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I'm Ticked Off...what Gets You Wound Up?

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You know what really grinds my gears?

People in woolies/coles that think because they have a basket it entitles them to use the "express checkout" No it doesnt, i remembwe the day of the 8 item or less checkout, nice and fast, great if your just popping in to get milk and bread etc. BUT NOT ANYMORE, people have gone too far once again, the fact that your entire weeks groceries may happen to fit in a basket does not entitle you to the express checkout! use the aisle with grandma and her shopping trolley, people who just want one or two things have to wait, and wait and wait for these people to pull out there whole goddam weeks crap in the EXPRESS aisle... its not express when you have 30+ goddam things TARDS!!!!


haha my sister used to be a checkout chick and whenever she had to do express line she would just refuse to serve those people

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The woolies in belco has a sign "Express checkouts: hand baskets only"

then you see retarded old ladies with their trolley with 4 things in it. they must be either blind or illiterate or something... retarded maybe

That really grinds my gears

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good on her stupid people who think they are better than everyone else...

I am not sure if people have noticed this and it doesnt happen very often but when it does it pisses me off royal.... Some guy (yes it usally guys females don't seem to do it) who is like an EL2 or even sometimes just people who think they are better than you talking on there phone and you come to a swipe door... they just stand there and point you at the door as though you are there servent... YOU HAVE TWO f**kING HANDS YOU CAN USE THE OTHER ONE IF NOT TURN YOUR PHONE OFF...

it may seem petty but i don't care it pisses me off...

haha my sister used to be a checkout chick and whenever she had to do express line she would just refuse to serve those people
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The woolies in belco has a sign "Express checkouts: hand baskets only"

then you see retarded old ladies with their trolley with 4 things in it. they must be either blind or illiterate or something... retarded maybe

That really grinds my gears

I gotta defend em dude. My grandma had to do it aswell because her arms werent strong enough and her arthritis would cause her so much pain. She had to use the little baby seat (you heartless bastard :D ).

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The woolies in belco has a sign "Express checkouts: hand baskets only"

then you see retarded old ladies with their trolley with 4 things in it. they must be either blind or illiterate or something... retarded maybe

That really grinds my gears

thats fair enough, some older people cant hold a basket for too long, and as long as they dont have half a trolley they arent really holding you up that much

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For people who want to purchase 4 items but need a trolley as they cant carry a basket? what difference does it make? 4 items is 4 items.

Maybe they should have a lane for elderly people who want to go in express lanes but arent allowed because they cant carry baskets and need trolleys.

Edited by SKYLVIA
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People who say they are going to go to things and then pike... eg myself i keep commiting to do things only be told that i have already commited to something else....... WHY DO PEOPLE EG MYSELF HAVE SUCH BAD MEMORYS!!!

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come on guys, give old people a break. they can be painful, frustrating, annoying and even dangerous. but they are so vulnerable that everything is intimidating in a society that generally respects nothing these days except the $, and since most old people have no $ they are often considered a burden on society and useless. try that for a 'place to be at' in your head when a lot of their friends/children died protecting our freedom, and they put their lives on the line to do the same for us.

because despite how good you might have once been, when you know you're slow in the head, and don't even have the stength to defend yourself against a 12 year old kid, life sucks. hard to imagine? wait long enough and you'll find out. for some old people even going outside the house is a matter of survival and takes more courage than most people ever need in their lives. and the real kick in the ass is that all of us who get to be that old will experience what i'm talking about.

maybe time to start a fund for the SAU retirement home. i remember that 8 sec pass I did blah blah blah. girfriends still over in the corner pissed at us for talking cars. sitting on the balcony giving the forks to V8 drivers. usual stuff really.

rant over.

oh and enough of the EL2 antichrist stuff already! nah, bring it...game on :(

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i agree with scoobs. listen to the ol' man! :happy: J/k's...

*please dont kill me :(*

OLD oldies can be annoying, but you just gotta deal i guess. poor buggers, i feel for em

although in saying that, if an older person (as in older than me) demands respect from me if i dont even know them nor owe them anything, id tell em to piss off, just because they were born before me doesnt mean i should kiss their feet.

Edited by SKYLVIA
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