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Without going over board...

I think it needs a name change for 1. Its still skyline based, but the whole SAu site is really more than that now. So I feel maybe the cruise name should grow with its members. Bit like a GTR cruise...

Now just guessing here nothing is confirmed or denied. But a few reasons why Erin might (I do stress might) want SAu to come up with a new name (other than the above). For starters we had the chairity attached to it, which was a chairity Erin choose for her reasons. 2nd was the organiseation behind it. They did 3 scouting runs, did a map up, including how many kms to the next intersection, did the best job posible to get everyone attending one of the said maps. Organised pleanty of food and drinks, even if this meant her not having her car there. Even when the same drive was used a scouting run was still done to make sure there were no changes to the roads etc. So as we can all quite clearly see a lot of time, effort, organiseation and her own money (ie petrol, paper, etc) was put in. Maybe one reason is she doesnt want it stuffed up by someone else doing a half arsed job in compairson, not saying thats going to happen... but yeah. Then its something she came up with, I see what the rest of you are saying by its not hers rah rah. But to some degree it is. Sure if we didnt turn up it wouldnt have been what it was, but without Erin it would have been nothing, and nothing we would look forward to the next year etc. But Im sure if Erin comes on and wishes to reply she will give her reasons.

So maybe we respect Erins wishes and give it a new ORGINAL name, that reflects the cruise a bit better. Say maybe SAUQLDS ANNUAL *insert chairty name* CHAIRTY RUN!

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what the hell is a AGM? After grog mob?

DOnt wanna step over mud and organise something,, he does SUCH A GOOD job at it now :happy:

Check out the 3rd post of this thread, that you created.


You're a true genius.

So maybe we respect Erins wishes and give it a new ORGINAL name, that reflects the cruise a bit better. Say maybe SAUQLDS ANNUAL *insert chairty name* CHAIRTY RUN!

after sleeping on it last night, i had this very exact thought while in the shower this morning, except for the *insert chairty name* part, i'd drop that.

These are all valid points, and I understand where everyone is coming from. I like the name MSC. And I like how everyone is wanting to use the name. It has obviously truly been a big deal to people, and something they can remember the club by.

We have decided to go with a different charity this year, so it's not going to be totally the same. Also, surprise surprise, we are not using the same location. We can, as some people might not believe, come up with our OWN ideas.

Personally, I want the name MSC to live on. Nothing sounds better than "The 5th Anniversary of the Massive Skylines Cruise".

I have bitten my tongue on every topic relating to Erin, and I have done so, so far, on this topic... but in saying that, I want to continue with MSC. Who the f**k gives anyone the right to claim names of events. FFS. Leave it be. If you give up roles and give up membership, that's your choice. Move on and be the adult you claim to be.


remove the E from the end of massive to make it the massiv skyline cruze (fully hektik bro) lol

Looks like we might have issues with whatever the name is - i still say for taxation/ward off the cops purposes call it the "1987 ford corsair owners general consortium"

I understand that Erin has no legal right to the name, that she doesn't "own" the event, that she doesn't have a Skyline any more, and all that. I've even been told on more than one occasion that people think it's a childish decision. Whatever. Also, just to clarify, MSC had nothing to do with the club, although during the year that Erin was part of the Exec it was endorsed as a club event.

I would love nothing more than to see us run MSC 5 (and 6, 7, etc...) but to be fair, Erin has invested a lot of time into the event in the past four years and MSC will always have Erin's name attached to it in some way. Personally I think that's a tribute to how good the event is and how well known it has become, but if she doesn't want us to use the name (and I still have the message on my phone verifying this) then I don't think we should.

It's a difficult one, but it's being made more difficult than it has to be. Name change = everyone happy. People will get used to it.

remove the E from the end of massive to make it the massiv skyline cruze (fully hektik bro) lol

Looks like we might have issues with whatever the name is - i still say for taxation/ward off the cops purposes call it the "1987 ford corsair owners general consortium"

Bwahahahha.....go the corsair!

remove the E from the end of massive to make it the massiv skyline cruze (fully hektik bro) lol

Looks like we might have issues with whatever the name is - i still say for taxation/ward off the cops purposes call it the "1987 ford corsair owners general consortium"

Baaaaaaahahaha. Love it :wave:

I say we give Erin thanks for her efforts, but continue the tradition for many years to come. I don't know about her, but id be chuffed to see people taking on the new role and finish off something i satarted :wave:

But the point is you're not her (i assume lol) and as marc said he has had direct word from erin that she dosen't want the name to go on..

I think many of us dont understand why she wouldn't want the MSC to continue, but i do agree she put alot of hard work into it, at the end of the day its just a name, the spirit will remain the same whatever its called...

Ohh i got another one - "The artist formerly known as MSC" lol :wave:

Another brilliant statement, if was every 3 months then it wouldn't be annual would it?

You can kiss that Nobel prize goodbye now!!!!

Mark what is ya problem? I was saying that instead of having one "locked in" skyline cruise a year, we should try and have MORE skyline cruises, say every three months or so that way we have move to look forward too....

Perhaps i should try and write a little more clearly so people with trouble reading can understand.

yeah, but im saying why not make a few more annual cruises. so we just dont wait till novemeber for it.

why not share it around :wave:

Because no one ever freaking goes to anything!

Everyone whinges about no events...then when it comes time to go to one no one shows

Then the next week everyone is whining again

We've organised events that people have asked for on more than one occasion, and still had very few people show. Perhaps if people offered some suggestions instead of just not turning up to things, it'd be easier and more enjoyable for everyone.

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