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Ferrari Crash


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can they prove anything though? besides the fact his name is at Vic Roads for a silver XR8 with orange stripes?

Exactly what I was thinking when I read the Herald Sun article yesterday. Isnt it all circumstantial and down to what he admits doing? Interesting thing is he turned himself into a station only a few km's from where the lady passenger was from.

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IF the driver of the silver GT was there when the Ferrari crashed and didn't stop to render assisstance he is an absolute D@#K.

If he was you are right.

But having stated that he can argue ,the being scared and confused after the incident.

Anyway there is nothing that could of saved those 2 souls after seeing the wreck.

Him stopping and helping would have been traumatic for him.......he is gonna suffer

searching for answers , and the fact he had someway caused the accident.

A bit too late but the leason learn't the hard way.

So Keep Speeding To the TRACK.

Thats the answer.

The government should open a track for the public so as people can get the need for speed off their backs.

I have a friend who regularly drives to Alice Spring just to get a fix for speed..( YOU KNOW THE SPEED I MEAN)

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yeh, wats with the freggin Herald Sun story, makin him out like some f**ing hero.

' A decade of toil to become a young, admired success story was shattered in seconds...'

this is just crap, the guy was an idiot - drag racing, and killed himself and an inocent passenger, wen its a jap car or a commordore, its lableed as an in-experience hoon driver who shouldnt be allowed on the rd. Wen its a ferrari, its a terrible tradgey that a 'success story' was killed.

Too true mate

It's bullshit, I bet today tonight, naomi robson and her fricken chipmunk red cheeks is going to harp on about how it was such a waste, that oh, he worked so hard for his ferrari.

Shit man, there are people on this forum that spend more than the cost of a ferrari on modding a GTS-t.

If the dude was our ages, between 18-24, they'd say "lock him up, hooning, blah blah blah, all cars must be speed limited, and checked all the time by radar - skylines australias most dangerous car"

but here it is, a 33 year old, doing something stupid, yet, it's a tragedy.

Seriously mate, if you're stupid enough to go 150 km/h in your ferrari and not know how to drive, then fair call if you wrap yourself around a tree.

My girlfriend says that apparently its a friend of hers uncle. And honestly, I don't care. If you're stupid enough to work for years and years to get a ferrari, and then you crash your car because you lose to a 60K GT Falcon.

I think that the media are so biased and so focussed on targetting hoons, maybe we should start impounding ferrari's and bloody harassing the shit outta wankers in boxsters.

My 2c.

Edited by Luc
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What sort of power to these gt ford's have? Did this guy in the ferrari need to put down as much power as what was needed to show exactly how much better his car was?

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ford GT. 290kw at the flywheel stock....add an exhaust and its over 300.......

OK, I thought they had more than that! Explains why the only one i've ever seen over here was keen to fly past me on the freeway after following me for a while, and then got drilled.

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