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Ch9 Story On Modified Car Bust


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i was just running in my new motor coming home from the coast at mid nite minding my own business in the far left lane ot comera doing 100 in a 110 zone just by my self. then they just pulled out of the middle of the highway and pulled me over strait away and took me to a defect station by my happened to die on the way their { dam fuel pumps just stopped } so they got the transport to come to me and gave me a yellow sticker on my window for having 7 major defects and no mod plates and lost 3 points. i will have the car fixed this week. this was the first time i have taken the car to the coast this year mite not go back for awhile.

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This is the main reason why i dont go out between Thursday to Sundays around the coast, to many cops even if you are doing nothing wrong and your car is not defectable you still get hassled.

But on the other hand there are alot of idiots who attract the cops and give us a bad name.

Save it for the track.

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this is part of the reason why i am trying to keep my car looking stock. the only things i could get defected for is cutting the front reo to fit the cooler in, and the exhaust noise.

but the thing is that they book people in performance cars for having illegal mods. they should be pulling over old cars to make sure that the brakes work, the lights work, that they aren't leaking oil quicker than they use fuel, there isn't rust all through it so as soon as it hits a bump half the suspension falls out.

and on the note of being booked in standard cars, there is a cop in town that loves booking people for the stupidest things. a guy in a brand new patrol ute got booked because his number plate wasn't visible from 45 degrees looking from the top. it was in the factory position, with the factory tray.

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mad082... if ur referin to the cop 'M LITTLE' then i know what your perfectly talking about in terms of him booking people not no reason. he clearly has no idea what he is talking about nor has an idea about any modification requirements allowed.

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Ha Welcome To defect day,

I got defected on Moss St yesterday aswell minding my own business, i knew the coppa was gunna pull me over so drove even slower, stupid idiots taking easy pickings coz of the dyno day at autobarn yesterday, any person from sau down there? Bloody it was defect centeral with two cops one undercover doing cars left right and center,

Feel sorry for ya kaos

Least i can fight mine

Good luck :happy:

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i was just running in my new motor coming home from the coast at mid nite minding my own business in the far left lane ot comera doing 100 in a 110 zone just by my self. then they just pulled out of the middle of the highway and pulled me over strait away and took me to a defect station by my happened to die on the way their { dam fuel pumps just stopped } so they got the transport to come to me and gave me a yellow sticker on my window for having 7 major defects and no mod plates and lost 3 points. i will have the car fixed this week. this was the first time i have taken the car to the coast this year mite not go back for awhile.

God I hope that isn't why Nicky sms'ed me :happy: Cause I wasn't out

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And if your interested the cars that attended the dyno day I left early after a good feeding frenzy, a supra, 5ILLE, KFR34, Silver GTR and engine, his Sweet 4dr33 & engine, and her R33gtst and engine, a killerV8 & its Turbo and a RebelV8. Sky line

To avoid going to each link go here http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...md=sc&cat=6

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mad082... if ur referin to the cop 'M LITTLE' then i know what your perfectly talking about in terms of him booking people not no reason. he clearly has no idea what he is talking about nor has an idea about any modification requirements allowed.

this is up in gympie <hides head in shame>. but the problem is that he knows EXACTLY what is legal and what's not. my old boss got booked for having the towbar on his gt forrester because it slightly blocked the numberplate.... if you were trying to look at it from dead horizontal.

the cop is very polite in how he does it. he doesn't act like a prick in how he talks to you, like some cops. but apparently he has to move town every few years since he pisses so many people off. he is the sort of cop that would pull over other cops... or his own mother.

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this is up in gympie <hides head in shame>. but the problem is that he knows EXACTLY what is legal and what's not. my old boss got booked for having the towbar on his gt forrester because it slightly blocked the numberplate.... if you were trying to look at it from dead horizontal.

the cop is very polite in how he does it. he doesn't act like a prick in how he talks to you, like some cops. but apparently he has to move town every few years since he pisses so many people off. he is the sort of cop that would pull over other cops... or his own mother.

yep, very much like this cop. except this cop didnt know what he was talking about. he gave me a fine for not having a modification plate. clearly i dont require a modification plate for any of the mods i have done and he was happy to mention that he goes through the courts atleast 3 times a week cause people fight the fines he hands out. well, clearly this should state something to him.

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Mr KAOS always causing KAOS ha ha unlucky mate....

but shit love the new combo hooks up real good.... can't wait to see the batles on @ jambo 32's everywhere...

GO 8 SEC GTR's & GTST's you know u can do it........

umm yeah thats gotta be the hottest GTST around too.... guess the boys in blue were just doing there job

IDEA- we need a KRISPY KREME in brissy that outta get half the cops off the street :P;):huh:

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I drove down the coast on the weekend... drove down sat nite, went to BWCP, drove back. Went back down Sunday, went down the spit, back up etc. Not a problem. We saw them pulling a few cars over tho. Bit bloody dangerous the way they were doing it if you ask me!

I had one cop kinda follow me just round a few back streets round my house. But hey, he forgot to indicate, I didnt do anything wrong so that would have learnt him!

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