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They can go f**k themselves im not gonna follow these bullshit power restrictions just cause a bunch of bogans are idiots in there vl's and fords. And what would be considered a high powered vehicle. And what will happen when this law comes into action for people who already have high powered vehicles.

If this is the way qld transport will behave about high powered vehicles then i wont move states i will go to a different country, australians are taxed to much anyway lol.

dont fret alex, I'm sure these rules will be to NEW DRIVERS,

and I'm not sure your auto atmo sedan would be ruled out either.

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The way i see it is younger drivers IE teens.,, do tend to DIE in car crashes as they are normally in their "first shitter cars" like a 20 year old corona or something.... so ofcourse they are going to be worse off than a 24 year old or older.

2.gaining 100 hours of certified supervised on-road driving experience for learners under 25s

i like the way people over 25 dont need 100 hours of learners, i think it should be the same for all, as granpa and granma need like 1000 hours.....

thats how they always said it...

are already on your learners when the rules come out, it doesnt apply since u started ont eh old system... like wise for if you already hold a current P lisence they cant change it.

dont fret alex, I'm sure these rules will be to NEW DRIVERS,

and I'm not sure your auto atmo sedan would be ruled out either.

Yeah but by the time these laws comes into action, i will probably be driving a 2 durbo manual turbo 34. But as most people specified i hope its only for people who get there licences when the rules apply. Because i wont be close to 25 by the time i plan to have my turbo ill probably be 19.

hey guys

just a question, i am currently as of monday the owner of an r34 2 door GTT.

it will be under my business name and i am under 25, i am 22 i will be 23 by the time these laws come in.

now if i was pulled over in my car with these laws in place, knowing that my name wont be on the ownership, but my companys name will

will i be fined or have to sell the car once these laws come in ??

any help would be good


Edited by Jaker34

hmm being 18, getting the r34 turbo coupe was the best thingy that happened to me :no: that and parents paid for 2000 buck insureance and everything else.... but these rules would have pissed me off

absolute rubbish.. no lives will be saved. They've had these restrictions in place in VIC for a while now, and young people still kill themselves just as effectively.

True that, just means more retards will drive beaters around un fit for the roads. Put kids in safe quick cars, not cheap and nasty quick cars.

i agree with nismo boy, if u elimate the old shit tins, then teen deaths will go down.... un-experienced drivers in cars unsafe for bush bashing = statistic waiting to happen

Stopping the Road TOLL = Go with NSW way of pink slips, check the damn cars over every year. Fish out all the arse holes that let people BUY Road Worthy Certs, & then see how far it gets the road toll, dumb pricks. It was frightening seeing some of the cars roll into the work shop when I was a mechanic, I would not let my worst enemy drive some of them ...

Young people only made up the 13% of our road toll. What about the outher 87% you think that thay would be more concerned about the outher 87% as thay are the majority.

don't you mean 32% of the road toll?

they are only 13% of drivers on the road

Have to agree with everyone here - every car is a weapon & if some idiot decides their Peter Brock, the road toll will always be around the same annual figures. That being said 13% isn't that much, I think the rest comes down to driver error, especially when I compare to what I've seen in Victoria.: (Old people driving on the WRONG side of the road in 80 & 100Km/hr zones???? - Has anyone else seen this???)

Stopping the Road TOLL = Go with NSW way of pink slips, check the damn cars over every year. Fish out all the arse holes that let people BUY Road Worthy Certs, & then see how far it gets the road toll, dumb pricks. It was frightening seeing some of the cars roll into the work shop when I was a mechanic, I would not let my worst enemy drive some of them ...

you make a very good point there mate.......

this would eliminate a lot of those old shitty holdens on the road......bogans will have to spend less on piss.

These apply from 1 July 2007

Key changes will include:

-lowering the minimum learner age to 16 and extending the licence period to 12 months

-gaining 100 hours of certified supervised on-road driving experience for learners under 25s

-restricting all mobile phone use, including hands-free, blue-tooth accessories, and loud-speaker functions, for learner and P1 provisional licence holders under 25

-restricting mobile loud-speaker functions for supervisors and passengers of learner and P1 provisional licence holders under 25 while under instruction

-motorbike learners will be required to hold a car provisional licence for 12 months prior to gaining a motorbike learner licence

-introduction of a two-phased P1 and P2 provisional licence system

compulsory L plates (a black L on a yellow background) and P plates (a red plate for P1 and green plate for P2)

-peer passenger restrictions (only carrying one passenger aged under 21) from 11pm to 5am for P1 under 25

-high-powered vehicle restrictions for provisional drivers under 25

-after 12 months on P1, licence holders must pass a hazard perception test to progress to P2

-late night driving and other restrictions for disqualified and suspended young drivers




Thankfully, according to information any person who has their p's license before 1 july 2007 will have no restrictions.

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