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I'm Ticked Off...what Gets You Wound Up?

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Canberra drivers CANNOT merge!! Why do I have to put up with idiots who stop in the merging lane from Newcastle street on to Canberra Ave every night!! :(

There needs to be a big sign that reads - Stop in a merging lane and youre a bloody idiot! :D

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They'd only stop to read the sign then..............and then think 'Lucky its not me'

People who ignore a merge right sign and go whistling past youstill in the left lane then expect to be able to get in further up the line, f#ck off jerk, wait your turn now!!

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and then there's the merging lane at Fyshwick that comes up beside the overpass when heading into the city from Newcastle street.

i keep missing the sign that says 'if you're on this merging lane remember it's up to the 20 cars on the dual carriageway doing 80km/h to merge with you. yes, although it's your lane that disappears, take no notice!'

or they could just stick a stop / give way sign on the dual carriageway itself.

traffic in Vietnam is unlike anything else. just has to be seen...

Edited by Scooby
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Pissed off, my shit box laser cracked a water pump housing on friday night, then the clutch slave cylinder promptly gave out in my sisters excel this morning... which i was supposed to sell :rofl: Boo hooo

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What gets me wound up? Driving round Canberra at 5 am in the god damn morning after just knocking off work, and having a Canberra local try to install themselves as the latest mod to the engine bay.

I'm heading north on the federal highway just before the horse park turn off when this fluffy piece of Australiana appears in roo form on the side of the road, I must have startled the bastard cause he decides to take off across the road right in front of me. Now I know roos are god damn everywhere around here so I'm always wary but never the less I dive on the anchors and thank the son of rajab the car pulls up in time . . . or so I thought. Even though I'm stopped the mongrel at full flight face plants it into the left front fender. He hit it so hard that it knocked him cold. Long enough for me to get out of the car (which is now parked across two lanes of highway) and run around the back of the car. Not really sure what I was gonna do when I got there but the stupid thing got up and very tentatively nicked off into the bush.

A.C.T roo 1, front fender . . . well, I'll be seeing it in hell in a few years time.

*** END RANT ***

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LoL, knocked out cold hahaha.

Hot tip, next time, brake and adjust direction of the car so you heading towards the roo, by the time your there, he woulda passed.

"Australiana in roo form" rofl.

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What I fail to understand:

Someone in Los Angeles comes up with a design, big companies make a couple of prototypes, they assess market reaction, they check the demographics, calculate the target market, make sales forecasts, do item cost and analyse profit and loss, swing into production and sub contract the item to a sweatshop in Phillipines/Thailand/India/Malaysia/Pakistan and then play them off against one another until they achieve a rock bottom unit price, they then have 100’s or thousands of this item made, it has the logo prominently displayed [Nike, Converse, Billabong, Mambo, Levi pick a flavour]. It is distributed around retail outlets around the world.

We walk in and spend our hard earned dollars on it because it appeals, or the man in the TV says we must have it to fix our miserable lives, then we will taste real success, we will be winners in life.

We try it on and it feels light, warm, comfortable, and for a fleeting moment we think we are the person our parents wanted us to be, we are sexy, we are intelligent, we are achievers.

We take it home and wear it with pride, but there is something wrong??? It is a basic flaw that occurs time and again, but nobody does a thing about it, don’t these people wear their own product, can’t they see the defect?

With all this research and product investment, within all this network, with all the resources at their disposal, there is no single genius.

Is this failure destined to haunt the retail therapist participant till the planets collide?

How can all these products get it so wrong and include a tag or label at the back of the neck, on the collar, that is made from recycled oyster shells!!!

Just about every garment I own has had the tag cut off because they annoy the bejesus out of me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

f*#(ed over by Optus again....

We moved back to canberra and wanted to stay with Optus for our internet so we called them up and asked them to transfer our account over but at the same time upgrade our account to 70gb plan. 2 weeks of down time later (we got charged during this period aswell, apparantly we downloaded 1gb while not connected to the internet) we got setup with a 7gb plan that had an additional cost of 15c per mb we go over the limit. We were not told about this lower limit or excess download charge. Last months bill we were 3gb over our limit. We call up and complain and they 'correctly' set us up with a 20gb account (apparantly there is no such thing as a 70gb plan), half way through this month we find out we are still on the 7gb plan and are currently 1.5gb over with over a week to go before the plan resets.

Optus are jerks and i would not hesitate in running over their first born children

Edited by Baconer
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f*#(ed over by Optus again....

We moved back to canberra and wanted to stay with Optus for our internet so we called them up and asked them to transfer our account over but at the same time upgrade our account to 70gb plan. 2 weeks of down time later (we got charged during this period aswell, apparantly we downloaded 1gb while not connected to the internet) we got setup with a 7gb plan that had an additional cost of 15c per mb we go over the limit. We were not told about this lower limit or excess download charge. Last months bill we were 3gb over our limit. We call up and complain and they 'correctly' set us up with a 20gb account (apparantly there is no such thing as a 70gb plan), half way through this month we find out we are still on the 7gb plan and are currently 1.5gb over with over a week to go before the plan resets.

Optus are jerks and i would not hesitate in running over their first born children

Interesting...the boss is about to switch everything over to 'the big O', and thus far we've already had a few glitches. Looks like it could be a struggle. That said, T'stra has farked us over for long enough...

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People who use the 'big' companies for ISP's are generally people who haven't done their homework very well.

Internode/iiNet/TPG are the best three around at the moment.

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i have just joined with iinet for my broadband...everything went well except

they emailed me my password for my connection, so when i went to connect my modem, i couldn 't cuz i didn't have my password, which i couldn't get because i didn't have the net

so stupid, got there in the end but

what pisses me off? customers at working expecting you to be there servent, especially when they call up on the phone and expect you to ell them every little thing about the 30 different microwaves or clock radio's that we stock - how bout u come into the store u lazy twats

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haha that's me :blink: I'm with Telstra but just too lazy to look around and swap it all over. And I don't particularly want to change my email address either.

Get yourself a domain name from somewhere like www.directnic.com for approx $15 USD a year for a .com or .net of your own, use that as your email address and its easy to redirect your mail to whatever ISP you have at the time. I frequently change ISP's and it takes about 30 seconds to make the change at directnic and you don't have to tell anyone cos they'll keep using [email protected] for example.

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  • 1 month later...

Ah ha, i got the best of both worlds today! Was about to turn onto Flemmington road but this 4WD in front of my was giving way to cars not even near the roundabout (also drove in bicycle lane). But if that wasnt worse enough, at one intersection this driving stopped to give way to ghosts, only to have a laser dart through it (P-plate), making people coming from the right having to stop in the intersection. This laser driver then kept to the speed limit (60) until entering a road work area (60) then increase speed to 80, then droped down to 70 when they went into a 80 zone and shortly after started to indicate right then stoped indicating then turned left without indicating.

...I'll have some of what he's having!!

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His name is Dillon, he's a bloody idiot. I am a customer of Transact and ActewAGL, I have bundled and save a shite load of money with a 30% discount. However, every time I have to deal with this Dillon idiot, he f**ks it and I end up ringing back asking why something hasn't been completed in the correct time, or at all. No one else gets it wrong, so why does this guy still have a job? Maybe I should make a complaint. Either way, everytime I ring up now and get him, I hang up and call back in the hope i'll get someone else. I'm prepared to wait a bit longer if it means I wont have to call back again later in a shitty state.

That is all.

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