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SPL Test and Tune BBQ


SPL Meet and Greet / BBQ


WHEN: Sunday the 20th of August. Starting at 11.00am

COST: Gold Coin Donation for BBQ and $5 for 20 mins on the meter

PROCEEDS: Gold Coin goes to paying the food back, Meter Time money will have 1/2 donated to CAA and the other half to the owner of the premises for running cost, ie power etc etc

Point of this is, well all the bigger spl doods meter there cars and spend lots a time tuning them, us smaller guys dont get the chance to do this as we cant afford a meter. So we got a termlab and thought hey lets help each other out!! So come big come small, even if ya have 1x 12" off ya old amp, Come anyway.... No competitions here, just test and see what you can do and get tips and time to actually change your settings, theres a possibility of some SPL boxes being bought to the event too So come big Come small, everyone is welcome!!

So guys post your interested up.... Numbers ARE limited!!!

for the people who DONT know how to get there, we will be having a meet point which is North Gate Mcdonalds at the bottom of Mt Ousley, at 10am. for anyone who gets lost or dosnt know, call me on 0439 348 755


1. Boostn24/7

2. DD-VT


4. BA55UP

5. 4daboyz

6. Anthony (VT)

7. Chris (LA73RZ)

8. Scott (ERO-71K)

9. Mad89

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