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Import Approval?

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Hi All,

Just a quick question on the process, i bought my car at auction a week ago. Rang my broker and they have told me they are waiting for the Import approval.

What does that mean exactly does that mean the car has been deregistered and stuff already or does it mean none of thats been done yet?

I was told originally only a couple of days to deregister and then they look to get it on a ship?

I am probably being impatient, but once i have paid money i cant help myself!

Cheers Stink

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you will have to ask them what they mean by that mate. Only they will know if it's been deregistered or whatever. most likely it means they have submitted the request for import approval, and are awaiting the response from DOTARS.

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Yeah the guy i spoke to was filling in so he could tell me any details.

Its Australian Governmental Approval for the go ahead to allow your car to enter the country. Doesn't take too long, just be patient :laugh:

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Its Australian Governmental Approval for the go ahead to allow your car to enter the country. Doesn't take too long, just be patient :P

Yeah i understand that,

I was asking whether this tells me that the car is ready to go over there like is this import approval done before anything else or is there no particualr order. Just trying to understand the process better.

Cheers Stink

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ohhh i see what you asking. So no, import approval means what i stated. Not whether it is sitting at the docks waiting to go....thats up to the shipping company and papers to be completed by your broker.

that system sucks.

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Sorry - misread your question.

The car has to be de-registered in Japan, and assuming it's coming into Oz under SEVS, you or your import broker will get a lovely Export Certificate to prove that your car wasn't stolen. The workshop doing your compliance needs a copy of this before they can sign off on it. That's why it's important.

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Oh sweet as man! Mine just landed today and now i got the agonising wait of customs and compliance to go through!!

The pain is so bad knowing its here only a 1hr drive away and i have all the red tape to cut thru >.<


Edited by Sambo33gtst
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