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Last week driving my girlfriend to work from Endevour Hills to city I got onto St Kilda road, the left lane was chockers but right lane had no traffic to I went ahead doing around 50 KM/h and watching out for any cars that may try and jump into my lane... I come past this tram island and this stupid young chick starts slowly walking right across the road infront of me, turtles crawl faster!!

Anyway I slam my brakes and slightly turn the streeting wheel to the right away from the girl (bad move I know but I would of prolly bumped into her)... I then bumped the embankment roughly doing about 5 KMs an hour... I was slightly shocked at the whole situ beeped the f**k out my horn, she waved sorry to me but still seriously she had a death wish.

Anyway my concern is about the bump into the embarkment. I got out to check the right wheel shortly and saw no damage at all. I then drove without my hands on the steering wheel and the car went anywhere I pointed it to without drifting right or left. I presume that there was no damage at all as like I bumped the side doing rouhgly 5 KM/h.

Just want to be certain... I need to also rotate my back tyres upfront cos they have less tread now... will I need to balance my 4 wheels?

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Hmm, id suggest getting it looked at - just to be certain. You dont want to be on the fwy or some road thats marked 80km/h and with a lot of turns when the steering fails.

I know what u mean, some people are idiots - they just dont know what they are doing on the roads.

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I never bother about rotating tyres. There is no need to wear them all equally so you replace all 4 at once.

I stick by the brand of tyre that I use and always use the same one anyways. Not that ther eis a problem having different tyres on different axles.

You should be right regarding the embankment if you only hit it at 5ks. I've mounted a kerb twice at 30ks. Silly me, but i wasn't used to the tight turning circle of the skyline in the beginning.

I wouldn't have turned.

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