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Just wondering what would cause the Hicas light to come on while driving.

The other day I was driving (in the rain), when the orange Hicas light on the dash came on. The steering went really wierd, varying between too heavy and too light. After about 1 minute or so, I pulled over, turned the car off, turned it back on and the Hicas light stayed off, haven't seen it since....

Any idea what might have happened there?

check your power steering fluid in the engine bay and also the hicas 'bottle' in the boot (?)

maybe they are just below the 'line'

also check the connections to the battery for corrosion - I had an issue like that where one of the wires on the positive terminals was corroded and made an intermediate connection causing the hicas light to go on and off while driving.

Thanks guys, Merlin I must have missed your thread on my first search, but I saw it afterwards and answered some of my questions.

Seems a bit wierd that it came on once, then when I turned the car off, and back on again it never came back.

I think i will probably end up getting a lock-bar anyway, but I was curious to know why it may occur. I will check the fluid levels to start with.

my hicas light comes on afta awhile of being on a freeway, ive never worried 2much about it, my car has a momo wheel fitted, any ideas bout these tomai hicas kits?
Is the BOSS kit designed for HICAS?

I have used a Tomei Lock kit for the last 2.5yrs, works well and have had no problem. But if your Boss kit is NOT HICAS compatible, the HICAS light may still come on, so you may be required to remove the globe.

HICAS is the 4WS system.

Quinny: do you have an aftermarket steering wheel?

No, it is stock. The fact that I have not seen the light again could just be a glitch or something, but it is rather strange. I think I will probably get rid of it anyway, I have never been a big fan of 4WS.

check your power steering fluid in the engine bay and also the hicas 'bottle' in the boot (?)

maybe they are just below the 'line'

also check the connections to the battery for corrosion - I had an issue like that where one of the wires on the positive terminals was corroded and made an intermediate connection causing the hicas light to go on and off while driving.

hicas bottle in the boot?


yeah there is a bottle on the drivers side of the boot, behind the boot lining.

i know my car is supposed to be 4WS but how much does the rear wheels move?

i have sat in my car with the door open watching the rear wheels as i turn the wheel completely and they never moved.... how would you find out if something like a "lock kit" is installed?

yeah there is a bottle on the drivers side of the boot, behind the boot lining.

i know my car is supposed to be 4WS but how much does the rear wheels move?

i have sat in my car with the door open watching the rear wheels as i turn the wheel completely and they never moved.... how would you find out if something like a "lock kit" is installed?

Best notify everyone that you have a 32 :). R33s do not have a resivour in the boot.

I believe the 4ws only operates when car is in motion

Isn't the remote resovoir the attesa resovior? Which feeds into a pump under the boot?

Whereas R32 hicas is taken from the power steering pump...

I dunno why it goes on. I fixed it by removing the warning light from behind the dash. No warning light, No problem...

And I doubt your car would have a lock bar.

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