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Hey all

just venting some anger

today i was driving home from work, theres a point where you have to merge at the top of a hill, i indicated for about 10 seconds hoping that some kind person would let me in. The person in front of me (in the other lane) sped up a bit too let me in, but then the FAT F*CK behind her sped up, therefor not letting me in, he looked straight at me and smiled. OMG! That was it, he then had the nerve to cut me off about 5 minutes later. I drove up next to him with my window down signalling to him to wind down his window down for a "friendly" discussion. But the prick wouldnt even look at me. All I am trying to say here is, Dont be a top bloke by not letting ppl who have signalled in PLENTY of time in.



P.S: I am not normally like this but enough is enough I reckon. Its a little thing called commen courtesy but evidentely no one knows what that is anymore!

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I wouldn't take that kind of attitude... nowadays, if anyone pisses me off i tail gate or swerve and cut them off the road. I guess one day I will meet the wrong person and have my face punched in.. but i'm full of rage!

Look im all for that in some circumstances but cause im big, ppl tend to think that im always looking for fights( sometimes i am) but, look i dunno most of the time i will tailgate someone that has pissed me off but i just couldnt believe that farker. OMG! Bashings for him, TO THE HEAD. BWUHAHAHAHAHAHA

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Well by law, if someone in another lane is indicating, and is in front of you, you have to let them in.....

I always indicate with heaps of notice, and people usually let me in. I dont like to wait for a gap, then indicate.....

But when I see some mofo speeding up to not lert me in, I swerve into that lane hard (only about 1/8 th into the lane), the other person usually brakes hard, then I slowly take the lane..... :P

This technique is effective about 80% of the time it is used... maybe more...

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