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Stonnington Council Is Really Starting To Shit Me

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I bought my lovely girlfriend a dog a couple weeks ago, a little Jack Russell puppy... cute as hell. Problem is this little bastard is starting to cost me more and more money every week. Between vet bills, food, microchips etc etc, its starting to add up. Thats not really the problem, as i said that i would pay for most of his crap. Now to top it off she got a letter from the council saying that the dog is to be "compulsory registered"... I've had a dog at my house for 10 years and never registered anything.

Question is, do i really have to register him and pay their fees or, can i tell them to stick it up their tailpipe?

Keep in mind, i not chopping his knackers off, so the fee is $115 not $37. That seems unfair, because i choose to not cut off his manhood, i have to pay triple what other people do? Screw that...


well the logic behind the triple rego cost is that if he runs off, but his manhood is in a jar, he cant shag all the local hoes and run off without paying his child support etc...

just cut em off, he wont mind after a while :)

just check him for any fluid leaks,make sure he has good tread on his paws,make sure he is not to low(you may be in trouble if he is a sausage dog) check his "exhuast"for leaks get a RWC and rego him :)

i had a malimute i didnt register him till he was about 3 and a half and that was becouse we moved house the husky we had i never registerd

there is a good reason to registering a dog like if it runs away you wont be rooted up the ass to get it back and so on with all these fees and so on

but yeah i know heaps of people with dogs that are not registed

sorry i was no help at all

just check him for any fluid leaks,make sure he has good tread on his paws,make sure he is not to low(you may be in trouble if he is a sausage dog) check his "exhuast"for leaks get a RWC and rego him :/


well the logic behind the triple rego cost is that if he runs off, but his manhood is in a jar, he cant shag all the local hoes and run off without paying his child support etc...

just cut em off, he wont mind after a while :/----> :(

my only problem with the fee is that he's already microchipped!! There is no need to register him... if he gets lost then they can scan the chip and return him to the owner. Or am i missing something?

What do i get for my $115 anyway? do they do anything for him? why do the want money from a dog that is already in the system? It seems extemely unreasonable that they are taking money for nothing!! if that turns out to be the case then im telling them where thay can put their fees

I think you should re-read that letter.

It says 115 for an _entire_ dog. Write back and ask how much for just the head or an ear. That way, when they return the ear (that's what you paid rego for) the rest of the dogs comes withit for free! Solved!

Edited by x2shy

Why do you register your car then? You get no advantage to having it registered, ohh except for if you get pulled over and fined.... same thing with the dog, you'll get fined if its not registered and you get caught... :D

Why do you register your car then? You get no advantage to having it registered, ohh except for if you get pulled over and fined.... same thing with the dog, you'll get fined if its not registered and you get caught... :rant:

that doesnt make a whole lot of sense... i cant run a redlight on a dog. How do you pull a dog over and fine him? Still the part that weirds me out the most is, for what possible reason could they need any money, registered or not?

Since i cant really get an answer from anyone i talk to, i think they'll be missing out on their $115

my only problem with the fee is that he's already microchipped!! There is no need to register him... if he gets lost then they can scan the chip and return him to the owner. Or am i missing something?

Yes, you are obviously quite clearly missing something... you're missing the entire point.

If you don't want to pay the registration, why should the council pay to employ someone to scan the dog and return it to you?

If people don't pay for dog registrations, where is the council meant to find money for a resource which should be highly valued by any dog owner?

Car rego also pays for roadworks/upgrades, traffic management and other essential services. The CTP is only a small part of rego cost.

Dog registrations are not just for returning dogs to owners but are required to account for which dogs are where in case of dog bites and other damage/problems/crime and barking complaints and to pay for fine administration, community education, rangers etc. Much the same as car rego, there needs to be an accounting of which dog comes from where/who. Dogs and cats also kill local wildlife and some of the money goes towards protecting that wildlife (depending on the council).

Basically by not desexing your dog, you are in effect giving money to someone else because you are enabling them to subsidise their fees, if that makes sense. If they didn't offer the incentive the fees would be cheaper.

Alot of people don't register their cats though caus it's alot easier to get away with. It's a $200-500 fine if you don't register a pet.

I told this bint a few weeks ago if I caught her dog sh*tting on my lawn one more time & didn't clean it up, I was going to make a complaint to the council caus it's a $200 fine, funnily enough I haven't seen her since.

Also you can make complaints about a pet on your property and if they return the owner can be fined. God knows how I'm supposed to keep the cat off the neighbours garden though... she's whinged to me in the past about it.

(anyhoo just a little bit of extra info for you)

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