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Solution: instant and no-question removal of membership from SAU VIC...

Yeah so there was no other car there to drag; does this make roaring past a school by yourself acceptable? I'm sure you agree with this when you have kids and they come home to say; "dad, one of my friends got killed today by someone who drives a car like YOURS"

Indeed some F*head in a 33 did a burnout right out the front of my daughters school one afternoon while there were children walking out the gates (he's also done it in the AM too). I know many of those young kids and if some f*tard ran over one of them because he was being a complete loser.. words couldn't describe the outrage. Luckily my daughter is too young to walk outside the school by herself, but none of the other kids there are old enough either, to know what to do if some f*head loses traction and goes flying towards them.

And do you (fritter & other morons) think the other parents/teachers are going to know the difference between his white 33 and our white 32? Who do you think will end up getting the repercussions from it when people assume it's the same car? Same goes for workplaces, car club meets etc etc. There's always got to be one tosser to make it bad/worse for the rest of us.

many of you guys are saying to try drivers ed to learn how to control a vehicle and so forth, but you have all gone totally of trackm launching at the lights an losing a bit of traction can be done in any car, its gotta nothing to do with driver experience, its got to do with stupidity.

and i dont see a need to ban a member because of the situation, why ban him and cause him more anger, simply let him learn from his mistakes and rectify the situation.

at least he might get some sense from it and be careful in the future.

please keep the typical w***er comments to yourself guys. we will discuss this tonight at our commitee meeting and move forward on it.

theres no point going on about it over and over. just keep it clean :P

Even though the car had SAU stickers - are we sure the owner was a member or did he buy the car off a club member without removing the stickers ??

Maybe it should become practice when selling your car to remove the SAU sticker unless the new owner is also a member.

Ofcourse if the driver was part of SAU - maybe he should reconsider the type of club he has joined.

Membership carries benefits but also responsibilities - those who do no abide by the club rules/policies (which may need to be written/broadcast) should therefore forfeit their right to membership

JUst my 2c

As for 'fritter' - nuff said really

Doesnt matter whether or not you are a member of the club. Speeding in the wet is bad enough for anyone. Speeding in the wet and losing traction, is stupid. Doing all that in front of the police, entitles you to loose your car - no questions asked.

Im probably not in the right position to say this (as i am not a member), but perhaps that member should loose his membership or something. No refunds or anything. Providing, as The Baron has said, that the guy is indeed a member and didnt just buy the car off someone who was a member of the club.

Take care out there guys, it has been pretty wet the last couple of days, we dont want to see anyone getting hurt or killed.

Keep this thread on topic and less of the personal abuse or I'll close it.

I've gone one better. Appropriate warnings handed out, i dont take sh|t from keyboard warriors.

When i get home, ill go through the thread and clean it some more. Could be more warnings handed out yet.

Note to the R34 GT-t Driver, and all other members. Read your constitution carefully.

Mainly these points.

27. Misconduct:

27.1 Any member of the club may be disciplined, suspended or expelled by the Committee.

31. Expulsion of Members:

31.1 If any member shall refuse or neglect to comply with any of the rules or by-laws of the Club or shall be guilty of conduct which, in the opinion of the Committee is injurious to the character or interests of the Club, the committee may call upon such member to make an explanation either in writing or by personal attendance before a meeting of the Committee specially called for the purpose and if, after considering the matter at such meeting, including the explanation (if any) offered by the member concerned, at least two-thirds of the Committee present are of the opinion that the charge has been sustained, the committee may, by the affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority, expel such member. The Committee shall, in writing, advise the member concerned of its decision. A member who has been expelled as aforesaid may, within 30 days thereafter give notice in writing to the Secretary, of his or her desire to appeal against the decision and in that case an appeal may be made to an EGM of the Club called for that purpose (See Article 18) at which the member shall be given an opportunity to attend and make a statement. After considering such an appeal, such EGM may affirm or reverse the decision of the Committee.

I assure you Mr R34 GT-t driver.

You will hear from the Committee if you are a current paid member.

If not, remove the stickers from your car as your behaviour is not acceptable.

Cheers - Ash

I'd be interested to know which SAU member it was too.. there's not a huge number of R34 drivers in the club. At least I can say it wasn't me :D My car was in the workshop on a hoist last night.

I'd be interested to know which SAU member it was too.. there's not a huge number of R34 drivers in the club. At least I can say it wasn't me :D My car was in the workshop on a hoist last night.

Dude your car must be the most hoisted car of all time, it always seems to be on one ;)

A lot of work has gone into making this club the success it is and I drive with the stickers on my car with pride. It is also great having the likes of Graeme on board as it shows both sides of the coin (the police and ours). We need to work continuously hard to forge these relationships with the community and demonstrate what SAU and its members are about.

There is a time and a place for that kind of driving which is one of the many SAU organised events.

Going out on a limb here but like with alcoholics, isnt rehabilitation better than (whatever the opposite is) throwing out. Without knowing who the driver is, if he/she isnt an overly active member, whats revoking their membership going to acheive for them. Yes it will rid the club of someone who has been daft but if this person were to be educated, wouldnt that set a better example to the community and members as a whole?

Just a thought. :)

BTW not even managed to get on all day due to going live on Day 1 of a project but 4 pages in less than 12 hours, thats a Vic record! :)

Going out on a limb here but like with alcoholics, isnt rehabilitation better than (whatever the opposite is) throwing out. Without knowing who the driver is, if he/she isnt an overly active member, whats revoking their membership going to acheive for them. Yes it will rid the club of someone who has been daft but if this person were to be educated, wouldnt that set a better example to the community and members as a whole?

Just a thought. ;)


My post was more a "this is what can happen" so people think before being stupid. As thats all this comes down too, ones level of stupidity.

I dont think stupid and alcoholism are that closely related :D

Remember its as much about them as it is about the clubs reputation aswell, being my view point as a Committee member. I've worked hard for years as have countless others to get the club to where we are in official-dom. Things like this just destroy it in seconds.

There is a lot that needs to be looked into before someone is revoked thats for sure, thats if the car even belongs to a current paid member among other things.

We have a Committee meeting tomorrow night and this is going to be addressed and spoken about obviously

People a lot of my hard work with bridging gaps between us and my work colleagues (police) was undone last night by a Stupid R34GTT driver racing along next to his mate's car 30km/h over limit on wet roads.

Not only did he speed he lost traction taking off at lights right in front of us and had more than one intake mod. I am majorly PISSED OFF with him because he is member of SAU and had stickers on his car advertising same. Made our whole car club look bad especially when I promote how sensible/mature members of SAU Victoria only to have this fool wreck all of that...WELL DONE

As you know I obviously don't pick on skyline driver's especially members of SAU Vic but what should happen to this FOOL.

Maybe he was testing out his traction control since all R34 come with it :P!

We all would have done one or two stupid things, it a can't really help issue when it comes to own one of these performance car.

Having said that we should all try to keep, give and show the public, specially the police force a better image if not the best of what SAU VIC is about. Our SAU sticker reflect direct to our club, our members, try not to forget that.

I believe you only gave this driver a slap on the wrist as you could have done much much more than that. Thank you for looking after us and try to promote us.

We should organise a cruise with donation toward the Royal Children Hospital, the Guide Dog or some sort of.


My post was more a "this is what can happen" so people think before being stupid. As thats all this comes down too, ones level of stupidity.

I dont think stupid and alcoholism are that closely related :D

Remember its as much about them as it is about the clubs reputation aswell, being my view point as a Committee member. I've worked hard for years as have countless others to get the club to where we are in official-dom. Things like this just destroy it in seconds.

There is a lot that needs to be looked into before someone is revoked thats for sure, thats if the car even belongs to a current paid member among other things.

We have a Committee meeting tomorrow night and this is going to be addressed and spoken about obviously

Agreed Ash. :P

just a note on the advanced driver training and such....no advanced drive training can be done without first completing the DEFENSIVE driving course. I have done this course and it was a huge eye opener as to how much I didnt know on how far it actually took to pull a car up to a stop. If everyone saw and physically did this an proved to themselves what it took, they'd slow down for sure!! I improved vastly over the day, being able to stop my car as effectively as possible by the end of the day.....what scares me is the thought that the person travelling near me on the street was like I was before doing the defensive course. Under the illusion they can stop there car in a far smaller distance than the can.

the relevance of all the to speeding in any conditions on the street is:

The people around you more than likely ARNT educated drivers and you have zero idea as to what they'll do. If you appretiate what it takes to stop a car, then you wouldnt be street draging/racing. Only take one person not consertrating to go through a red light or intersection, and within seconds there meeting with your bonnet as you cant stop in time.

my rant over...hehe


While on the topics of SAU stickers...

I had a bit of trouble getting mine on. I had to peel each letter off the plastic and stick it on the outside of the quarter window. They got a bit out of alignment.

Did I c#ck it up? Who do I see to buy more stickers?

While on the topics of SAU stickers...

I had a bit of trouble getting mine on. I had to peel each letter off the plastic and stick it on the outside of the quarter window. They got a bit out of alignment.

Did I c#ck it up? Who do I see to buy more stickers?

its not you, the stickers seem to be farked...they dont work the way they're supposed to (transferring onto the other sheet and then onto the window in 1 piece...)

speak to Bec about some more.

While on the topics of SAU stickers...

I had a bit of trouble getting mine on. I had to peel each letter off the plastic and stick it on the outside of the quarter window. They got a bit out of alignment.

Did I c#ck it up? Who do I see to buy more stickers?

ROFL!!! You are the second person who has done this, it's NOT how you put them on, simply pull off the backing.......stick the WHOLE thing on the glass......rub the back with a cloth and apply preasure......then slowly peel off the other backing leaving the sticker on the window :P

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