.

"Police are appealing to any witness to the collision to come forward, in particular police would like to speak to the occupants of a late model silver Ford sedan with orange racing stripes that was seen in the area prior to the collision," he said.

Anyone have more information?

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Guest IH8VEE8S

what kind of ferrari was it? what was the guy's name? i know someone about that age from around that area that drives a ferrari

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Both occupants of ferrari decased unfortunatly, 33yo male and 22yo female passanger. Someone on another forum said that they saw the ferrari in question today (in that area) driving like a tool (i.e. speeds of like 200+). What a waste of life.

Also, although highly speculative atm, the driver of the ford could quite possibly be an afl player...


Not good at all...

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Well let this be a reminder to take care on the public road and avoid doing silly things (if that news about speed 200+ is true). No one is invincible/immune in any car, whether that's a $500 sh1tb0x or $500,000 supercar. There's been too many horrible news similar to this involving various cars (not just Ferrari or turbo imports) it's just real sad.

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when people go out and do these sorts of things, its not good, but whatever, when they involve other people, its just ludicrous. i think it must be said "owning a ferrari doesnt make you a ferrari driver"

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sorry to point out the stereotype...

33 yr old male and 22 yr old female in a ferrari.... :angry:

too soon?

not good at all, from the link above seems like it could be a collingwood player

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i heard on the radio it was doing in excess of 150km/h

ive been in a ferrari at that speed and i can tell ya its f*kn scary as...

but the biggest adrenalin rush ever!

all condolences to family and friends.....

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i briefly saw on the news - couldnt recognise the car at all! Thats how bad it was. Also, they seemed to have been racing around a rather picturesque area - trees and all that - not a lot of road space, and possibly bumpy, curvy roads.

Waste of life as someone else has said.

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Yes obviously speeding was involved, but i'd like to know why the car crashed. I mean, on a hwy, in a supercar going 150 km/h is not a recipe for disaster...obviously something majorly wrong happened

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Yes obviously speeding was involved, but i'd like to know why the car crashed. I mean, on a hwy, in a supercar going 150 km/h is not a recipe for disaster...obviously something majorly wrong happened

I just did $800 worth of damage to my suspension at about 20 kph... due to nothing more than aquaplaning, and not reacting quick enough... denial... 1/2 a turn of the wheel, and I probably wouldn't even have had damage.

It only takes a small mistake to unsettle the car. at 150kph... there is no margin for mistakes. losing concentration for 1/10 of a second is all it takes. A bump, a dip, a off camber corner, a small amount of slide...

And the fact that the car was possibly racing another... or perhaps he was trying to impress his passenger.

It doesn't have to major. just unexpected.

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Such a tragedy on an awesome road. RIP to those involved. :)

Here is the update from the above link from poster IceTemple:

The woman killed was just being given a joy ride after she delivered a motorcycle to the guy who owns the car. What a tragedy for all involved.

Death at 150km/h in Ferrari

July 27, 2006 12:00am

A DREAM ride in a red Ferrari turned into a 150km/h double tragedy in a horror highway smash yesterday.

Police believe the Ferrari was 70km/h over the limit seconds before it hit a tree and disintegrated.

Investigators are seeking the driver of a high-performance car with orange racing stripes seen in the area at the time of the collision.

Killed were father of four Paul Estcourt, 33, from Wandin North, and a 22-year-old Traralgon woman who had travelled to Melbourne's eastern suburbs to deliver a new motorcycle to him.

Police said that as she handed over the motorcycle the woman admired his Ferrari coupe and he offered her a ride.

But he lost control of the powerful Italian sports car going east along the Warburton Highway at Lilydale and hit the tree.

The Ferrari was torn to pieces and Mr Estcourt and his passenger died about 12.40pm.

Officers from the major collision investigation unit remained at the scene last night examining the wreckage and other evidence of what had happened.

Locals said cars regularly broke the 80km/h limit on the stretch of road where the car crashed. Police want to talk to the driver of a late-model silver Ford Falcon sedan with orange racing stripes seen in the area before the smash.

They yesterday blasted drivers who ignored warnings about speeding.

Sen-Sgt Trevor Ashton, of Lilydale police, said the deaths were an unnecessary and horrific tragedy.

"It's quite traumatic for members when we have to attend these things. It's very disappointing when you've got strong media campaigns and community awareness and you work hard with your local community," he said.

Sen-Sgt Ashton said the chain of events was especially unlucky for the passenger, who did not know Mr Estcourt.

"She's come down from Traralgon for a delivery and it's by sheer chance she's ended up in that vehicle. It's somehow finished up that she'd gone for a drive in the Ferrari and this has unfortunately taken place. It shouldn't happen."

Sen-Sgt Ashton appealed for anyone in the Falcon seen in the area to help with their investigation.

Devastated family friends of the Estcourts, Wendy and Santanna Thomas, rushed to the scene and were horrified by what they saw.

Ms Thomas said Mr Estcourt's death was a tragedy for his young daughters and family.

She said he was a man who loved extreme sports.

"It's just awful. He certainly lived life to the full. The motor sports thing was a real family thing. He used to do it with his girls," she said.

Ms Thomas said the stretch of highway where the accident happened was a notorious spot for speeders.

"This is a shocking piece of road," she said.

Warburton Highway resident Anna MacGowan said she was distressed to find twisted metal strewn over the road when she came to investigate a loud bang.

"I live 150m from where it happened and usually hear very little so it must have been a very strong impact for me to have heard it," she said.

Workmates of the young woman, from Traralgon Motorcycles, were too upset to comment publicly last night.

They said her family in Queensland had been told the terrible news.

The double fatality took the state's road toll to 177, 29 fewer than at the same time last year.

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on a hwy, in a supercar going 150 km/h is not a recipe for disaster...obviously something majorly wrong happened

Ignorance is bliss.

Exceeding the speed limit by more than 70kph is a recipe for disaster regardless of what you're driving.

Speed limits are there for a reason (strangely enough)

The roads up that way are often wet, and always unpredictable.

As harsh as it sounds, he got what was coming to him, it's just unfortunate that fools like this always tend to take innocent victims with them.

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Both occupants of ferrari decased unfortunatly, 33yo male and 22yo female passanger. Someone on another forum said that they saw the ferrari in question today (in that area) driving like a tool (i.e. speeds of like 200+). What a waste of life.

Also, although highly speculative atm, the driver of the ford could quite possibly be an afl player...


Not good at all...

No it is not cloak as stated on other forums!

He drives an ORANGE xr with black stripes! ( NOT THE SAME CAR THEY ARE LOOKING FOR)

Dont carry this rumor of it being him

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The thing that really annoys me about Australia is the ammount of focus that a single accident gets on the news. I know its bad turning a blind eye or whatever, but seriously, 117 or 177 deaths so far in the year for fatalities. I know far more things where more than 300 people a year get killed.

Ok, someone died, its sad, but seriously, he did it to himself. I came off a road into a creek once, yep, did it to myself, I put myself there. I guess I was just lucky I didnt get hurt at all, but I feel no sympathy for myself/damage caused.

The only sad thing is that the woman was in it for just a joy ride. He was just showing off and f**ked up. Its not like they both were in the hills doing a hills run and they both clearly knew the risks. So condolences to her family.

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