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the name SadisticRage rings a bell to me from SDU.

I think he was going to COD me a s-afc from NZ, luckly i didnt pay him before hand, it never arrived and when i rang him up about 3 weeks later he still insists he sent it, but mysteriously he lost the cod number. :)

He bullshitted me so much.

Originally posted by Pva_Glue

Are you guys even reading the SAU posting rules? WTF?

I am really sorry to hear about your problem, but please keep it civil.

btw no mentioning in the name of bussiness etc...etc.

I hope all works out ok for you mate, sorry to hear it.



YEEES WE ARE, but dont you think we should worn others skylines owner of this dude?? I think and most of the people allso think so...

MAke it a sticky moderators so no more dont get scamed of this dude.

Cheers Klaus

I think Ray was the regional director of SDU in 2002. Seeing as more than a couple of people have had bad experiences with either him or the business, then maybe this thread is justified.

However this dosen't reflect the views of SAU, only the individuals concerned...

there we go... all nice n legal now. :D

Guest SadisticRage

I have tried to avoid posting to this or any other forum regarding this matter, not because I have something to hide but simply because I do not believe that public forums are the place for these type of discussions.

Still, I am here and thanks Merli for making me aware of the thread.

I will post once and once only... in this forum (as this is where the deal was initiated) and in no other. I have no intent of entering into a debate but simply outlining the facts and the options for Klaus.

So, let's get to the facts.

#1 It has been suggested by Klaus and others who seem to have taken up his cause that he paid NZD$550 for a speedo cluster.

The facts are that only $495.26 was received.

(It may seem like nit picking but if you are going to throw stones then at least make some sort of effort to be accurate)

#2 It is widely touted by Klaus and those trying to help his cause that it is "well over 4 weeks" since I got his money.

The facts are that Klaus INITIATED a telegraphic transfer from SWEDEN on 3 March (Swedish time) which did not arrive in MY bank until the morning of 7 March.

(Again, might not seem like a big deal but unless people in Sweden operate on a 5 day week instead of a 7 day week like the rest of the world then it would seem to me like 3 weeks, not 4.)

#3 This is a Nismo speedo cluster for goodness sake. It is to go into a car that Klaus has yet to receive....that too is in transit. My point here is that it is not keeping a car off the road and is not URGENT as Klaus may like to make out.

#4 The agreement from my perspective was to send this item via the cheapest available method. As I understood it there was no urgency for the item as the car was still in Japan....see point #3 above.

On this basis I used NZ Post International Economy to send the item. According to the NZ Post website items sent via this method to main centers within Europe take "APPROXIMATELY 13-25 days" and the site then goes on to say

"Target delivery times are listed in days and exclude weekends and public holidays. Delivery times shown are for main cities. Delivery to areas outside the main cities may take longer. Delivery times for items that are dutiable, or held in customs may take a little longer."

At this time 16 WORKING days have past since the time it was sent, not 28, not 4 weeks plus, not over a month.

#5 Klaus specifically asked for the item to be sent to him as a GIFT so that he could avoid paying duties or taxes at his end.

On the basis of it being listed as a gift and the low weight of the parcel, an OS008 customs declaration sticker was used on the parcel instead of an OS007 which would be used in the case of a commercial transaction.

An OS008 provides no track and trace coding whatsoever.

Instead of claiming that is bullsh*t just read the NZ Post website instead. It shows each of the consignment options listed clearly with pictures and explanations of each


I understand people here in NZ have contacted NZ Post on Klaus's behalf to enquire whether the item would have been trackable. If those people are reading this I suggest it may be worth posing your question on the basis of the item being sent as a gift as opposed to being the product of a $550 commercial transaction as you have.

#6 Klaus was provided with numerous contact details for me including mobile telephone number, landline number, email address, physical address and of course my handle here on SAU.

Somehow this saga seems also to have spilled over to SDU, a forum I no longer access as well as other places, yet NOBODY has bothered to pick up the phone and call, send a text message etc.

One would have thought that to be the easiest solution instead of wasting bandwidth arguing and allowing every man and his dog to offer opinion based on absolutely none of the facts.

#7 A number of people have suggested (directly or otherwise) that my business is selling parts for Skylines and other imports. It is not. I have simply sold my R32GTR in recent weeks and am therefore disposing of many of the parts I had accumulated which are specific to R32GTRs and do not carry over to subsequent models.

To conclude:

Klaus, nobody has ripped you off at all. Your speedo was sent and sent via the method I understood to have been agreed to.

According to the NZ Post website AND the several phone calls I have made to them on your behalf it is neither unusual nor unexpected that it would not have arrived after a mere 16 working days. You are on the other side of the world for goodness sake, and it is an economy service!

I do not appreciate your somewhat personal comments.

Still, YOU seem to think you have been ripped off and there is not a lot I can do to change your thinking.

On that basis I'll give you two options

1. You can either wait like any normal person would until the item is delivered through your postal system, most likely within the APPROXIMATE TIMES given by NZ Post.


2. I am happy to place the $495.26 in cash with a 3rd party who can hold it on both our behalves until such time as the goods arrive to you (in which case the cash can be given back to me) or a reasonable period of time has expired (in which case they can give the money back to you)

I see those as the only options....take your pick. Whichever options you choose I see no point in continuing your crap, it will not solve a damn thing.

OK Ray,

You said

On the basis of it being listed as a gift and the low weight of the parcel, an OS008 customs declaration sticker was used on the parcel instead of an OS007 which would be used in the case of a commercial transaction.  

An OS007 provides no track and trace coding whatsoever.

So you're saying that you do in fact have a tracking number then ? You've said you used an OS008 and it's the OS007 that has no track and trace number.

So give Klaus the track and trace number, simple, no need to swap money around as it'll be easily found.

If you just made a mistake in your post and you meant it to be the other way round and that infact you meant you sent it the other way that doesn't have a trace number then why the e-mail below to Klaus, which states you have a trace number ????

> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----

> Från: Admin [sMTP:[email protected]]

> Skickat: den 11 mars 2003 15:46

> Till: 'Schöps Klas'

> Ämne: RE: Nismo Gtr R32 320Kmh Cluster.


> Hi Klaus


> I was given a number by Courier Post for the package which I was told was trackable. The reply I got from them yesterday is that the package is "in transit" and should be in Sweden on Friday although delivery is probably Monday.

Interesting to note the dates too......suddenly the games changed.

Also interested for you to give an answer to the guy from the NZMMC forum that's said to have paid you over $ 100 and is still waiting for his Momo steering wheel...............hmmmm pattern forming here isn't there !

If finding the track and trace is all too hard then I'll take you at your word however and would be happy to hold the money for Klaus.

You can contact me at [email protected] and I will e-mail you bank details for you to transfer the money, or will just meet you for the cash.

SadisticRage-----> Why does you lie to me and Fraser all the time?

Qoute you once agian.

1, For 2weeks you have maild me and says "I have talked to a girl on Nz Courier Post" And she is saying it is in transit over here, should arrive at friday or monday, And she is looking in to it whats company it should arrive to here in Sweden. Ill get back to you on this. No replye at all from you Ray!

2, I had requested as a gift, Shoure but i have also paid for delivery in maximum 2weeks, Thats odd to me you are not saying nothing at all about the delivery but to the forums and Fraser you are telling other things... now im confused, dubble speek dont you think?

3, Once more, I am suddently not hearing from you, no mails no replyes at all.

Are they not so easy as Fraser tells you? Just get the Track and trace no from Courier Post, no big deal you have this, havent you? Thats what you are telling right?

Mail replye 1 from Courier Post:

Good Morning

There is no record of an inquiry from Ray Mullany concerning this item. I

have tried to see if I can find a telephone number for him, but no joy



CSC Help

Mail replye 2 from Courier post:

Good Morning

To do this inquiry for you, we would need the tracking number, which the

sender will have. We have no way of trying to find the number ourselves.


CSC Help

How do you explane this then?? And this was from Courier post them self.

4, Ill like to Fraser held my money untill the delivery is here and safe.

5, You have allsow telld me dont worrie the cluster is inshurence, no worrie at all... but if you have this no then you have the track and trace no right? All the export deliverys has a packedg no all must have it like somebody have sayid before in this thread...

Odd dont you think?

And i have said this allsow before, When my car is here, in a cupple of days the meters ill like to have them here before the cars arrive as i had said to you Ray eariler.

If this is wrong and this cluster will arrives here.. Im really sorry this is gonna be deleted and never more of this is gonna come upp again.

Its has bean a terrible mistake...If the cargo arrives so you says?!

Fraser-----> You are a real Lojal friend.....:P:(

All the Quotes are from skylinemannen!

Originally posted by SadisticRage

I will post once and once only... in this forum (as this is where the deal was initiated) and in no other.

The facts are that only $495.26 was received.

(It may seem like nit picking but if you are going to throw stones then at least make some sort of effort to be accurate)

(Quote you on that aswell: 505NZD was it infact now when i see in the transaction paper. )

#2 It is widely touted by Klaus and those trying to help his cause that it is "well over 4 weeks" since I got his money.

The facts are that Klaus INITIATED a telegraphic transfer from SWEDEN on 3 March (Swedish time) which did not arrive in MY bank until  the morning of 7 March.

(Again, might not seem like a big deal but unless people in Sweden operate on a 5 day week instead of a 7 day week like the rest of the world then it would seem to me like 3 weeks, not  


(Quote on that: Only one day after the transaction you sed to my ohh the money has come in )

(Quote2 on that: Wy should all delivery companys have 7days a week year round?)

#3 This is a Nismo speedo cluster for goodness sake. It is to go into a car that Klaus has yet to receive....that too is in transit. My point here is that it is not keeping a car off the road and is not URGENT as Klaus may like to make out.

(Quote on that: It is In a hurry, you have sed to me the delivery time is soon, you haved spoked whit the girl in Courier Post and it should be here in just a cupple of days)

#4 The agreement from my perspective was to send this item via the cheapest available method. As I understood it there was no urgency for the item as the car was still in Japan....see point #3 above.

(Quote on that allsow: The meeters i need before i gets the car and thats whats i haved payd you for and you have promist and it would be my disision to make if it in a hurry or not?)

On this basis I used NZ Post International Economy to send the item. According to the NZ Post website items sent via this method to main centers within Europe take "APPROXIMATELY 13-25 days" and the site then goes on to say  

"Target delivery times are listed in days and exclude weekends and public holidays. Delivery times shown are for main cities. Delivery to areas outside the main cities may take longer. Delivery times for items that are dutiable, or held in customs may take a little longer."

At this time 16 WORKING days have past since the time it was sent, not 28, not 4 weeks plus, not over a month.

(Quote on that: Why is you saing to me the post service has bin in my work and collekt it? Then you have to fill in a paper and then automatic given a track and trace no as you self has sed to my earlier. )

An OS008 provides no track and trace coding whatsoever.

(Quote on that: why are you saing to me there is a track and trace no then?)

Instead of claiming that is bullsh*t just read the NZ Post website instead. It shows each of the consignment options listed clearly with pictures and explanations of each

(Quote: If we has allready spoked whit them and they saing it is a track and trace no when its going to europa, odd?)  

#6 Klaus was provided with numerous contact details for me including mobile telephone number, landline number, email address, physical address and of course my handle here on SAU.

Somehow this saga seems also to have spilled over to SDU, a forum I no longer access as well as other places, yet NOBODY has bothered to pick up the phone and call, send a text message etc.

One would have thought that to be the easiest solution instead of wasting bandwidth arguing and allowing every man and his dog to offer opinion based on absolutely none of the facts.

(Quote: there you are wrong ray; You dont return any mails at all have maild you on 2mail adds, pm has bin sent and you still dont giva a s*it )

Klaus, nobody has ripped you off at all. Your speedo was sent and sent via the method I understood to have been agreed to.

(Quote: Then you missunderstanding everything; You have self said in this week and that were 2weeks ago., but ok a misstake can everyone do)

I do not appreciate your somewhat personal comments.

(Quote: If you had return any pm´s or mails then this has bin not come so long at it is, sorry for that but if you are thinking of replye to me, ok , then we are taking it there from now and deliting all this??!?)

Still, YOU seem to think you have been ripped off and there is not a lot I can do to change your thinking.

(Quote: You can give me or Fraser hard facts in live some time., We can do it like you sais, give him the money and when the meeters arrive he is giving it back to you. )

1. You can either wait like any normal person would until the item is delivered through your postal system, most likely within the APPROXIMATE TIMES given by NZ Post.

(Quoye: If nz cp says another thing then whitch should i belive? you ho dont returns any mail or dont provide os whit any facts at all, hard time there. )

2. I am happy to place the $495.26 in cash with a 3rd party who can hold it on both our behalves until such time as the goods arrive to you (in which case the cash can be given back to me) or a reasonable period of time has expired (in which case they can give the money back to you)

(Quote: If you says the cluster is sent then good, then should it arrives here soon then... only wait and see... then you have the money, if it not come here, then we now how things are...)

I see those as the only options....take your pick. Whichever options you choose I see no point in continuing your crap, it will not solve a damn thing.

(Quote: It has some effects.. you have now answerd, thats more than you have done earlier. )

As i said Ray, if the cluster will arrive, then i am sorry for all this and human errors will exist as i has said to you in this thread, but if you are shoure as you said to me then the cluster will arrive, if it not doing so then we now the truthe

hmmm... this should be interesting :(

oh... hey Fraser! nice to see u over this side of the Tasman, and get ur avatar fixed mate! I wanna SEE the Silver Beast! :)

by the way, how's the kit going??

  • 2 weeks later...

And he has still not fixed so he can meet a friend and give my money to him and he still dont answer any calls or mail or pm´s and guess what.....

The speedos has still not arrived here....

He is a scamer ho is gonna pay for his sinns....

Anyone ho now any baddude ho is willing to make money really fast -----> Pm me then.

Cheers Klaus

guys... quit whoring the thread... this is serious (that means u 3). take your off topic conversation elsewhere n let the parties involved solve their problem.

  • 8 months later...

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