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HI all,

I dont know what happened....prob wouldnt have cared. Just dont know why it was brought up at all if everyone wants it to be a big secret. Should have stayed off completely to saved blowing it up so big....got too many ppls attention now...even i want to know what happened...oh well glad everyone is ok....but when bits and pieces come out, you cant blame anyone to be interested. oh well thats my 2 cents worth

Ok, as this has now blown up and word has spread all over the place (not to mention my phone hasnt stopped) this is what happened:

I organised a cruise with the SupraForums to get to know them better and see if they would be good to do future events with, like drag days at WSID, track days etc.

The plan was meet at Kirrawee near JustJap, then meet again for a chat at Coledale Beach carpark area via National Park. It was made clear this wasnt a race.

We all met at Kirrawee as planned, and had a bit of a chat there, everyone was friendly and it was good to meet the Supra guys. We waited for some latecomers, then when they had arrived i told the group that we will leave in a few mins, dont race, spread out, and see you all at the beach carpark.

We left, and i led. I took a route to seperate the group via a set of lights (knowing we would all be seperated), just to be safe.

We entered the national park about 5 mins or so later, with hibeams on i stayed in front. We went through the park past the visitor centre, and up through the next section. After roughly 10 mins i approached a sharpish corner, using a high gear i went through it carefully, the car was bogging down due to the gear in use being too high when i saw a large deer about 30 feet infront of me. I applied the brakes and changed lanes to the opposite lane, which wouldve avoided the deer, it jumped and got back in my way, we collided, and it died. Behind me was another Skyline who saw me on the wrong side of the road and avoided the animal, save for some slight cracks in the front bar.

The third car was the Subaru, he was further behind the two of us, and after completeing the corner hit the remains of the deer unsettling his car and sending him off the road. The car slid off the road with locked brakes into a wedge shaped rock which further unsettled the car, starting to roll it over as it went past. This is the car that is most damaged. It rolled after hitting the rock and ended up in the trees catching on fire.

I had by now stopped further up the road with the second car pulling up as i was inspecting the damage. When the Subaru went off and into the trees straight away i left the Skyline on the side of the road with hazard lights on and ran to the trees, not being able to see anything, the other person from the car i was driving backed it up and we used the lights from it to see the now wrecked Subaru, i ran in and tried to free the people inside, the doors werent opening as they were all bent up, i managed to get the drivers side rear door open and the people got out. By now several others had arrived on scene and were also lending assistance.

I rang 000 and asked for both Fire and Ambulance assistance.

Some of the others had now seen the fire burning and luckily one of the other cruisers had a fire extinguisher with them, the group put the fire out, and we waited for the emergency services to show up.

The ambulance was first to arrive, they checked everyone and checked to see who was hurt.

Then the Ambulance paramedic rescue truck arrived on the scene.

When the police arrived they were shocked that no one else was hurt. They questioned me being the first driver, then they questioned a few others, they asked me to give a statement which i did. They then said how lucky we were, and how suprising it is that the first 2 cars avoided serious damage. One officer commented he had hit a wombat previously which demolished the underside of the car he was driving at the time and as such what was laid out in front of him was not a big suprise for him.

The police inspected the scene and saw the remains of the deer, they then said this was not driver error, but an accident that could not be avoided. No charges have been laid.

The placement and shape of the rock on the side of the road is what did most of the damage to the Subaru and its quite clear to see from the scene, had the rock not been there, the outcome would have been a lot better.

Animals are not predictable. I had swerved to avoid the deer, and was on a path to avoid, but it jumped back into my path, by then it was too late.

Please be careful out there guys.

To make matters worse, people have started spreading rumours and false claims. The above is what happened, i was there and saw it all, so the information has not been through 20 different people and had each one add their own bit and/or variation.

The Subaru was checked on after the accident and it was in a really bad shape, you could only tell the make of it by the remains of the rims. Some low lives stole parts off it the next day which is really slack to the owner, if anyone knows who took the parts, PM me, the owner is feeling bad enough without having things stolen.

Before leaving the scene the remaining group checked the Subaru again and it was quite shocking to see how little was left of it. Also the battery was missing, we assumed the emergency guys had taken it to avoid the fire starting again.


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