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I'm Ticked Off...what Gets You Wound Up?

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A while ago I found the words "f**k You" engraved on the rear quarter of my car.

Not sure if it was little kids or some gutless wonder with a chip up his arse.

Luckily that side of the car was getting sprayed for some minor damage already.

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A while ago I found the words "f**k You" engraved on the rear quarter of my car.

Not sure if it was little kids or some gutless wonder with a chip up his arse.

Luckily that side of the car was getting sprayed for some minor damage already.

some people are odd.

Theres a family of deevo's (deviants) that live up the street somewhere.. and they may not have even reached puberty, but I'm pretty adament that they're capable of causing damage to not only public/private property, but also to others who "stand in their way". (except me.. coz I'm massive. :happy: )

I reckon we could see this family in a future episode of A Current Affair. Fortunately they only cause a ruckus around their side of the tracks and havent wondered about the corner to discover new turf to literally feed off. If they do, the garage will be fought for between my old man and I, until one of us can be bothered to clean out the other half of it.

Now I know it's not their fault that they're like the way they are, well maybe it is, but unfortuantely some of the parents don't care either.. so they're not the best role models. And it isn't just happening just here up my street, but is always something thats gonna be around.

I see scum junkies at the city interchange and I imagine to myself that 10 odd years ago they had a family who may have had a bright outlook on life.. but the kid/family took a turn for the worst and now they're off the rails..

But getting back to the orignal topic.. yeah.. I hate when people scratch cars. :glare:

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Good to see that I am not the only pretentious person about. My Mrs and some of my mates think I should lighten up, but everything posted here just shows that I am not crazy!!

My latest gripe is with hero/arrogant drivers. The ones who do 120 in a 100 zone, then drop to 80 as soon as there is a hint of a hill or curve. I went to the coast on the weekend and was slowed down so much by these sort of people.

Of course when there was a safe opportunity to overtake I did without any fuss; but these people really cheese me off when they try and keep up in a straight line and quickly dissapear once I have gone through a couple of corners.

I can really understand (but not condone) why some people do stupid stuff in these situations just to get past these heros.

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i hate people who get in the right lane and sit at the same speed as the person in the left.

i had some tool do it to me on the monaro near rose cottage, today around 5.30pm. was going towards calwell up the hill as it hits 100 and a guy in a ute was right behind someone in the left lane, i was coming up fast and the ute suddenly went into the right and sat there next to the other car, there was no one infront of him and he couldve over taken but he just sat there. he then went back behind the car after 2 mins, wtf? what a c**t, does it just to piss me off. i stared him down good :)

Edited by SKYLVIA
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i hate people who get in the right lane and sit at the same speed as the person in the left.

i had some tool do it to me on the monaro near rose cottage, today around 5.30pm. was going towards calwell up the hill as it hits 100 and a guy in a ute was right behind someone in the left lane, i was coming up fast and the ute suddenly went into the right and sat there next to the other car, there was no one infront of him and he couldve over taken but he just sat there. he then went back behind the car after 2 mins, wtf? what a c**t, does it just to piss me off. i stared him down good :)

Amen bruvva!

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Good to see that I am not the only pretentious person about. My Mrs and some of my mates think I should lighten up, but everything posted here just shows that I am not crazy!!

My latest gripe is with hero/arrogant drivers. The ones who do 120 in a 100 zone, then drop to 80 as soon as there is a hint of a hill or curve. I went to the coast on the weekend and was slowed down so much by these sort of people.

Of course when there was a safe opportunity to overtake I did without any fuss; but these people really cheese me off when they try and keep up in a straight line and quickly dissapear once I have gone through a couple of corners.

I can really understand (but not condone) why some people do stupid stuff in these situations just to get past these heros.

i hate people who get in the right lane and sit at the same speed as the person in the left.

i had some tool do it to me on the monaro near rose cottage, today around 5.30pm. was going towards calwell up the hill as it hits 100 and a guy in a ute was right behind someone in the left lane, i was coming up fast and the ute suddenly went into the right and sat there next to the other car, there was no one infront of him and he couldve over taken but he just sat there. he then went back behind the car after 2 mins, wtf? what a c**t, does it just to piss me off. i stared him down good :)

AMEN to both. They are my pet hates.

My Mrs and some of my mates think I should lighten up, but everything posted here just shows that I am not crazy!!

I get the same thing for being sinical because people like us know the truths of the world instead of living in denial about the world being a happy place and everyone should get a long. IT WONT EVER HAPPEN!!

And thats my rant finished.

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I've spent this entire day so far fixing up this f**king guideline document that this retard wrote, our publishers have sent it back from production because it's absolutely riddled with formatting errors and inconsistencies. The guy that wrote it is supposedly some brilliant fire engineer that is worth his weight in gold, hence why they pay him 100 grand a year.

So anyway he writes this thing up, gets leg humped by all the other halfwits for doing such a good job. It goes through a "full QA", which involves going through all 5 managers here, the deputy general manager, and a committee of about 20 people for checking. Then it goes to the publishers for print who actually looked at the thing and saw how horrible it actually is. They even did the good thing and sent it back even though they didn't have to and told us what they picked up was wrong.

Guess who's got to fix this thing?

Not him.

He doesn't know how. He wrote the whole document and yet can't fix the style guide that he supposedly made for it (and assf**ked I might add).

He can't even get the page numbering right. Or the consistency between the left and right pages.

Page 5 typically comes after page 4, not page 3. Page 4 seems to have been on leave in this document. Page 22 must have been in a meeting. There are chapter names in the headings that are actually the chapter names from, oh, about 50 pages ago.

I seriously cannot wait to be an EL2. I'll get paid 100k a year to have an IQ of 300. I say 300 because most of them seem to have 300psi of compressed air in their head. And nothing else. It also seems to be rather warm air too. There certainly isn't any fuel in the mixture. I'm not even going to waste my time to check if there's spark.

No offence to anyone on here that might be a government EL2, I'm sure there are those that deserve to be doing that well. But these guys here sometimes really blow me away with how braindead they can be.

End whinge.

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Mate the higher you go up the chain the thinner the air gets causing irreversible brain damage... Im half way up and im starting the feel slightly giddy from the lack of air... :no:

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You know what really grinds my gears?

People in woolies/coles that think because they have a basket it entitles them to use the "express checkout" No it doesnt, i remembwe the day of the 8 item or less checkout, nice and fast, great if your just popping in to get milk and bread etc. BUT NOT ANYMORE, people have gone too far once again, the fact that your entire weeks groceries may happen to fit in a basket does not entitle you to the express checkout! use the aisle with grandma and her shopping trolley, people who just want one or two things have to wait, and wait and wait for these people to pull out there whole goddam weeks crap in the EXPRESS aisle... its not express when you have 30+ goddam things TARDS!!!!


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No offence to anyone on here that might be a government EL2, I'm sure there are those that deserve to be doing that well. But these guys here sometimes really blow me away with how braindead they can be.

End whinge.

My EL2 is hot.. I perve on her all day. I think it's the whole power thing. I wouldn't mind working directly below her. *high 5!* (scrubs)

I hate missing out on sleep.

I hate having to do a bog in a public toilet.

How's that for relevance???

I'm picky about my public toilet craps. I'd walk up to the 7th floor of our building to get a nice cubicle with no one in it.

I usually head to David Jones toilet's when I'm in Woden. Splendid! If you watch the sales assistants as you head towards the toilets, you can see them glaring at you, coz they know what you're here for.. OHH YEAH!

You know what really grinds my gears?

Protein shakes. No matter how much "research" they put into it, they still manage to taste like poo.

Soo much toilet talk here!

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