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Thanks Al Despo !, your a legend.

On another note.......... is this the software ?

I just downloaded, havent installed yet....

In following text, left-click = left mouse button and right-click = right mouse button.

Download following files and save to “Desktop”.

Just Left-click on Green items and it will take you to the websites.

UDSM FAST and E-FAST program and databases

_Disk1.rar - Part one

_Disk2.rar - Part two

If do not have RAR program to open above files, download here: http://download.cnet.com/WinRAR/3000-2250_4-10007677.html

Install FAST software.

  1. After two RAR files are downloaded to Desk top”, double left-click RAR file “_Disk1”.
  2. When file opens, find folder FASTPRG” and double left-click.
  3. When file opens, double left-click folder WIN2000”.
  4. When file opens, double left-click folder SETUP”.
  5. Setup program” will now automatically start, so just follow any and all instructions.
  6. After program installs, close all open windows.

Install “key file” to “Windows folder” so software operates.

  1. On Desktop”, double left-click RAR file “_Disk1”.
  2. When RAR file opens, find file “NSFASTKY.INI and right-click. When “MSFASTKY.INI sub window opens, left-click Copy” and then close file “_Disk1” window by left-clicking “X” icon in upper right corner.
  3. On Desk top” (Windows XP”, left-click Start), double left-click “My Computer” and then double left-click C:” drive.
  4. When C:” drive window opens, find "WINDOWS" folder and it opens, place mouse pointer in any blank area (DO NOT place pointer on ANY files or folders) and right-click.
  5. When WINDOWS” sub window opens, left-clickPaste” and a copy of “NSFASTKY.INI” file is now placed in “WINDOWS” folder.
  6. Close C:” window.

Place “_Disk1” and “_Disk2” folders on Hard-drive.

  1. On Desktop” (Windows XP”, left-click Start), double left-click "My Computer".
  2. Find NISSAN” folder (this was created when FAST program was installed) and double left-click.
  3. When “NISSAN” folder opens, place mouse pointer in any blank area (DO NOT place pointer on ANY files or folders) and right-click.
  4. When sub window opens, place mouse pointer on NEW” and when sub window opens, left-click FOLDER”.
  5. A New Folder” will now appear in NISSAN” folder and since it is highlighted in RED, name can be changed.
  6. Type “Disk1” and press ENTER” key on keyboard. Folder will now be renamed “Disk1”.
  7. Again, place mouse pointer in any blank area (DO NOT place pointer on ANY files or folders) of NISSAN” folder and right click.
  8. When sub window opens, place mouse pointer on NEW” and when sub window opens, left-click FOLDER”.
  9. A New Folder” will now appear in NISSAN” folder and since it is highlighted in RED, name can be changed.
  10. Type “Disk2” and press ENTER” key on keyboard. Folder will now be renamed “Disk2”.

Transfer “_Disk1” information to “Disk1” folder.

  1. On Desktop”, double left-click “_Disk1.
  2. Left-click Edit” command (top tool bar) and when sub window opens, left-click Select all”.
  3. Again left-click Edit” command (top tool bar) and when sub window opens, left-click Copy” and close “_Disk1” window.
  4. On Desktop” (Windows XP”, left-click Start), double left-click My Computer”, double left-click C:”, double left-click NISSAN” folder and double left-click “Disk1” folder.
  5. Place mouse pointer in any area of “Disk1” folder and right-click.
  6. When sub window opens, left-click Paste” and “_DISK1” will move into “Disk1” folder.

Transfer “_Disk2” information to “Disk2” folder.

  1. On Desktop”, double left-click “_Disk2.
  2. Left-click Edit” command (top tool bar) and when sub window opens, left-click Select all”.
  3. Again left-click Edit” command (top tool bar) and when sub window opens, left-click Copy” and close “_Disk1” window.
  4. On Desktop” (Windows XP”, left-click Start), double left-click My Computer”, double left-click C:”, double left-click NISSAN” folder and double left-click “Disk2” folder.
  5. Place mouse pointer in any area of “Disk2” folder and right-click.
  6. When sub window opens, left-click Paste” and “_DISK2” will move into “Disk2” folder.

Set up “FAST” software, so it finds “Disk1” and “Disk2” folders.

(For Windows Vista OS)

1. Left-click START” " on lower tool bar” and then left-click “All Programs”.

  1. When “Programs” window opens, move mouse pointer to FAST for Windows” (this listing was created, when “FAST” was installed) and then left-click FAST setup”.
  2. When FAST setup” window opens, left-click CD-ROM setup” button (Nissan set program up to run off CD-ROM disks, not hard-drive).
  3. When CD-ROM DRIVE SETUP” window opens, place mouse pointer on “2 Drives” circle and left-click (a black dot will appear in circle).
  4. Left-click “1 CD-ROM Drive” “Browse” box and when “DIRECTORY SETUP” window opens, select “C:” in lower “Drive” box.
  5. Next double left-click “nissan” folder in “Directory” box (page down list).
  6. Double left-click ”disk1~1”, then left-click OK” box and when CD-ROM DRIVE SETUP” window reopens, “1 CD-ROM Drive” box will read “c:\nissan\disk1~1”.
  7. Left-click “2 CD-ROM Drives” “Browse” box and when “DIRECTORY SETUP” window opens, select “C:” in “Drive” box.
  8. Next double left-click “nissan” folder in “Directory” box (page down list).
  9. Double left-click ”disk2~1”, then left-click OK” box and when CD-ROM DRIVE SETUP” window reopens, “2 CD-ROM Drive” box will read “c:\nissan\disk2~1”.
  10. Close all windows, as “FAST” program will now find “Disk1” and “Disk2”.

(For Windows XP)

  1. Left-click START” on lower tool bar” and then left-click Programs”.
  2. When “Programs” window opens, move mouse pointer over FAST for Windows” (this was created, when FAST program was installed) and then left-click FAST setup”.
  3. When FAST setup” window opens, left-click CD-ROM setup” TAB.
  4. When CD-ROM setup” window opens, left-click Drive 1” line and left-click Browse” box.
  5. When Browse for folder” window opens, left-click +” box left of C:”.
  6. Page down to “nissan folder, left-click +” box left of “nissan folder, left-click “disk1~1 and then left-click OK” box.
  7. Drive 1” line in CD-ROM setup” window, will now read “c:\nissan\disk1~1”.
  8. Left-click Drive 2” line and left-click “Browse” box.
  9. When Browse for folder” window opens, left-click +” box left of C:”.
  10. Page down to “nissan folder, left-click +” box left of “nissan” folder, left-click “disk2~1” and then left-click OK” box.
  11. If “Drive 2” line reads “c:\nissan\disk2~1”, setup is complete, so left-click the OK” box.
  12. Close all windows, as “FAST” program will now find “Disk1” and “Disk2”.

NOTE: In some cases “FAST for Windows” file does not appear in “Programs” list. Do following to find “FAST Setup” file.

  1. On Desktop” left-click Start on lower tool bar” and double left-click My Computer”.
  2. Double left-click C:” and double left-click NISSAN” folder.
  3. Find file and left-click “Nfset” file, when “Nfset” opens, follow steps #3 to #12 above.

How to run FAST software.

(for Windows Vista)

  1. Left-click START” on lower tool bar” and then left-click “All Programs”.
  2. Move mouse pointer to FAST for Windows” and left-click FAST menu”.
  3. When FAST menu” comes up, left-click either:

  • FAST system” for 1979 to 2003 models.
  • E-FAST system” for 1964 to 1978 models. NOTE: When starting E-FAST”, a window indicating an error may come up. Just click OK” box and program will start.

  1. System that is selected starts, so wait for it to load.

(Windows XP)

As said before, in some cases “FAST for Windows”, does not show up in “Programs” list, so there seems to be no way to start “FAST program”. If this happens, do the following:

  1. On Desktop” left-click Start, double left-click My Computer”, double left-click C:” and double left-click NISSAN” folder.
  2. Find “Nfmenu” file, right-click and when sub window opens, left-click “Copy” and close window.
  3. Place mouse pointer on any blank area on “Desktop” and when sub window opens, left-click Paste”.
  4. Now to open “FAST program”, double left-click “Nfmenu”, on “Desktop”.

Thanks Al Despo !, your a legend.

On another note.......... is this the software ?

I just downloaded, havent installed yet....

In following text, left-click = left mouse button and right-click = right mouse button.

Download following files and save to “Desktop”.

Just Left-click on Green items and it will take you to the websites.

UDSM FAST and E-FAST program and databases

_Disk1.rar - Part one

_Disk2.rar - Part two

If do not have RAR program to open above files, download here: http://download.cnet.com/WinRAR/3000-2250_4-10007677.html

Install FAST software.

  1. After two RAR files are downloaded to Desk top”, double left-click RAR file “_Disk1”.
  2. When file opens, find folder FASTPRG” and double left-click.
  3. When file opens, double left-click folder WIN2000”.
  4. When file opens, double left-click folder SETUP”.
  5. Setup program” will now automatically start, so just follow any and all instructions.
  6. After program installs, close all open windows.

Install “key file” to “Windows folder” so software operates.

  1. On Desktop”, double left-click RAR file “_Disk1”.
  2. When RAR file opens, find file “NSFASTKY.INI and right-click. When “MSFASTKY.INI sub window opens, left-click Copy” and then close file “_Disk1” window by left-clicking “X” icon in upper right corner.
  3. On Desk top” (Windows XP”, left-click Start), double left-click “My Computer” and then double left-click C:” drive.
  4. When C:” drive window opens, find "WINDOWS" folder and it opens, place mouse pointer in any blank area (DO NOT place pointer on ANY files or folders) and right-click.
  5. When WINDOWS” sub window opens, left-clickPaste” and a copy of “NSFASTKY.INI” file is now placed in “WINDOWS” folder.
  6. Close C:” window.

Place “_Disk1” and “_Disk2” folders on Hard-drive.

  1. On Desktop” (Windows XP”, left-click Start), double left-click "My Computer".
  2. Find NISSAN” folder (this was created when FAST program was installed) and double left-click.
  3. When “NISSAN” folder opens, place mouse pointer in any blank area (DO NOT place pointer on ANY files or folders) and right-click.
  4. When sub window opens, place mouse pointer on NEW” and when sub window opens, left-click FOLDER”.
  5. A New Folder” will now appear in NISSAN” folder and since it is highlighted in RED, name can be changed.
  6. Type “Disk1” and press ENTER” key on keyboard. Folder will now be renamed “Disk1”.
  7. Again, place mouse pointer in any blank area (DO NOT place pointer on ANY files or folders) of NISSAN” folder and right click.
  8. When sub window opens, place mouse pointer on NEW” and when sub window opens, left-click FOLDER”.
  9. A New Folder” will now appear in NISSAN” folder and since it is highlighted in RED, name can be changed.
  10. Type “Disk2” and press ENTER” key on keyboard. Folder will now be renamed “Disk2”.

Transfer “_Disk1” information to “Disk1” folder.

  1. On Desktop”, double left-click “_Disk1.
  2. Left-click Edit” command (top tool bar) and when sub window opens, left-click Select all”.
  3. Again left-click Edit” command (top tool bar) and when sub window opens, left-click Copy” and close “_Disk1” window.
  4. On Desktop” (Windows XP”, left-click Start), double left-click My Computer”, double left-click C:”, double left-click NISSAN” folder and double left-click “Disk1” folder.
  5. Place mouse pointer in any area of “Disk1” folder and right-click.
  6. When sub window opens, left-click Paste” and “_DISK1” will move into “Disk1” folder.

Transfer “_Disk2” information to “Disk2” folder.

  1. On Desktop”, double left-click “_Disk2.
  2. Left-click Edit” command (top tool bar) and when sub window opens, left-click Select all”.
  3. Again left-click Edit” command (top tool bar) and when sub window opens, left-click Copy” and close “_Disk1” window.
  4. On Desktop” (Windows XP”, left-click Start), double left-click My Computer”, double left-click C:”, double left-click NISSAN” folder and double left-click “Disk2” folder.
  5. Place mouse pointer in any area of “Disk2” folder and right-click.
  6. When sub window opens, left-click Paste” and “_DISK2” will move into “Disk2” folder.

Set up “FAST” software, so it finds “Disk1” and “Disk2” folders.

(For Windows Vista OS)

1. Left-click START” " on lower tool bar” and then left-click “All Programs”.

  1. When “Programs” window opens, move mouse pointer to FAST for Windows” (this listing was created, when “FAST” was installed) and then left-click FAST setup”.
  2. When FAST setup” window opens, left-click CD-ROM setup” button (Nissan set program up to run off CD-ROM disks, not hard-drive).
  3. When CD-ROM DRIVE SETUP” window opens, place mouse pointer on “2 Drives” circle and left-click (a black dot will appear in circle).
  4. Left-click “1 CD-ROM Drive” “Browse” box and when “DIRECTORY SETUP” window opens, select “C:” in lower “Drive” box.
  5. Next double left-click “nissan” folder in “Directory” box (page down list).
  6. Double left-click ”disk1~1”, then left-click OK” box and when CD-ROM DRIVE SETUP” window reopens, “1 CD-ROM Drive” box will read “c:\nissan\disk1~1”.
  7. Left-click “2 CD-ROM Drives” “Browse” box and when “DIRECTORY SETUP” window opens, select “C:” in “Drive” box.
  8. Next double left-click “nissan” folder in “Directory” box (page down list).
  9. Double left-click ”disk2~1”, then left-click OK” box and when CD-ROM DRIVE SETUP” window reopens, “2 CD-ROM Drive” box will read “c:\nissan\disk2~1”.
  10. Close all windows, as “FAST” program will now find “Disk1” and “Disk2”.

(For Windows XP)

  1. Left-click START” on lower tool bar” and then left-click Programs”.
  2. When “Programs” window opens, move mouse pointer over FAST for Windows” (this was created, when FAST program was installed) and then left-click FAST setup”.
  3. When FAST setup” window opens, left-click CD-ROM setup” TAB.
  4. When CD-ROM setup” window opens, left-click Drive 1” line and left-click Browse” box.
  5. When Browse for folder” window opens, left-click +” box left of C:”.
  6. Page down to “nissan folder, left-click +” box left of “nissan folder, left-click “disk1~1 and then left-click OK” box.
  7. Drive 1” line in CD-ROM setup” window, will now read “c:\nissan\disk1~1”.
  8. Left-click Drive 2” line and left-click “Browse” box.
  9. When Browse for folder” window opens, left-click +” box left of C:”.
  10. Page down to “nissan folder, left-click +” box left of “nissan” folder, left-click “disk2~1” and then left-click OK” box.
  11. If “Drive 2” line reads “c:\nissan\disk2~1”, setup is complete, so left-click the OK” box.
  12. Close all windows, as “FAST” program will now find “Disk1” and “Disk2”.

NOTE: In some cases “FAST for Windows” file does not appear in “Programs” list. Do following to find “FAST Setup” file.

  1. On Desktop” left-click Start on lower tool bar” and double left-click My Computer”.
  2. Double left-click C:” and double left-click NISSAN” folder.
  3. Find file and left-click “Nfset” file, when “Nfset” opens, follow steps #3 to #12 above.

How to run FAST software.

(for Windows Vista)

  1. Left-click START” on lower tool bar” and then left-click “All Programs”.
  2. Move mouse pointer to FAST for Windows” and left-click FAST menu”.
  3. When FAST menu” comes up, left-click either:

  • FAST system” for 1979 to 2003 models.
  • E-FAST system” for 1964 to 1978 models. NOTE: When starting E-FAST”, a window indicating an error may come up. Just click OK” box and program will start.

  1. System that is selected starts, so wait for it to load.

(Windows XP)

As said before, in some cases “FAST for Windows”, does not show up in “Programs” list, so there seems to be no way to start “FAST program”. If this happens, do the following:

  1. On Desktop” left-click Start, double left-click My Computer”, double left-click C:” and double left-click NISSAN” folder.
  2. Find “Nfmenu” file, right-click and when sub window opens, left-click “Copy” and close window.
  3. Place mouse pointer on any blank area on “Desktop” and when sub window opens, left-click Paste”.
  4. Now to open “FAST program”, double left-click “Nfmenu”, on “Desktop”.

Yer sounds like it mate when you get it all running just check you dont have the US database hooked up by checking a vin from here

Al despo , appreciate the work champ

Mate this is my actual vin, if you could run it BNR32303496

and id also like you to run this one BNR32305398 too.

big thanks

Edited by badben

I've been trying to figure out what the extra letter means at the end of the vin on 32's

The extra letter is between the 7 and AA.

I thought it was there on all post 93/02 R32 GTRs.

Thats seems to be not the case here, as the 3 I got you to do yesterday don't have the extra letter.

I've got an R32 vin decoder which says nothing about it this letter or its location in the vin itself,

I'm a little curious at to what it could mean.

I've been trying to figure out what the extra letter means at the end of the vin on 32's

The extra letter is between the 7 and AA.

I thought it was there on all post 93/02 R32 GTRs.

Thats seems to be not the case here, as the 3 I got you to do yesterday don't have the extra letter.

I've got an R32 vin decoder which says nothing about it this letter or its location in the vin itself,

I'm a little curious at to what it could mean.

Mate to be honest wouldnt have a clue, id suggest a search through the forum or pm one of the big boys here to see if they know (moderators etc)

thank alex.

I've been thinking of asking some of the guys, it just want some soild info before I say anything so i dont look like the fool and

to see if its been bought up before in earlier threads.

You may get a few more vins while I nut this one out

Edited by badben

hey alex

could ya run this BNR32308857


My FAST won't do the other one :(

hey mate, any chance you could vin this for me?


thanks in advance mate

It won't do this one either but WOW that is an early vin.

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