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Guest | hype^ |

dont get me wrong im dedicated to this club..

but i aint putting no stickers on my car body!:O

get 1 that will fit the windscreen nicely..

like maybe a big 1 for the rear and a smaller 1 for the front :P

that would be nice..

like maybe the rear 1 saying "Skylines Australia" on the rear and a smaller "http://forums.skylinesaustralia.com" on the front..

or some sh*t like that.. :uh-huh:

for design i wouldnt mind the logo on the upper of the screen.. as it is.. :O

Birty it's not that nothing has been done, it's just we wanted to try and get the paperwork side of the club organised before we worried too much about stuff like stickers etc. A car sticker will be included in your membership fee, so we need to have the club going before we can send them out to anyone.

A few promotional banners are being made up atm (for across the back windscreen - see attached pic)...we will see what they look like on a car, if they look cool, they could possibly be the proper sticker...

But as kabab said all design ideas are very welcome! Please keep them simple and easy to make into a vinyl cut-out sticker :P

It's still being done state by state is it not ? Cause I don't know what's going on up here, hopefully come Skidpan we'll be able to sit down and talk it out, I know Squizz and cam are coming so all should be good hopefully. But I want a sticker, I don't mind paying for it. But i'm bloody well impatient sucka's. When they're ready I want one, i'll pay, no problems.

Originally posted by Birty

It's still being done state by state is it not ? Cause I don't know what's going on up here, hopefully come Skidpan we'll be able to sit down and talk it out, I know Squizz and cam are coming so all should be good hopefully. But I want a sticker, I don't mind paying for it. But i'm bloody well impatient sucka's. When they're ready I want one, i'll pay, no problems.

you spoilt little brat. (oooh nah. i forgot my powerball ticket. i just remembered. doh) each state is responsible for their own club so yeah, talk to cam or j at the meet you guys are having. the stickers shouldn't be too much longer and we'll have this thing going where you can buy one now and if/when you join you get the same amount deducted off of your membership payment

Originally posted by ex-static

well, that puts a stop to that then, doesnt it.

hey ex-static, don't stop...your designs are good! I like the second one a lot :)

Nothing has been decided for the "official" sticker, so if you have any more ideas, keep them coming! Not sure if we want more than one colour though, will have to look into cost :)

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