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I'm Ticked Off...what Gets You Wound Up?

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Bad customer service is what has pissed me off lately. Thought I'd spend some of my hard earned dollars on a PS 2 and some games at a country Big W store. Went up to the counter with the games and asked if I could also purchase the PS 2 console as well. Afterall without one my games would be expensive drink coasters. So got this "oh f**k do I have to" look from the little overpaid stuck up b*tch who had to mentally process my difficult request and walk a whole 15 huge metres to retrieve one from the store room behind the counter. Said b*tch returns after her long excruciating journey even more b*tchy and somehow manages to wrap the games, receipt them and somehow deal with the apparently hard to operate cash register. Frankly I could'nt wait to get the f#ck out of there but managed a "see ya" on the way out. I guess its hard to serve 1 customer every 20 minutes poor honey she should try working in an entertainment section at the Knox City complex in Melbourne at Christmas, that is being run off your feet and the funny thing is I've been there countless times and never had one bad experience with the staff there who actually might have something legitimate to complain about. I just dont like walking into a store to spend money which did'nt grow on a tree to be treated like an inconvienience.

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fair nuff,

I used to work in retail, i managed to make good sales and get returning customers from just a little kindness and extra effort, (i just thought that was the normal commonthing to do, guess i was wrong)

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  • 1 month later...

dodgy importers that import and sell a car that has a faulty wiring loom.. the importer told me that they spent $2500.00 (two thousand and five hundred dollars.. not a typo) on trying to diognose a problem that the car was having (engine limiting to 5000rpm) and they told me that they had sorted it (shorting wire). on the day i picked the car they told me that the car was running beautiful. 1.5 hours later the engine was missfiring (i was already half way back to canberra when it started) and the stereo wasnt even working. trojan eventuly solved the problem (replaced spark plugs, coils and leads.. which wasnt cheap mind you).. or at least i thought the problem was solved.. it turns out that the ignition problems were only the icing on the cake.. the whole wiring loom has streched/corroded and all the pins on the ecu are bent.. THE WHOLE BLOODY THING, john said that it was lucky that the engine didnt have serious problems due to faulty wiring.. i cant believe that these "mechanics" japan bought and inspected the car and did not notice this problem and the problem wasnt picked up by the importers in sydney either.

now the poor guys at trojan (and an auto electrician whos name i dont know) have to replace the whole bloody loom from scratch using parts from supras, soarers etc

i frickn love the car but its turning out like my BMW did.. nothing stays not broken for more than a week.. really starting to strain the relationship

please note that i am not having a go at the guys from trojan at all.. they have been nothing but helpful since i got this car.. its the importers in sydney and their contact in japan that im pissed off with.

Edited by Ex!$t3nZ
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dodgy importers that import and sell a car that has a faulty wiring loom.. the importer told me that they spent $2500.00 (two thousand and five hundred dollars.. not a typo) on trying to diognose a problem that the car was having (engine limiting to 5000rpm) and they told me that they had sorted it (shorting wire). on the day i picked the car they told me that the car was running beautiful. 1.5 hours later the engine was missfiring (i was already half way back to canberra when it started) and the stereo wasnt even working. trojan eventuly solved the problem (replaced spark plugs, coils and leads.. which wasnt cheap mind you).. or at least i thought the problem was solved.. it turns out that the ignition problems were only the icing on the cake.. the whole wiring loom has streched/corroded and all the pins on the ecu are bent.. THE WHOLE BLOODY THING, john said that it was lucky that the engine didnt have serious problems due to faulty wiring.. i cant believe that these "mechanics" japan bought and inspected the car and did not notice this problem and the problem wasnt picked up by the importers in sydney either.

now the poor guys at trojan (and an auto electrician whos name i dont know) have to replace the whole bloody loom from scratch using parts from supras, soarers etc

i frickn love the car but its turning out like my BMW did.. nothing stays not broken for more than a week.. really starting to strain the relationship

please note that i am not having a go at the guys from trojan at all.. they have been nothing but helpful since i got this car.. its the importers in sydney and their contact in japan that im pissed off with.

Join the club, I bought from a dealer, the fact that my car passed their shops roadworthy is laughable, but being a noob, I didn't spot the little things. So far it hasn't treated me too bad, but I am apprehensive about stuff with the car sometimes. Not a fan of my dealer at all.

Anyway, apart from that my current pet peeve, is the amount of pedestrians who don't seem to understand the concept that "Cars have RIGHT OF WAY on the road" don't even hurry across the road when they see you, and one woman gave me a death stare when I honked at them. Use a pedestrian crossing or give way to cars......


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me and my mate were driving through civic one night round 8 o clock. some lady jumped out in front of us about 10 meters from a crossing...my mate honked at her and she gave us a death stare...

so i abused her :banana:

(yes i am tough)

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That sux Nim, I hope you sort it out :D

Anyway, apart from that my current pet peeve, is the amount of pedestrians who don't seem to understand the concept that "Cars have RIGHT OF WAY on the road" don't even hurry across the road when they see you, and one woman gave me a death stare when I honked at them. Use a pedestrian crossing or give way to cars......


i HATE this too... I always mutter under my breath " I WILL run you over" as I get closer to them... daring them to test me out lol :D People are so stupid....

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  • 3 weeks later...

What gets me wound up?

Working in a shift work environment where you work 9 to 5 for 7 days straight, but the wrong end of 9 to 5 (as in 9pm to 5am), walking out to the shed to get in the car to bolt off to work, and finding, lucky me, I've got a flat tyre. This is about the coolest thing since herpes!


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I hate wankers that think they cool cuz the sit in Maccas car parks whilst dosing their cars (usually VL Turbo's, or in my lastest instance a r32 gts-t) for extended periods, the noise will really shit you off after a while.

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