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angels666, i realise you're Erins friend, but your argument that just because she organised something that she 'owns the rights to it' for all time is just rediculous.

and also, i'm sure a few members would have no dramas of saying it to her face, if the way she has treated me while she was a member of the club (remember, she is no longer a member of the club, and no longer active on SAU) was anything to go by.

Correct she is my friend and I've said nothing in this thread for 4 pages till it started going in circles. Seems half of SAU don't care what it's called and the other half are 'how f**king dare she blah blah blah'.

Question ... has anyone actually PM'ed Erin as stated in this thread. This thread should be in your mod/secret section (just like other forums have) for you guys to make a decision and move on, not left here for people to bag someone that put a lot of work into a great event. Bag me all you like guys, I have broad shoulders and don't care, but don't bag someone that has done a lot for this club.

Azzurra : If you feel so ill treated maybe you should in fact PM Erin.

*edit* oooh half your post vanished ;)

Edited by angels666
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It started out as a general enquiry into a BIG CRUISE of skylines..... Why has everyone turned it into a shitfight?

I can't speak for anyone else but my reason for posting in this thread is the below post from an executive member.

I have bitten my tongue on every topic relating to Erin, and I have done so, so far, on this topic... but in saying that, I want to continue with MSC. Who the f**k gives anyone the right to claim names of events. FFS. Leave it be. If you give up roles and give up membership, that's your choice. Move on and be the adult you claim to be.
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This thread needs to be closed as the replies are pointless and yes going around in circles. Just open a new one when the QLD comitee decide what to do.
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It started out as a general enquiry into a BIG CRUISE of skylines..... Why has everyone turned it into a shitfight?

Its actually becoming a growing trend in SAU QLD section...a bit sad actually...

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I think I can answer somewhat on behalf of Erin, seeming as though I was there for every event she organised, including the MSC.

She doesnt want people using the name because it was her baby. Her and I (as well as a few others!) put in a LOT of effort to organise those cruises and to try and give SAU some good publicity with charity donations on air, etc. Many hours were wasted in scouting runs, planning and organising that resulted in the success of the various MSCs, from a relatively pissweak begining to a pretty major event on the SAU calander. Having put in that effort, we really dont want the name used for future events that really may not live up to the standard.

No, of course we dont have a legal backing or any intellectual property rights to it. Aside from the fact you're f**king stupid for even suggesting that, why on earth would we trademark something like that? The name MSC was just a nice banner to put it under. Is it really so hard to think of something new? Go ahead and use MSC if you want, but please dont associate any of the people who put the effort into the previous generations of MSC with it. I know the amount of work erin put into the previous events, and I have serious doubts about the ability of the current members to pull it off to the same standard.

Having said that, I really do hope the current team can organise something to a similiar standard, be it called MSC or not. Then they can experience the wonders of wasting a lot of your own time and money to give an event to a bunch of people who dont appreciate it, and the associated backstabbing and bitching that comes with it. I can count on one hand the number of people from SAU who I'd be willing to help organise an event for again. You only have to look at the number of events organised when Erin was exec compared to the number of events organised under the current team (have there been any yet? lawl lawl) to see just how much work she did put in. Not that she complained about the time she spent (although I sure did), she was more than happy to put the time into the club for its members. But instead of a mature club who appreciated her efforts, she got stuck with a bunch of immature c**ts who'd rather backstab and fight online than act like human beings. I'm glad we got rid of the fscking thing, cause if ever there was a group of elitests, they sure do exist on here.

Anyway. Good luck to the club for the future, I know for a fact erin and myself wont be contributing toward the club ever again after the "thanks" we got.... But I hope the paying members go back to getting something for their money :P

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Andrew doesnt say c**ts. He is angry.

I tried to say it in a nice way. The powers to be knew what Erin wanted. If its read back through previous topics in the members section you will see how it was all hunky dory. The question was asked to Erin. She gave her answer. If you are going to ignore the answer why ask the question to start with?

The fact this is 5 pages and still going is stupid. I cant wait to get my subi.

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after reading this thread and another thread a while ago, it make me feel very sad.

it comes down to old school/new school again. Old school ppl think they are cool and senior in this f**ken car scene, so the ppl who joined after them should all quit.

the more i know this car scene, the more i feel so. same thing on Boostcruising.

so what is the deal??? u guys think u are so cool because you have been here longer?? so that u have every single right giving ppl shit???

move on, if you decided to move out of something, give some room for the ppl behind......you have nothing special just becoz u have been here longer.

btw,i have nothin against Erin, i dont even know her. i just dont like a lot of ppl's attitudes when they think they are being left outside........

the current management is good, and this is why i actually post on SAU, everyone seems to be equal, not like forums such as BC filled with wankers including some mods.

Edited by frankxinyu
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by the way, its ppl like you made all the newbies like me feel very unwelcome attending any of the events, or even joining the club.

no wonder no one turns up.....

I can only assume thats not targetted at me.... considering I rarely post on SAU, and if you dont know who Erin is, you dont know who I am either.....

Are you prehaps refering to the elitest group I made mention of?

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I can only assume thats not targetted at me.... considering I rarely post on SAU, and if you dont know who Erin is, you dont know who I am either.....

Are you prehaps refering to the elitest group I made mention of?

not u as i have never seen u posting. sorry

i remember a while back, there was a thread with all these members who joined before 2004 complainning all the new members stuffing up everything and blaming newbies for everything happened.......and i had a few problems with some of the mods on BC as well and in real life dealing with some senior members of the so called car scene, everything just added up.......

i just feel like these ppl are very snobby, and made me feel very unwelcome.......

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