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Yet More Stupidity From The Qld Government/police

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went for a drive up Mt Glorious and Mt Nebo this morning with a few friends, with the intention of just having a leisurely cruise, some breakfast at the top etc.

anyway, went up through Samford, that was all cool, turned left then went into the town of Mt Nebo itself, had breakfast at a little Cafe there (yum yum!)

after that, it was about 10am, so we decided to turn around and head up to the top of Mt Glorious to the lookouts...

Just after the T-intersection with the road from Samford, there were roadwork signs everywhere, and lane closed signs, which i thought was weird, seeing as it is 1-way each way....

anyway, come around the corner, and there's about 20 bike police, a big booze bus etc, they've got the whole road blocked off, and are doing license checks and RBT's...

I have no problem with this, infact, i think its great...

anyway, got through there without any hassles, and kept heading up to the town of Mt Glorious itself... stopped in town for a chat, and kept going on to the lookouts.

as soon as we got into the rainforest on the other side of Mt Glorious Village, we knew something was up... there were all these stones sticking to the tyres etc, making the road very, very slippery, and there were more roadwork, and slippery surface signs, along with 40 and 60kph signs (80kph zone)

we continued a little further, until we couldn't bear it any more, as we couldn't drive above 40kph, the wheel arches/panels etc were copping a beating from all the stones... then we looked around where we had pulled over and realised what was going on....

The Government/Council/Police/Someone has got gravel, that is covered in tar, to make it sticky (roadbase), and spread it all over the road... it must have taken forever, as it went on for km after km.

There were piles of gravel covered by tarps where we had pulled over... no doubt there were more down the road too....

I can see their reasoning, in that they want people to slow down up there, but are they f**king insane? The road surface was so slippery with all the loose rocks, its not funny... anything above about 40 or 50kph and the underbody and panels etc just got annihilated with rocks.

great safety initiative guys... NOT

what if someone comes into a corner a little quicker than 50kph (as i said, signposted 80kph zone) and doesn't realise the road is covered in gravel? Say buh-bye to whoever that was, as they just ran out of black stuff, and now have to hope the green stuff stops them from going down the big dropoff....

what about all the bikers that go up there?

This is just an accident waiting to happen....

sorry, thats my vent for the moment

Yeah they resurfaced the road a while ago and deliberately didn't sweep the gravel off; that's how the story I hear goes anyway. Absolutely stupid when you're trying to go for a (sensible) run on the bike and these morons make it so dangerous that it's hard to stay above walking pace. I can understand their reasoning to a degree but come on - there are better ways to handle what is undoubtedly a problem than by making it even more dangerous than it has to be.

Perhaps there is some kind of a link between the dwindling number of motorsport facilities (and freedom at those left) and the increasing number of people willing to do silly things in the hills? Maybe this is a good indication that closing racetracks and restricting those left to little more than the equivalent of a trip to the shops is a really bad idea?

I dont think anyone whos part of the powers that be (ie: council) really gives a stuff, they have govt cars (paid for by us) and have better things to do with their time and money.

I'm sure all it takes is one resident on mt nebo/glorious complaining about the local hooligans and things like this happen, whats next?? I got an idea mr beattie, how about 3ft spikes on the guard rails too..

When exactly has the qld govt done anything good about our 'shocking road toll' for young drivers, hmm i know, lets take away their facilities so they're forced on the road, leave a bullshit licencing system in place that lets inexperienced drivers loose without enough expierence to handle themselves, how about victimizing them for bullshit defects, but hey more hoons ON the road getting pulled up MORE of the time means more money and exposure for his laws on being 'tough' with hoons.

At least mr joe public driving past in his camry thinks they must be doing a fantastic job targetting these hoons, after all they look exactly like those 'illegal st racers' he saw on today tonight last nite and they are a danger to themselves aswell as his grandkids. What a great government! he'll vote for them in the next election!!

End rant! lol

Wouldn't worry about it mate, somebody will eventually go over the edge and kill themselves and then the council will get off its arse and fix up the surface of the roads.

You see, someone has to actually die before a section of road is considered a problem in Australia...after all, thats why we pay taxes isn't it!? :no:

hi guys,

Unless the roads are controlled by the Department of Main Roads, its a local council issue so maybe a few complaints there will get some results about the extra gravel.

And something to keep in mind is that the life of a bitumen seal is 7 years so this would be just part of a regular road maintenance schedule not a deliberate method to curb hooning on those roads. BUT I don't agree with what's been done and know full well what its like to hit gravel and loose control of a car... thats how I killed my last r33.


Wouldn't worry about it mate, somebody will eventually go over the edge and kill themselves and then the council will get off its arse and fix up the surface of the roads.

You see, someone has to actually die before a section of road is considered a problem in Australia...after all, thats why we pay taxes isn't it!? ;)

plenty of people have died up there on their "sensible runs", that's why there is a heavy police presence!

and its probably also why they are resurfacing the road with the coarse bluestone aggregate. It provides excellent grip in wet and damp conditions which are the norm up there in the rainforest section. Alot of that section of road had an almost mirror sheen to it and was very dodgy in those kind of conditions. Its a normal, commonly used surface, and there is always loose gravel left on it at first - that's unavoidable, and soon gets cleared off.

Like predator, I don't see the problem.

One time I was on a cruise up there and someone had spilt diesel on half a dozen corners. After chatting to the bikers at the coffee shop in Glorious they informed me it was disgruntled locals. Apparently they had sent a few bikers over the mountain.

Its these kinds of idiots that make me sick. Same with whoever put the rocks up there. What happens when my mum goes for a picnic in the mountains and goes over the edge because of some self righteous motor enthusiest hater.

One time I was on a cruise up there and someone had spilt diesel on half a dozen corners. After chatting to the bikers at the coffee shop in Glorious they informed me it was disgruntled locals. Apparently they had sent a few bikers over the mountain.

Its these kinds of idiots that make me sick. Same with whoever put the rocks up there.

mate, I think from all the roadwork, slippery surface and 40kph speed limit signs mentioned in the first post that it was official roadworks... not the same kind of idiots who allegedly poured diesel on some corners. besides, that's as likely to have been some try-hard drifter wannabe as a disgruntled local.

I have heard of this in the past, seems this "road maintenence" happens all to often..

After paying good money for my rego i expect (dream) to be able to drive on roads they are in good condition. Not have my money go into "road maintence" that isnt required!

Im now very hesitant to go for a drive up there GRRR to say the least.

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