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This is a copy of a feedback email I provided to Cooloola Shire Council today


I have been searching through much of the information here on the website, with a focus on Motor Sports within the shire & what policies & more importantly, what studies & visions the shire has on Motor Sports. I have found nothing, which given this community & most other councils complaints about "hoons" & so on, I find amazing.

The Cooloola Shire has within it's boundaries several current running complexes & there is a massive market for motor sports events if developed appropriately. Please contact me to further discuss the possibilities of developing the region's motor sports capabilities.

It is an issue that needs addressing & we as a community & the council as our representation should consider the massive potential for huge funding options for a market that continues to grow at a substantial rate, yet is continually over looked in favour of more obscure events & focus groups, lets look at some of the amazing amounts of money being given to the arts groups & what benefit has there been for communities such as ours....

The press has given the car enthusiast a bad rap because of a very small number of "idiots" by labelling all of us as Hoons. As the President of the Cooloola Car Club, I can tell you that I & the majority of enthusiasts both in & not in our car club are NOT hoons.

We have successfully run Motorkhana's at the "name supplied" complex for more than 14 years & in the last 3, we have seen a massive increase in interest in people wanting to take part. We have groups of people coming from as far south as Northern NSW & north as far as Bundaberg coming to our events, many of whom spend at least one night in Gympie for each event (we have been holding 4 per year) which contributes to the towns economy, through accommodation, fuel purchases, food & beverage purchases & increased exposure of local businesses that sponsor & support our events. I cannot provide a dollar figure off hand for benefit to the community on these alone, but what I can say is that for many, it improves their knowledge of their driving abilities & lets them know just how easy it is for them to loose control, thereby improving the way that they drive on our roads & helping to reduce the road toll, even though it is a minor contribution.

"Name supplied" are as other places including Mt Cotton, moving away from allowing groups from hiring their fascility for anything outside of their core business, Driver Education. This means an emerging business opportunity & commercial possibility is being removed from our town & in fact, from our state. Queensland is attacking the motor enthusiast & then forcing them onto the street thereby causing the problem of hooning. All councils have had a role in this phenomenon & I believe that this council is in a unique position to be able to capitalize on it.

This is something that I would like to discuss further & hopefully, begin developing a plan to create a Motor Sports multi purpose precinct within the Cooloola Shire. I am a Nurse (having worked in the Emergency Department at Gympie Hospital) & a motoring enthusiast, I believe that together, the Cooloola Car Club & the Cooloola Shire Council could potentially work together to start the development of a whole industry within this shire.

Daryl Martin (EEN)


Cooloola Car Club Inc.

Edited by XAGS ute 351

Well written and put arguments there Daryl.

But to be honest I think you are going about this the hard way....

Are you perfectly clear that if you organise your own uninsured events that you will be personally liable for any injury that happens? No way would I put my house on the line.

With SAU NSW we run events under permits from CAMS, they indemnify the organisers, provide the insurance and keep the property owners happy with their profile and apparent safety.

The reality doesn't matter with motorsport events, they need to appear to be safe and professional.

BTW we had a huge skyline crash in NSW this week, car rolled twice on a busy suburban street during the day. How do weprevent things like his happending? Thank god for once it wasn't headline news.

Duncan, thanks for your reply.

I probably haven't been clear about the insurance issue, although we have not personally had the insurance, there has been an agreement between the facility that we hire and ourselves that has enabled us to operate under their insurance coverage. There has always been a member of their organisation present to over see the running of our events.

With the change of management, the agreement has been torn up so to speak.

I have been given some advice on insurance and am going to be making several calls tomorrow to see what it is that we will be able to do .... or should I say, how much it will cost and what concessions will we need to make?....

I have approached local council today, after doing my little email spiel and have now done an official letter outlining our goals and what support we require / desire....

I will be forwarding this to our local council tomorrow, but basically, I am aiming high and wanting to create our own complex, that will be open to ALL car clubs and groups, with it's primary function to meet the needs of motoring enthusiasts who find themselves with no place to go. We will be aiming to keep costs low, there is no point doing this if we can't make it affordable for the average person, not the average high flyer with a 6 figure income ....

We believe that the land is available if we can encourage the Queensland Government to release it to us, there are a huge amount of opportunities for grants and other funding plus, we are fortunate enough to have a very responsive and supportive group of business people who share our vision and have offered their support to assist in our endeavors.

We will NOT run any event without insurance, I like the fact that the bank only ownes half of my house .... lol and my butt is a virgin, I don't want to go to Gaol ... or Jail for those who can't spell in the correct manner ... lol

Feel free to go and check out our web site, under the heading of Motorkhanas, there are heaps of pictures and several video files so you can see what it is that we do...... www.c3zone.org

Thanks again, I appreciate the comments and the PM's that I have been receiving.


perhaps if we wait long enough all the idiots will die off and only the responsibly people will be left? Something along the lines of natural selection... But obviously as population increases and more 17 year olds get on the street in cars there are going to be more accidents...you cant expect accidents to decrease when driving population increases. nice and simple eh?

Edited by r33_racer

Daryl, sounds like a good club to be part of. Expect me to visit once I get home to Brisbane.

Unfortunately we have degenerated into a risk averse society, fueled by the bleeding hearts that claim every life is precious (they aren't, well not absolutely, everyone owes a death but thank god there are some "reasonable" protections) and supported by the self licking ice cream called the safety industry.

The hipocrisy, lack of intelligence in councils and government, warped thinking that zero tolerance laws and total rejection of the expectations of the automotive community all send a clear message that we who want to enjoy our cars have no rights to do so. Unfortunately joe and jane average can't think for themselves so accept that Police and politicians actually do speak with some intellect, when all they do is follow policy and further damage our case IOT keep their jobs.

I can only applaud you on your approach. Roadcraft may or may not have a future strategy firmed up as yet, so by acting now you may be in a position to entirely shut them out of the market, rewarding their ignorance with a premature retirements of their board. I would expect that such a venture would run on a business model to ensure that a corporation is the holder of the property development, therefore protecting yourself and others financially. Go see a small business advisor (just as a backstop to the local business support) on the approach to take. They may be useful, but then I may be years behind your planning and telling you things you already know.

It may be that the direction you have taken is the one we (as automotive communities) need to follow if the governments continue to treat us with discrimination.

This is the letter that has been sent to council ... officially. I have also discussed this with 3 councillors and have definately got the support of 2 of them plus according to one of these, there will be another 2 that they can guarantee. Things are looking good so far .......

Dear Sir,

I as the elected President of the Cooloola Car Club Inc. am writing to seek your advice and direction for a project that we are currently in discussion about, with a view to commence searching for resources and funding.

The Cooloola Car Club, its members and other associated clubs have decided that as we are fortunate enough to live in such a great location which unfortunately has minimal vision when it comes to Motor sports, we should investigate the possibility of planning and developing a Multi Purpose Motor Sports Precinct within the Cooloola Shire.

We have begun discussions amongst other car clubs from all over Australia to seek their advice and suggestions and we are focussing on including the ideas and suggestions of local car clubs to South East Queensland from the Gold Coast to Bundaberg.

We have also discussed the idea with some local businesses, which are all very supportive, including Action Ford and Autobarn.

Our plan is to lobby the state government for access to as much as one hundred hectares (100HA) of State Forestry land on which to build and develop this precinct. This size has been suggested by the Maryborough Shire Council’s development plan in consultation with CAMS (Confederation of Amateur Motor Sports) and local Fraser Coast Automotive Clubs and Associations.

Our Initial plan to develop this precinct would include the development and building of a modern, accessible and safe Skid Pan. This Skid Pan would include safe areas for spectators, suitable access for spectator parking and a service area for motor vehicles utilising the facility.

The Cooloola Car Club has for the last 14 years, conducted motor sports events or Motorkhana’s at Gympie’s "Facility Name supplied" with great success. We have an unblemished safety record and have contributed to not only "Facility Name Supplied" ability to remain solvent through some tough times, but to also build on visitor traffic to our shire.

Over the last 3 years, we have moved forward significantly with the professional approach and safety management of these events, which in turn has lead to a massive increase in the event’s popularity. Just 4 years ago, we were happy with being able to receive 30 entries for our events of which we were holding 3 per year. Now, the Cooloola Car Club receives pre entries from as many as 75 people wishing to enter, unfortunately, we have a cut off of 60 entrants, maximum.

These events are now being held 4 times per year and we are constantly being asked to provide for the enjoyment of other car clubs and businesses in holding “fun days” at the complex which we have done on a regular basis.

Our events attract people from as far south as Northern New South Wales to the northern regions including Maryborough, Bundaberg and Rockhampton. We have in recent years noticed that many of these people have been asking for suitable accommodation and advice on places to eat and go out to during their stays, thereby value adding to local businesses. This in turn helps with our development as a tourism destination for another group of people and helps to provide employment opportunities.

With a change in direction that has been expressed to us by the new CEO and President of "Facility Name Supplied", it has become necessary for us to investigate other options and develop our own plan to move forward. "Facility Name Supplied", are heading towards focussing on their core business of Driver Education courses, which although highly effective and very much welcomed by all responsible motoring enthusiasts, does not give consideration to the needs of a huge market that continues to be ignored by business and governments, Local, State and Federal.

"Facility Name Supplied", also have the additional burden of being directly in the path for the current preferred State Government route for the Bruce Highway bypass, leaving a huge question mark to their long term viability.

The suggestions made to date focus on obtaining the required land from a location between Gympie and Tin Can Bay / Rainbow Beach, given that there is limited residential development in this area and there is ample land currently used for Plantation Pine by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines.

The amount of land required is for future development and we are not seeking to remove the Plantation Pine immediately, but in stages over a period of years. Initially, we would request as little as a 5 acre parcel to be felled, to enable the development of what we would describe as Stage 1. Further development would include consultation with amongst others, the Forestry Department.

Stage 1 would include the development of the Skid Pan and the development of a building which would house a canteen for the sale of food and drinks (non-alcoholic), a suitable room for the provision of first aid services and a director of events co-ordination room. In addition to this building we would also want to build a toilet block of at least 6 pedestals for the use of women and 4 pedestals for the use of men with the addition of a urinal.

Power would also be required to the facility as would a telephone line, ensuring contact could be made to Emergency Services and Police if required. Power would enable the use of a Public Address system, lighting for the potential to develop evening events and ensure that food standards could be met.

The development of this site would also enable other groups the availability of utilising an alternative site for other uses, including Driver Training from businesses which may eventually include Roadcraft Driver Education and the many Driver Training Schools and businesses within the shire.

Having such a venue, which with further development may include a drag strip and motoring circuit would potentially assist in bringing major events to the Cooloola Shire. This could include the holding of a major car show annually and the possibility of attracting major motor sporting events such as Motor bike racing as well as amateur and semi professional car racing events. The idea of major involvement from the likes of V8 Supercar series is not out of the question either, what a great opportunity to be involved in the development of a future Motor Racing hero.

The Cooloola Car Club would like to seek the assistance of the Cooloola Shire Council in developing the required information to not only build such a venue, but to lobby the state government for the land and funding from many other sources to make this idea a reality.

Motor enthusiasts for far too long have been ignored by main stream councils and business which we believe is to their detriment. One can only look back and see that along with the demise of recreation areas for motor enthusiasts, there has been a significant increase in the prevalence of “hooning” activity. The Cooloola region is not exempt from this, there has been the same problem in our towns, which when discussed with the youths who perpetrate these acts, including burnouts and street racing, the same answer is commonly given, there is nowhere for us to go and have fun in our cars. They want a venue that is not only safe and legal, but accessible and financially affordable.

The Cooloola Car Club will within the next few weeks, be developing a petition to forward to the State Government asking for the funding, the land and the support to take youths off of the street and into a new venture that will, with time, become a profitable entity that pours a substantial amount of money into the local economy. This petition will be sponsored and supported by our major Sponsor, Autobarn Gympie and forwarded to all offices from as far north as Bundaberg and south to the Tweed, ensuring a wide coverage and lots of publicity.

With the development of such a facility, professional organisations would be sought out for advice and inclusion, such as CAMS and we would also be looking at Sponsorship rights and packages with preference given to local companies to continue with our practice of involving those who involve us.

Your considered assistance and direction would be greatly appreciated,

Edited by XAGS ute 351

OK, so that was the letter that I sent to council.....

I have also received advice from Big Trev about Insurance .... which I have followed up and am currently waiting for a quote ..... I had to provide a fair bit of info, as one could imagine ...., the Insurer is AASA and they have to date been very friendly and have been up beat about our coverage requirements... Thanks Trev. Oh yeah, turns out one of our local councillors knows the General Manager quite well and has changed much of the Insurance in our district by way of advice and word .... to AASA.

The idea of us having already spoken to a small business management consultant ... or anyone like that is ...... well ...... we haven't ... yet. But thanks for the Heads up Geoff ..... doh!

One local councillor has already had discussions with the Qld Gov about the very parcel of land that I am interested in, it is possible that we could utilise the same parcel for each others requirements.

I have spoken to Jeff Barnes from Barnes High Performance, who has given my some great advice and offered his support for our cause. I need to go and check out Warwick .... he tells me they have a fantastic site there which was developed by a group of like minded people and the ir local council .... he says they have been so successful, there needs to be and currently is significan infrastructure being developed in the town to meet the needs of the many enthusiasts that attend their events ... he says up to 500 entrants ... all spending between $300 and $700 each per weekend event ..... big dollars for a small town ..........

Once I get things sorted with local council ... I will be seeking the support of local clubs to help make this a reality .... I do honestly believe that there is a great chance this council will back us here .... but just to make sure, I am going to run in the next election to push the agenda.

Geoff made a good point at the begining of this particular forum, we need to get people into office that know what they are talking about, not idiots who are focussed on rubbish ideas that set enthusiasts up as being hoons and irresponsible teenagers. I for one am nolonger a teenager ... at 34 I can say I have now moved into the responsible adult category ........ maybe ..... lol Hoons as these people and the press like to call them ... or us ... are people need to find a safe place to enjoy what in other places would be described as a sport and considered for Olympic status ... lol. OK, maybe the olympic thing is wrong ....

To answer Duncan's question about how do we prevent accidents, or automotive incidents .... we don't. As long as we have cars and motorists, we will have accidents or incidents. Hey, if we didn't, I would be out of a job, emergency nursing relies on traffic incidents, it's our bread and butter .... sorry if you have had to visit one of our departments in Queensland though .... the funding and responsible management of health is as bad as the funding and responsible management of amature motor sports ..... RS.....



  • 4 weeks later...

i think that an area off the roads where noobs like me can get to know their cars is a fantastic idea. ive only gotten my r33 recently and i've already been involved intwo incidents. thankfully noone was hurt in either accident and damage was very minimal.

both these incidents were caused by me losing control of the car and not knowing how to regain control. long story short, excessive braking, enormous overcorrecting and freezing in panic had led to this. as a result i decided to not drive my car until i have proven to myself that i have restraint and can avoid getting into a skid in the first place. unfortunately the only way i have avoided this is through pure luck in that i havent benn in a similar situation. im pretty sure that in a similar situation, in any car, i would still react the same way. my point is this; even though i have learnt my lesson and have stopped (or atleast reduced:P) my 'hooning" i still do not feel safe or confident as a driver. i dont trust myself to excercise restraint once im bak behind the wheel of my dream car again. cars like the ones we own aren't meant to transport shopping. they're performance machines and this very forum exists because we cannot resist that temptation to push our limits. but most of the guys and girls on these forums are much more skilled than the average noob(eg me) and have the knowledge to push those limits in a controlled way

while i am aware that there are courses out there that will help me to learn these skills, im under the impression that most of them cost in the range of $200 and above (feel free to correct me on this). i know that most drivers around my age simply cbf getting the money together to pay for one of these. i rekon that many people, myself included would much rather pay a small entrance fee to gain access to a car-park (similar to a skate park. lol bound to cause confusion that is).

on the other hand as i think some one mentioned b4, there aren't many facilities in victoria that are easily accessd by people just wanting to release some tension. it is my belief that its this 'tension' and "risk taking" that is at the root of all the hooning. this isnt helped of course by the fact that these behaviours are broadcast on national television in the form of mainstream motorsport. there are so many people out there who idolise these racers, and a large percentage of those will try and emulate them at one satge or another. if the aussie govt takes away the tracks where it can be done safely and under experienced supervision, members of the public will make their own tracks. some of them are sensible enough to take it off public roads but its the rest that are a problem. we need an outlet. if the bath is overflowing, u can either turn the tap off or unplug the hole. turning the tap off wont get rid of the water in the tub, but unpluggin the hole will give you time to fix the tap

oooookayyy......its 3.20am and ive just sunk two beers in the time it took me to write this. i am oficially talking shit. time for bed soon. nite all :P

I am happy to say, that after my letter went to council, there has been some extensive discussions with the facility that we currently use here in Gympie, Queensland. Roadcraft Driver Education have discovered that there is significant value in us sharing a relationship .......... :sorcerer:

There has been and will be significant compromise on behalf of Roadcraft, including several minor alterations on our behalf, to turn our motorkhana into "driver training", which basically means that people will be given a brief education session and access to a driving instructor throughout the day, if they so choose to utilise him/her.

Several suggestions that I have already put forward are now on the agenda for Roadcraft to consider and going by their management, is likely to occur in the near future. This includes a new skid pan, better water supply and management, dedicated spectator areas, including a "mound" for people to sit on. There will also be improved shade, a new building and new road ways all in upcoming planning.

As with everything in life, this all means more money is required.

The Cooloola Car Club factors in significantly with this too, it is generally aknowledged that we as a club hold "events" that are of the highest quality, it is our specialty to hold motorkhana's or what will probably be known locally as "Cooloola Car Club Training Days". We will be able to hold more of these events than just the 4 that we are currently doing each year. There is also provision for us to hold weekend long events as well as the possibility of a Friday Night event once per month.

Yes, it is amazing how the simple act of open communication and a little bit of applied pressure opens everyone's eyes up. Hopefully, this will usher in a new era of co-operation between our 2 groups that proves to be financially rewarding from a business view point, and a huge boost to the local and regional motoring enthusiasts. :yes:

I will keep this forum updated once we have plans set, so anyone in S.E. Qld that can make it to one of our events, knows where, when and how much etc.

If you are Interstate, you may well be considering a visit up our neck of the woods and wouldn't it be nice to be able to organise your trip around one of our events?! :(

  • 3 weeks later...

I am sorry to say AzzurrA, you have just missed the last event for this year. We held our final Motorkhana for 2006 on November the 5th, with some 55 entrants. The day went extremely well and was overseen by a Roadcraft Driving Instructor, which under the last instruction, is going to be mandatory (they keep moving the goal posts, fancy that).

We introduced speed rated crash barriers for spectator safety, as per the requirements of AASA Insurance (WHICH WE ARE STILL WAITING FOR A QUOTE!!!!!!!) there were many arguements for and against, but there is simply no going back, we have to remain progressive and take all neccessary measures to make sure everyone is safe from themselves .... lol.

Feel free to check out our forum to see some of the pics from the day

Cooloola Car Club Motorkhana Nov. 5th, 2006

Here is one such picture from the day.........


Plans are under way for another 4 events for 2007 and the possibility of a shortened event fro one Friday night event per month which will include driver education from a driving instructor and hopefully, there will be some additional input from our local police. We want to be able to improve relations with the local youth in their cars and the law that seems to target them ..... fingers crossed there.......

Our Motorkhana's are open to anyone with a street registered car and a current drivers license, so if you live in Qld or plan to visit the Gympie region then check us out for dates .... they will be posted once known.



ps. I and 3 other members of the Cooloola Car Club have joined Roadcraft, this will we hope, go a long way to improving relations between both associations, will enable them the opportunity to see what we are really about, rather than throwing us all in the "Hoons" category and will also enable us to influence their decision making process ..... I personally am on their Maintainence Committee and their Promotions Committee, which will enable me to push the Friday night events idea ..... :wave:

I'm bored, so I'm going to throw in a few comments :wave:

an out of control skateboard of football isn't going to kill anyone, so they can do as they please.

A friend of mine died at the local BMX track, he wasn't the first to have died there, and he certainly won't be the last.

The council don't care, and they certainly won't be closing it down just because a few people have killed themselves.

The road and vehicles are the workplace to many, many thousands of people.

Many people who work on the roads tend to be more aggressive than the average road user, they seem to have the attitude that just because they're working, they have more of a right to be there than other people do, which leads to a complacency of their driving skills & a bad attitude towards others.

To not get into a dangerous situation only requires the driver to be paying attention to what is going on around them an obeying the road rules and speed limits, and using good judgement. But even these drivers may be faced with an accident from bad driving of other road users. This is when the training will help them avoid joining in the accident.

That statement is a bit wobbly.

Eg; No amount of training can save you when you're obeying the road rules and speed limits, using good judgement, and going through a green light when someone coming along at 80+kph runs a red light coming the other way.

obviously as population increases and more 17 year olds get on the street in cars there are going to be more accidents...you cant expect accidents to decrease when driving population increases.

Young people are (more so than older people) risk takers, and more often than not, think they're invincible, and have a "It can't happen to me" attitude.

Interestingly enough, new drivers (P platers, young people) are more aware of the laws than most people who have been driving for 30+ years.

A good example of this would be Victorias flip flops on traffic law changes over the years, with the phasing out and re-introduction of particular traffic laws.

The only people who are aware of the changes to the laws, are new drivers who have recently studied the laws, enthusiasts who make it their business to keep their info up to date, and people who have been booked for doing something they didn't know was illegal.

After doing a bit of research into fatalities on Victorian roads over the past 5 years, I've found that 251 people in the 16-25 year old age group have died after having "run off a straight road".

...which accounts for almost 50% of road deaths within that age group.

Of those 251 people, only 148 were drivers responsible for their own deaths, the rest were (mostly) innocent passengers.

That would indicate that "younger drivers" have more of a problem travelling at speed in a straight line, than they do negotiating busy city traffic, where they're more likely to simply scuff someone elses car and end up with nothing more than a bruised ego and an excess on their insurance.

...and let's face it, if you're going 110+kph and things start to turn pear shaped, panic would take over regardless of how much driver traing a person has had.

..as for my thoughts on "driver training"......

What really needs to be trained is peoples minds, not their abilities.

Training peoples abilities lulls them into a false sense of security.

Knowing how to control a skid is pointless if you don't know how to avoid getting into the skid in the first place.

People simply don't seem to understand that anything can go wrong at any time, and you have to always expect the unexpected, and drive to suit the conditions of the road/time of day/weather etc etc.

Giving people a place to go push their car to the limit won't help reduce road deaths.

These places already exist, and people choose not to use them.

/end novel

you can have your thread back now. :dry:

Any suggestions please???

I have just received this email from AASA, or Winton Raceway about our Insurance request.

Good afternoon Daryl,

We have been advised that Insurers have declined to quote on the business and in view of this the Broker will not be able to assist in this instance.

Heather E. Wallace

Manager: Administration/Corporate

Winton Motor Raceway Pty. Ltd.

Ph +61 3 5766 4235 Fax +61 3 5766 4249

Email: [email protected]

Internet: www.wintonraceway.com.au

I am peeved to say the least and have sent a please explain!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

We have already introduced the one requirement that they requested ... safety barriers! Now they don't want to play!

We have been doing these events for more than 14 YEARS without incident, it is controlled and safe and is overseen by a licenced and Insured Driving Instructor.

I want to crack heads, how the HELL are we supposed to give people a safe place to have fun in their cars? Do these MORONS want people out on the street and making a nuisence of themselves?! :P

Feel free to contact Winton Raceway and express your displeasure about their stance and that of their insurers .... so much for affordable motorsports for all ..... please, don't abuse them though, it is an offence to do so! :mad:


Big Trev ..... please explain since you are a member and involved with Winton Raceway ...... let's see some backbone from your organisation on this and help us to continue to operate what is a great event that is well supported in South East Queensland.


THE MOTORKHANA'S WILL CONTINUE, I have just received this email notice .........


I have spoken to the Broker for further clarification on their Email - which I forwarded to you. If they had been a bit clearer in their response you would not have been caused all this angst.

They have advised that the building itself cannot be insured as it is timber & owned by the Council, but there is no problem with insurance for the the event itself.

Now that that has been clarified we can commence to put arrangements in place to insure your event.

Will be in contact with details which should be in the next day or so.


Heather E. Wallace

Manager: Administration/Corporate

Winton Motor Raceway Pty. Ltd.

Ph +61 3 5766 4235 Fax +61 3 5766 4249

Email: [email protected]

Internet: www.wintonraceway.com.au


Our events will now begin to receive the recognition they deserve, they will now be included as an Official Motor Sports Event.

With this comes responsibility, it is all of our responsibilities to ensure that not only do we hold a safe, enjoyable event that is cost effective & professionally run, but we need to remain at the for front of improving safety for all.

We will now be in a position to expand on our events, not that we can increase the number of competitors, but we can certainly look at other aspects, including improved sponsorship arrangements, special displays as per the last Motorkhana & better ammenities ... with the assistance of Roadcraft Driver Education that is ... :sorcerer:

  • 4 weeks later...

G'day all,

Just an update with our Motorkhana events, in 2007 you must be the holder of a CAMS or AASA licence to enter, we have just had our insurance arrangements sorted out and this is one issue that we cannot change.

AASA recognise CAMS licences and as this is an event covered by AASA, you can hold either licence. AASA charge $50 for the year for their licence ... visit www.aasa.com.au for an application form or if you prefer, go to the CAMS website.

No licence, no entry.

Spectators will remain free to come and watch for 2007. We only ask that you buy food and drinks from the venue to help keep entry free. Prices are very good, we don't charge the fortune that you pay for food and drink at some places, where you also pay entry .....

I will be addidng dates for next years events on Monday as with all the other details you will want to know and if you are lucky, you may find your photo in Queensland Street Car Magazine in 2007. We will be providing this premier magazine with an article and photo's after each event for consideration for publishing. These pics will be of entrants cars, spectators cars and spectators .....



(the first date has been confirmed as being March 25th 2007)

I will add all of the dates to the events section come Monday.

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