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hi all

Its a lovely day here in Perth (not,,,bloody horrible actually :wub:)...I went to turn my back window wiper on only to find that it did nothing :( I turned it onto the On position and all i could see was the top bit moving and the wiper and holder move downwards and thats where it stayed :D

Is this a sign that it has died :bunny: or that i have a wire lose or does something need tightening :D my first impressions where that if i could see it move that it was probably not dead...but with weather like this it is almost impossible to see anything out of my back window..and ideas would be greatly appreciated :bunny:

Thanks champs

Wildcat :D

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First thing would be check fuses

Other then that you'll have to do what i had to do for a full diagnostic, meaning take the cowling off the top and bottom of the steering column, there are 9 screws underneath, and check the 4 wire plug on the left of the steering column.

Then get an electrical type person to "close the circuts" and "check for eath" and "check for positive" with and without the switch being on.

then check the wiring running from the steering column, under the dash, under the drivers side foot/kick panel, under the drivers seat, under the drivers side passenger seat, behind the plastic under the back drivers side glass and then through to the back door.

then manually close the circut on the wiper motor to see if it works independantly from the switched wiring, get positive from somewhere else.

from that I determined that the wiring going to the switch from the old ecu was somehow lost in the spaghetti going into the power-fc, which is somehwere in the dash.

So I'm just going to manually rewire the switch, easiest solution for me :(

  Ska said:
First thing would be check fuses

Other then that you'll have to do what i had to do for a full diagnostic, meaning take the cowling off the top and bottom of the steering column, there are 9 screws underneath, and check the 4 wire plug on the left of the steering column.

Then get an electrical type person to "close the circuts" and "check for eath" and "check for positive" with and without the switch being on.

then check the wiring running from the steering column, under the dash, under the drivers side foot/kick panel, under the drivers seat, under the drivers side passenger seat, behind the plastic under the back drivers side glass and then through to the back door.

then manually close the circut on the wiper motor to see if it works independantly from the switched wiring, get positive from somewhere else.

from that I determined that the wiring going to the switch from the old ecu was somehow lost in the spaghetti going into the power-fc, which is somehwere in the dash.

So I'm just going to manually rewire the switch, easiest solution for me :no:

:) oh my :rofl: that sounds like a long job...might check if its a fuse if not i will learn to have something broken :huh: thanks for your help champ

From your description it sounds like somehow the wiper arm has detached itself from the motor. I don't remember how Stag tailgates are put together but if you can get at it, check to see if a clip hasn't just fallen off or something. If you're not mechanically minded it might be worth taking it to a workshop and mention that you think this might be the case and ask them to look at it. Get someone to recommend a shop that won't take you for a ride (SAUWA club sponsors would be a good place to start) and possibly take a guy with you, from your sig I'm guessing you're female. Yes it's sexist, but some shops do still overcharge or outright lie to women if they think they can get away with it.

If you want to check it, turn the rear wiper on, then go to the back of the car. If you can hear the wiper motor going, it's not wiring, fuses or a relay so you can avoid the nasty job of getting into the dash and steering column :rofl:

  MrGTST said:
Dont worry I will have a look at it on the weekend... :huh:

see look what happens you take my car out and it comes back broken :) (*runs away going to get hurt for that comment ) :rofl:

I agree with Revhead.

It happened to me while I was borrowing my mum's r31 so i had to fix it for her.

Its is a bit tricky to get at and you have to concertrate on the links being the right way round or the wipers will try to stop up the top in stead of tucked away. :rofl:

  Revhead said:
If you want to check it, turn the rear wiper on, then go to the back of the car. If you can hear the wiper motor going, it's not wiring, fuses or a relay so you can avoid the nasty job of getting into the dash and steering column :)

ok i went to the back of the car if i lift the wiper up it is really loose and moves around if i let go of it, it falls to the ground. Then i put it back on the down on the window turned it on and you can see the round bit just before the wiper blade/holder itself trying to lift it up but nothing happens... :rofl:

Edit* forgot to mention that i can see the round bit actually rotating around and hear the motor going but the blade just wont move...driving me nuts jks

Edited by Wildcat
  Revhead said:
Sounds like it should be a relatively easy fix then :no:

Like a steering wheel down the pants?

:rofl: bit uncomfortable me thinks but i could probably handle that :huh: as long as it wasnt my steering wheel :) just jokes

back on topic im hoping that it will be easy enough to fix :O

  Tangles said:
Obviously not !! :O

:P should be an easy fix then........... for hubby (with supervision by the sounds of it)!

oh mister tangles :) i have faith..i just like to be independent and being a girl and all i would like to be able to do things that men think only they can do :P but of course hubby can look at it and fix it and i can watch :laugh::laugh:

  Wildcat said:
oh mister tangles :blink: i have faith..i just like to be independent and being a girl and all i would like to be able to do things that men think only they can do :P but of course hubby can look at it and fix it and i can watch :P:)

You just make sure my dinner is ready for when I get home ... thats a good girl :wave:

Could you also please make sure the spare bed is made so I have somewhere to sleep tonight :P:laugh::laugh:

  MrGTST said:
You just make sure my dinner is ready for when I get home ... thats a good girl :blink:

Could you also please make sure the spare bed is made so I have somewhere to sleep tonight :):P:wave:



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