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Hello to you all,

I was thinking are we not contradicting ourselfs here.

We all can give a trader rating and comment good or bad about them.(TRADER RATINGS)

We are given warnings and are judged by the moderators.

We are free to express ourself and opinions but not be incorrect when doing so ,as i have found out.

"Sorry it was a mistake" is not an exceptable answer here, warn level goes up.

We are judged and can judge traders but we are not able to rate a service supplier like a mechanic on the knowledge or the bad job he has done on our vehicles.Why are service providers so different to all of us? Why do i have to hear "oh we would have warned you not to go there but was unable too".

And how are we able to believe the good comments made on these people, 3 of his mates could be them.

Do we then have a (SERVICE RATINGS) , i would sure like one .

Just thinking aloud

Please if you are going to reply to this post give no names of service providers .They are untouchable here.

I am only after opinions on why they are so different not to have a rating from our club.


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I understand your frustration and can see where you are coming from.

BUT most w/shops in question have nothing to do with SAU and one condemning thread, from one disgruntled customer, can seriously damage a shop's reputation. If the moderators did not erase such posts, the forum administrators could be sued for public defamation.

Such threads are not deleted to protect the w/shop, but to solely protect the forums. If you have a bad experience with a particular mechanic, nothing stops you from discussing your issues in private (PM) or at events, etc.

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I understand your frustration and can see where you are coming from.

BUT most w/shops in question have nothing to do with SAU and one condemning thread, from one disgruntled customer, can seriously damage a shop's reputation. If the moderators did not erase such posts, the forum administrators could be sued for public defamation.

Such threads are not deleted to protect the w/shop, but to solely protect the forums. If you have a bad experience with a particular mechanic, nothing stops you from discussing your issues in private (PM) or at events, etc.

Thanks for the reply Al.

That is my point ....the experience would not have happenned if we had such a poll and there would not be any issues of bad mechanics to discuss.

My concerns are for the people who get ripped off here and the job still is not done.

I am not seaking a thread....more like a poll...a simple tick and rating 1 to 5 on various issues.

OK keep the comments out. Does this serve the forum....i believe it would.

OH ....the workshops could also be told if they would like their name,types of service they can provide and pricing displayed.

Workshop name is entered and comment made on the work performed and quality of work and (why not )price.is this taboo?.Were they resonable ?..I hate being charged twice as much because the workshop thought i would pay.

I am sure the honest and good willed service /tune shops will get behind me. What have they got to hide?

I also want to protect this forum ......lets ask these guys and see what they say

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Just looking through the forum.....most of the answers to the questions asked relates to this.

What do you think about this workshop? How much for a service ? Where is the best tuner and what price is he?

How much to install these turbo's...etc.etc.etc. :P

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That can and can't work :

You have your "very" popular mechanics that will get a top rating, just because of their name. Where-as smaller shops, that do just as good a job, at possibly a cheaper price will have lesser rating because they don't participate on these forums.

Also what will stop a person from giving a poor rating to a w/shop, just to support their own? : Or rate a w/shop on hear-say (ie: my friends, friends, uncle's, nephew, blah, blah..............).

Also, what happens if one job happens to go wrong, then the customer (purely out of fustration) votes as a bad experience, only to find the next day the w/shop are more than willing to resolve the issue properly. In this industry, every w/shop has it's bad days, it's the good w/shops that take the time to fix the problem properly.

I trully beleive this is an area that is best left alone, by the forum.

As stated previously; i have nothing against people commenting on w/shop in private.

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That can and can't work :

You have your "very" popular mechanics that will get a top rating, just because of their name. Where-as smaller shops, that do just as good a job, at possibly a cheaper price will have lesser rating because they don't participate on these forums.

Also what will stop a person from giving a poor rating to a w/shop, just to support their own? : Or rate a w/shop on hear-say (ie: my friends, friends, uncle's, nephew, blah, blah..............).

Also, what happens if one job happens to go wrong, then the customer (purely out of fustration) votes as a bad experience, only to find the next day the w/shop are more than willing to resolve the issue properly. In this industry, every w/shop has it's bad days, it's the good w/shops that take the time to fix the problem properly.

I trully beleive this is an area that is best left alone, by the forum.

As stated previously; i have nothing against people commenting on w/shop in private.

good points...

Some of the threads i have seen...such as the donellans one that is current would have not happend

One guy says he had a problem with them....but clearly lots of people liked and enjoyed doing business with them


The bad experience with the customer as pointed out is outweighed by the 100's of good reports.

The nismo sunshine thread detered a person from going there....because there was nothing anyone could say to him

and no reports he could look at. Is this also a potential problem for the club?Did you recommend him to go to another center?

And if so,is this as bad as the problem you are trying to stop from happening.

The smaller shop who does a good job and is cheaper will be more busy because of this.....don't forget

we do pay these service providers for the work they do......i would like to see a honest days work for an honest days wage.

The bad experience with the customer as pointed out is outweighed by the 100's of good reports.

A person giving a report on the workshop should also post the receipt on the work carried out.

This will stop the crap that goes on now.

I do suggest no comments for this....just ratings 1 to 5 on price, time it took, how clean the workshop was,

was there coffee?how good was the coffee? Work done to your satisfactions? you get the drift.

A simple solution to tidy up the service sector of this forum which is ignored.

You need to sit back like i have and look at it outside the square and resolve potential disaster.

By locking it up, it is not looked at and ignored. This I believe is the case here.

The questions you have are answered. :P

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The nismo sunshine thread detered a person from going there....because there was nothing anyone could say to him

and no reports he could look at. Is this also a potential problem for the club?

The SAU-Vic club, and the Skylines Australia Forums/Website are two separate entities.

The club mearly runs off the same server, and hence the members section is private, as its not an "associate" in any way of the forums.

Please do not confuse this issue.

The Skylines Australia forums have thier own rules, which Tekin, i have informed you of many times now.


If you do not understand them after many explainations, then i cant help you any further. Not can anyone else.

If you dont abide by the rules you will recieve warning points. If you dont then abide, you will be banned.

As i've already been over aswell. There will be no "workshop rating 1-5" system.

The Trader Rating system is predominately for Private Sellers, and then the few Approved Traders.

It is not there to rate a workshop, or its performance based on your own gripes.

Its that simple.

I dont see a reason for yet another thread/posts about issues that i have already clearly explained in the past just because you do not want to understand that this forum is not a free-for all, and is subject to defamation and such other claims.

Is there a reason you persist to argue the same point over and over?

Or do you not understand the rules that which you agreed to when registering on these forums?

The rules are NOT up for debate. They have been there long before you came here, and will be that way for a long time to come. If you dont like them, thats just tough titties im afraid

Cheers - Ash.

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There was a thread about how fast you have driven in your car.

If i hit warp speed and then push the v-tec button it will make me dizzy, and might just throw me back in time.

I might be able to make it to the GORC yet. :no::happy::laugh::)

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