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I got a cover note the minute I registered my gts-t, was still scratching my head wondering if it was worth paying the $1060 lump sum that just car wanted (why the hell dont they let you pay it monthly?) when I slid it into a guardrail.

Payed the premium the next morning.

Made the claim about 20 minutes later.

Holy cr@p that's a story. I bet the company was happy! :laugh: Wouldn't be the first time it has happened to them though. Lucky you didn't do it after the covernote expired and decided not to pay!

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im 17, had a crash, a speeding fine, and its just over 2000 for an R32 GTR :):)

What? :O Where did you get that quote? I'm 29, on a full license, and have only ever had one crash. My best quote for an R32 GTR has been $1900 from Just Cars! I've looked at other places, and they all want me to have had insurance in the last year, or, they want me to be thirty.

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What? :) Where did you get that quote? I'm 29, on a full license, and have only ever had one crash. My best quote for an R32 GTR has been $1900 from Just Cars! I've looked at other places, and they all want me to have had insurance in the last year, or, they want me to be thirty.

either under daddy's name or.... its school holidays.

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When getting quotes for insurance its worth calling the same place multiple times, as I found they dropped the price each time I spoke to a different operator. Its also worth bargining with them. Also be aware that there is more to an insurnace policy than premium/excess/amount covered. Some policys are far superior than others and you have to pay for that.

Cheers, Sandy.

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When getting quotes for insurance its worth calling the same place multiple times, as I found they dropped the price each time I spoke to a different operator. Its also worth bargining with them. Also be aware that there is more to an insurnace policy than premium/excess/amount covered. Some policys are far superior than others and you have to pay for that.

Cheers, Sandy.

Good advice mate. :O

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I feel for you mate.

Tonight, I just had a hairy moment in my daily driver. the car has very low traction. it's a death trap. I was just driving along, I adjusted my position in my lane, then boom, the car was sideways and i was steering for my life. I hit the kerb. nothing is visibly broken, but this car is getting sold asap.

^how much you selling it for LOL sounds fun ... (<--j/k)

jokes aside sorry to hear that man ... just thanks your lucky stars your ok :dry: ...

now I definetly have a reason not to let my gf drive!!!

but yeah its amazing how quickly shit can get out of hand ... the other day i was driving, it was drizeling rain, i was going round the round about near my place and boom! My car swings out at like this full hectic angle. I was bloody 4 wheel drifting. Anyway I slid across into the lane next to me bloody lucky it was 5:30 in the morning and not many people where on the road cause I would have been in the same sitch as you are now.

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hey mate tough luck on the crash there just wondering guys who may know it this thing restorable with some hard work and time and of no doubt some of the green stuff? if so i may be interested in buying the whole shabang minus the engine if you reckon it can be brought back to life tell me around how much you want for the beast and i may well have a crack at it

again tough luck on the crash but im glad to hear you and the gf are ok

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Sorry to be a dampener on this and it's unfortunate you have had this accident and being uninsured, BUT!! something doesn't ring true for me!

Your doing about 30kph approaching the eastern freeway AND it was BUSY as well as wet.

Your gf accelerates easily to 100k on a straight road and the rear steps out?

Sorry! not for me! there is something about this story we don't know.

I might be a fossil, but I have driven a lot of fast cars in all sorts of conditions, but unless there is something wrong with the car, it shouldn't be stepping out under easy acceleration.

Remember the BUSY bit, but hasn't hit anything else but the wall.

I just got back from Melbourne and was given the royal tour, so I am a little familiar with the roads.

Cheers, D

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often that road has a nice little layer of oil over it so when there is a little rain all that oil sits on the top and makes the road hell for any performance car especially if the driver is not used to it

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What? :laugh: Where did you get that quote? I'm 29, on a full license, and have only ever had one crash. My best quote for an R32 GTR has been $1900 from Just Cars! I've looked at other places, and they all want me to have had insurance in the last year, or, they want me to be thirty.

Decided to chuck my details in Just Cars Insurance online quote thing for a theoretical GTR purchase just for a comparison:

I am 21 years old, no accident claims, no theft claims, no license disqualifications

1993 Nissan Skyline GTR

$25000 purchase price (personal loan)

Lowered Suspension

Air Filter


Alarm & Immobiliser

Stereo ($1000)

Rims ($2000)

Turbo Timer

$1378 Fully Comprehensive


Based on that, you should be able to barter for a better deal. Actually, based on that, I might go out and buy a 1993 GTR, coz that quote is insanely good! Oooh, massive excess though... $2500 if it's stolen!

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From the pics available, I would think the governing factor would be the turret.

If it doesn't cost a bomb to bring it back to shape, it looks like a proposition, but it would also depend on the chassis alignment.

I still say there is a lot more to this story that isn't being told. Remember, gradual acceleration to 100k and it flipped TWICE, not just a single rollover, but it went over twice.

Today, in the rain on Sydney's M7 on ramp I was under hard acceleration in my Cressida and there was no sign of it doing anything but behave itself, so I guess we will never really know eh! And I'm damn sure my Cressida accelerates heaps faster than any R33 GT.

Cheers, D

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excuse my sarcastic post, but i'm yet to encounter one of these 'oil slicks' that so many people seem to hit right before totalling their car...

it happens.

its not oil. its more like a build up of crap from cars idling there for too long, like exhaust residue, fuel in some cases, trucks losing oil etc. the shit gets slippery.

it only really happens in areas that get alot of traffic through them.

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Do ring around as there are a few places that do monthly payments.

Famous Classic Car Insurance comes to mind.

Arse end snapping out in an N/A? Must have been that nasty road surface..

My other half did similiar in a VN Commodore.

Leaving a round about at normal speed; the road sufrace changed from that nice grippy new black surface to the old shinny light grey stuff and bang instantly sideways and up against a gutter.

IF she had have been a bit of a hoon in her younger day and knew how to counter steer she would have been able to pull it back. Instead she majorly over corrected spinning the car 180degree's. :P

I learnt how to drive on that stuff when I was young and silly down near the local bus depot. Unbelievably slippery.

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excuse my sarcastic post, but i'm yet to encounter one of these 'oil slicks' that so many people seem to hit right before totalling their car...

I was forever hitting 'oil slicks' as a motorcycle owner......... we're talking hi-power bikes nicely kitted up and with the very best tyres. As a car driver, no neither have I. However my wife has, in our old VR5ltr sedan, spun it.


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this is what happend

sharp turn, turning VERY slow onto the freeway (hoddle st ramp thing)

it was pooring rain and could barely see even with the wipers on as fast as possible.

when the car was straight about 10 meters or so past the turn off gf accelerated at a usualy medium pace (NOTHING MORE,even less because of rain).

was in far left lane back end of the car went to the right and front end was soon almost perfectly sideways sliding,

slide into the emergency lane and hit dirt side wall on front left

car flipped once but almost twice as it came to a stop on its drivers side (had to wait for someone to open passenger door from outside to climb out)

i really didnt expect it to happen, the combination of the driver not being used to the car, the wet conditions and the shithouse import tires oh and "oil" cant forget that, was the reason it happend.

thats all there is to it

on another note, iv been selling vy's and ba's and almost got enough for another skyline. hopefully an r34 =) and yes i will get insurance before buying.

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as an 18yr old I spun my olds '87 Landcruiser diesel (non-turbo) at a roundabout turning left, by driving at 20kmph thru a deap lengthy puddle. amazed me at the time, had a complete lack of control. I had just left work and there was no way you could hoon a SnailCruiser :( at that speed.

when water is on the road SHITE can and will happen. good to hear the funds for another skyline is growing Thorpe.... perhaps a AWD Stagea should be looked into? :)

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