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Ever seen the kind of damage f**king egging does?

Anyone that vandalises can go die in a fire.

yep - will crack the clear coat where it hits the paint and creates a spider web look... f*cks it up.

not to mention that the protiens in the egg white go to town on the paint and f*cks it up as well.

in the words of vincent vega - "don't f**k with another man's vehicle"

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Aparently its what My generation does for fun these days :|

Ive been out with idiots when they have done shit like this, I went straight home. I like my clean record...

They kicked in doors, Ripped mirrors, Rocked random peoples houses, And one night they went into a new estate in my neighborhood and smashed every window on this house and a few windows on some other houses... Causes over 15 thousand dollars worth of damage... Fcuking idiots i tell you.. I just rest on the fact that in a years time ill be driving around in my liner and theylle be still riding bikes. fcuking stoners.

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yea big ups the natural selection shite, guess your ok with another fella impreganting your misses eh ?

what did that nature doco say on the tele the other night, about 90 something % of all species do not get pregnant by thier partner. the female gets pregnant to the strongest male or some such shite eh... sweet, gues im comen round to your house eh ! ahahahheeghe=e

p.s. american stylez sitting on the porch with your shorty adv the retards to move along... crazy old folks FTW !

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A couple of weeks ago a bunch of cars parked in the street got spray painted.

I think it was in Doveton area?

The cars were sprayed all over, windows and duco, with tags and squiggles and other crap.

Makes your blood boil to read about it.

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It used to be that you would get your hands cut off at the wrists, now they just get a smack on the wrist, pretty soon it will be against the law to smack kids.

I had my car stolen and damaged recently and I am at a loss to understand why someone would do this kind of thing, the only thing I can think is that they have never worked hard and put time and effort into something they can sit back and be proud of.

Bender - Futurama

"Have you ever tried sitting down with your kids, turning off the TV, and hitting them"

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well said medium, i just stacked my car i worked my ass off for 2 years to save up for it (at least i didnt get it handed to me on a silver plate by my momma, hot damn!). i didnt know the insurance was going to be so much so it took me too long to get it, car is scrap metal now and i have nothing

time to do the same thing again.

there should be citizens arrest so you can take things into your own hands to a degree, kids are f**ked up these days and i hate to say it but when i was young older people said the same about my teenage generation, now im saying it about the kids. f**k im a 22 year old old fart time to watch golf

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