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Hey forum just wanting to know whats the next best gear oil to get as my car has started to crunch just a bit from 1st to 2nd and 2nd to 3rd. It started happening after I changed my gear oil and I was told the other oil I put in may have been to thick. I put in castrol 80w 90 it was suggested that I put in a thinner oil preferrably the redline lightweigh shockproof oil but I'm in the Bahamas and I cant find it anywhere I wanted to know how thin on the weight oil I should go and if putting in a gear oil additive would help I see that lucas has one that I could add to the next set of gear oil I put in wanted to kno if that was a good or bad idea as well?

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Redline Lightweight Shockproof (smurfs blood) is great.

Only really recommended for worn boxes though. Heard that someone with a rebuilt box had issues.

I've got it in my car and it's brilliant.

www.nismo.com.au (unique autosports) is where I got mine done too.

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Ok so Dont get he heavy shockproof for my problems get the lightweight? Also I see that redline has a superlight gear oil would this be better or just stick with the lightweight? What appilcation if not for my problem would the heavy shockproof gear oil be recommened for?

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I just put Motul Gear300 in my box. But I had no crunching issues so there was no way I was going to touch shockproof after some of the warnings I've heard on here about using them in mint boxes.

I'm still hoping the Gear300 improves the feel a bit, but the old oil was still in good nick so the difference will probably be minimal.

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I just put Motul Gear300 in my box. But I had no crunching issues so there was no way I was going to touch shockproof after some of the warnings I've heard on here about using them in mint boxes.

I'm still hoping the Gear300 improves the feel a bit, but the old oil was still in good nick so the difference will probably be minimal.

MT-90 should be used in the gearbox and lightweight shockproof or 75w90 in the diff.

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Let us know how the Gear 300 goes Kinks.

aquariuz6, Shockproof is not for auto transmissions.

Daboss, heavy weight shockproof is for racing applications where the diff/trans sees very high temps. My bet is using on the street will result in worse shifting. Try the lightweight, as the super lightweight may be a tad thin.

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MT-90 should be used in the gearbox and lightweight shockproof or 75w90 in the diff.

Those are both redline products, and you've basically described what I'm using anyway (in terms of oil specs, ignoring brand).

Busty, I don't expect much to change really, my car has done < 40k kms and the old gearbox oil was still in good condition when I drained it this arvo. Preventative maintenance, really - at least now I know it has good oil in it and I won't have to worry about it for another 3-4 years!

Couldn't get the bastard diff plugs undone though, I'll need to get the car on a hoist so I can have a proper swing at it. The gearbox plugs came undone with just a ratchet :D

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On an auto box can you still use the redline lightweight shockproof or is it only for manual gearboxes? If no, Is there something as good as this oil for auto?

Id go for Castrol Transmax Z. Ive just changed my auto transmission oil to this and the car feels great. It aint cheap: 65 bucks for 4 litres of it and you need 3 bottles for a complete change...

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Let us know how the Gear 300 goes Kinks.

Noticeable improvement in cold and warm shifting, now it feels like sex. Good sex :nuke:

Big fan of Motul oil, which is ironic because they're French and we all know what french cars are like :)

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  • 5 months later...

MT-90 from Redline is for cars which don't have high k's. So i'd put the Mt-90 in my R34, not the lightweight shockproof.

Maybe that's why people with "new" gearboxes, etc... have had issues with the lightweight shockproof, because the synchro's are mint. MT-90 for the "lower" km gearboxes

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