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hmmm, so i just got back from what would have to be one of the $hitte5t nites out ever! a group of us decided, in a fit of boredom, to go up to central coast leagues, the infamous club troppo, to c wat it was like, in search of a 'different' nite out.

we arrived at around midnight, and no sooner had we got out of our cars (a 32, 33 and vt wagon) than we were surrounded by security - they informed us that they didnt want us there, and we were to leave. on asking why, and after being given the usual "we dont need a reason, private property" bs (yes, yes, i no this is all true, but after an hour and a half driving, some reason would be nice), we were told that becasue our cars, and the way we drove(we were off boost, just modded zorsts etc, not even a ricey bov) we were not wanted...

now, is it just me, or is this complete and utter BS!?!

im well aware that a registered club can refuse entry to anyone they wish, bu to do so to 7 people, none of whom had been drinking, due to their choice of vehicle, and percieved personality that goes with it, seems a little stupid.

oh yeah, and when asking for the names and security id #'s of bouncers, this was not given. and one dumbass bouncer had the audacity to threaten us?! not smart, and will be attatched to our formal complaint to be forwarded to the club.

sorry if this was a long post, but i had to get it off my chest, and see if anyone else has copped this up there - and also to say not to waste your time on the drive if thats your destination...

ps - mods - sorry if naming names will get u in trouble-if u have to for egal reasons etc, u can edit my post, but id prefer people were informed about a club - sort of a venue review, if u will.

in this case, two thumbs DOWN!

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I can't see how sharing you experience could get anyone into trouble..

I also can't see why the hell you were turned back... wouldn't have been brave to get into a fight with security, so theres not much you can do. I suppose complain to the club, and get a reason....

I ALSO can't see why you wanted to go to troppo in the first place :D :shake:

(Unless you took the old road :uh-huh: )

mate, i had no idea y we went either -but it was a good drive-found out my car doesnt have limiter, but backed off a little over 200... he he oh, and blew off the inner guard... oh well...

yeah, i actually e-mailed them, i dont expect too much of a response, but u never no...

were u's all wogs?

Troppo is mostly aussie, and being an aussie that has all wog friends, ive run into the same issue myself (not there, but wollengong).

Ive been there a few times in my 32, there were seriously no imports there, all yobbo commos, seriously next time u go, just drive up and down and take their chicks :)

Im sure u had a fun drive there and back though :)

ha ha i think so long as your zorst is under 1 inch diam., and ur neck is bright red, and/or you're obviously a bogan, you're okay.

anything other than that, well, dont bother - i swear they were worried we'd steal all their skanky central coast girls (no offence to anyone who actually lives up there)....

my guess at the acceptable list is as follows:

minimum 65%rust

maximum 215 profile tyres

no less than 8 cylinders

a blood red neck

flannelette shirt

anyone guess at any more?

ha ha i wanted to-but my next biggest mate weighed all of 70kgs, and there were 3 bouncers. bsides, it felt awesome being totally in the right-nothin pi55e5 a bouncer offf more than wen u get righteous on them...

it had more to do wit cars than nasho anywai. hell, most ppl think im wog-disrimination based on race f$#ken cracks me!

dumbass redneck bouncers

Guest low180

hey you sure the reason was because of your cars.. i mean there were 6 or 7 of you guys there wasnt it.... most clubs won't let a group of guys into the club... unless you have some chicks wit you or something...

We've all been there...

still sucks though.. after driving all that way.

low180-as ronin and blitz just pointed out, troppo is so far from an exclusive or even good place that wont allow ppl in due to no chicks that its not funny.

nope, ive resigned to the fact that they were just bogans who didnt like lines...

although ican still highly recommend the drive up there. just dont try to do an in gear accel race in 3rd round this one left in the wet, it was slippery as 5hit!

Well as a central coast resident I'm saddened by the details of everyone's experience.....


hehehe... I'm not saddened, I agree with you all, Troppo is a 'meat market' plain and simple. If your looking for a one night stand, then that's the place to go.

For a place that calls themselves a "night club", they play a hell of a lot of RnB and then "Dance" music that the DO play is only the leftovers' from Video Hits.

I tell ya, bring some of the artists from the sydney scene, like your Kid Kenobi's, BeXta, and the like and half the people would faint becuase of they dont know what to do.

Oh and dont get me started on the security guards.

They are a bunch of no hoper, little d****, ignorant people with little to no intelligence that are trying to live out their failed dreams of being a cop.

And for a group of security guards that are 'supposed' to uphold the general peace, they are the ones that are doing most of the rough housing.... and they are trying to score with the skanky chicks.

However, with that said. Going to Troppo on a saturday night is a great way to sit back have a few beers and just laugh at the people who clearly... have no idea...

Saturday night at CLub Troppo.... .Welcome to Boganville.

"I'm Kent Brockman, and that was My Two Cents"

I too will agree with Endorean. It's been many Moon's since i last went to troppo, and to tell you the honest truth. My 6 stacker in my Skyline play's far better music than Troppo ..(believe it!!!!..)

The last time i went out (out) was when Nick Skitz played at Iguana Joe's..(just up the road). Nic Fish also played at Terrigal and that was good.

Apart from that, there is Troppo. Sure you can fit over 2000 people in there, and there is plenty of women around, but that's about it.

Best move is to park the Skyline or modded car around the corner and go in to troppo in grup[s of no more than 3 at a time.

Better than gettin knocked back at the door.....



Club troppo is defiantly a good place to find a easy girl. Not much quality though. Its exactly the same as down south in wollongong. Bad Bad bad Music and if you look slightly ethnic i they will send you away to the wog club somewhere near by.

I had a bad experience last week at a club in north sydney called the GreenWood. I was with a group of about 5 friends, 2 complete aussie herritage and me, Aussie as anyone but with an italian last name, another friend who is aussie but with italian back ground and a friend with a jewish back ground. We are all your tipical aussie guys though. Anyway the point been the bouncer let 3 of us in including me, then the Italian looking guy and the jewish guy were refused. Upon asking the bouncer why his response was "i dont know you 2", then anther reponse "Your a wog, and your a jew and i dont want you in here".

We got the manager over and his response was "i have no control over the scurity". After a fair bit more of heated argument we were all escorted of and threatened if we didnt leave.

The thing is i dont think you can do a thing about it. That bouncer will be sorry one night though when he does that and that person comes back with a gun or something.

I was a regular at that club, not any longer. Will never go back. I guess they got what they want.

Sorry this wasnt about Skylines. (we drove on one there i guess, and some other car).

It's getting really bad now, when security guards will pass judgement just by the look of you.

I work across the road from the Greenwood at AGL and I frequent there during my lunch break and occassionally to Sounds on Sunday.

The only time that I saw some shit going down was when I was having some lunch and this begger was asking for money from all the patrons. Security soon sure took care of him.

I think that the security guards "think" that they have all this power when really all they are there for is to make sure that no underage person gets in and that the peace is kept.

They are not there to make a judgement about who is and isn't allowed in based on their skin colour or what their background is. And I get really mad (language towned down) but these arrogant people who think they know better.

Anyway, that was no two cents worth..

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