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One recent situation that has pissed me off is when trying to talk to a cop about something, they seem to be more interested in your car.

example (true fact too).

I pulled into BP servo along logan road in underwood about 2 months ago. The cop was already there filling up and i pulled in to fill up. he walked in, paid while i was still filling up and then he came out. Now, with the new laws comin in about ppl under the age of 25 now allowed to have high performance cars, i decided to ask him what exactly is goin to happen to those who already have this type of car.

of course, he answered it quickly and briefly with the question to me straight after "can you pop your hood for me, just wanna have a look for a sec".

now straight away, this had nothing to do with my question. The cop went over the engine to tell me there are a few things wrong. One being the BOV being atmospheric.

He then told me to go inside, pay and he’ll talk to me more when I get out. Of course, the cop decided to get in his car and straight writing up his fines for me.

I stood around for about 20-30mins waiting for him to come back to me, i was ready to get in the car and just drive off. After waiting and he came back to me. He manage to issue me with 2 fines.

1x being a defect fine for driving a defective vehicle.

1x being another fine for not having a modification plate when I apparently require one for the mods I've had done to the car.

the other notice he gave me was a defect notice.

of course. This cop knew nothing about what he was talking about when I decided to talk back and state

"sorry, the exhaust meets DB regulations based on previous testing already done"

"also, the BOV is allowed as there is no emission testing here in QLD and the only emission testing in Australia in Melbourne to which I aint driving down there cause I am not under Victorian transport laws as this car is a registered QLD car"

"the intercooler is allowed as discussed with QLD transport on many occasions both face to face at defect stations on thursday nights and on the phone, etc"

the cop then went on to bullshit to me about how it impacts the saftey of the car when in a car accident as it will further help push the engine back into the cabin breaking through the firewall, etc etc.

I completely laughed at this guy and then to question him "exactly what training have you had in regards to defecting people for the correct defects?" and he goes "the police provide adequate training at all times" and i laughed.

I then said "dude, I'll see you in court".

Of course, I was pretty much hyped up after this and took the fines straight to my father who is a lawyer and he saw the defect notice and asked "what legislation doesnt your car comply with as he hasnt stated this on the notice" and I said "whatever it says on there".

I recently had to take the car through QLD transport because of this cop and the car was cleared and was of roadworthiness and applied correctly with all modification rules and laws.

QLD Transport said I was the 2nd person that week to go through the inspection station because of this 1 cop for the same reasons written down on the defect notice. I told QLD transport that maybe this guy needs some real training cause clearly he doesnt know what he is doing.


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John, from what i remember your defect was from the same guy that defected me, i will PM you the name of the constable in question if you wish to confirm this.

For the record i was driving by myself, on a sunday morning, at 50kph when he pulled me over to defect me. I had only owned the car for under 1 month and had done nothing to it since i bought it with a current RWC.

I would say that you were unlucky in asking this cop for advice, as he is a bit of a defect whore and has issued notices to many members on this forum.

Bottom line is police aren't mechanics or engineers, they dont have to know all the ADRs etc.. they are well within their authority to defect someone purely because they suspect it is defective, then leave it to qld transport to determine if it is or isn't. This law was originally introduced to crack down on old bombs and poorly maintained vehicles but sadly it is now being used on modified cars almost exclusivley. As long as they find something that does not meet ADR rules or qld legislation they are fully justified in issueing the defect notice, no matter how trivial the actual problem is. Heck, i'm sure they could defect you for a set of fluffy dice if they wanted to...

Did you actually get fined by the officer or just get issued with a defect notice?

It's generally (a generalisation) the patrol cops that give people the biggest problems, and are often more ego than common sense.

Regular cops going about their business are generally are fine, and of course we all need them. I live next door to a cop and he's a good family bloke, and I have a mate in melb who is a cop as well.

Anyhow, unfortunately I didn't get their plates in full (mainly because they kept launching off so fast at each set of lights!) so not much can do probably.

And really, I'm not one to rag on people either side of the law, so well, leave it be. Just makes me a bit angry sometimes to see the hypocrisy right in your face like that.

I got booked for doing 91 in an 80 zone recently and the cop wanted to go over my car inside and out.... I basically told him where to go as there was no sufficient reason for him to be inspecting my car. I showed him all the paperwork and that was it. I refused to open the bonnet (although said that i would happily wait with him for the paperwork to arrive) and basically he gave me the fine and let me go....

Did you actually get fined by the officer or just get issued with a defect notice?

2 fines.

1x $75 defect

1x $225 for not having a mod plate.

Last week I had my father write in a letter to QLD police traffic brance requesting they dismiss the fines and defect notice as its been cleared by QLD transport.

If the police dont dismiss it, i'm going to have to run it through the courts to have them dismissed which is going to be a pain in the ass to me and more time off work.

if only we could sue the qld police or even better, the copper himself/herself and be reinburst for the bullshit we have to go through and spend cause of their screw ups!

the mechanics that I've shown these to have just completely laughed at this cop for giving me the "not having a mod plate" fine and the bullshit written on the defect notice.

I was even happy to also state to the cop "its cops like you who put us through defect stations for no real reason what so ever. Your happy to not just waste my time going through it, but also the person/people at the defect station when they clearly have better things to do then go over a car that is not defective".

he then went on to say "your car is defective in my opinion and i have to send you to qld transport inspection station. i shouldnt have to do this to you cause you seem like a nice guy but i got to send you there".

clearly he knew he didnt have to send me if he made that statement.

i think what really pissed him off was the fact i knew wat i was talking about and he either felt threaten that his knowledge is little compared to what I knew about the fines he gave me.

I got booked for doing 91 in an 80 zone recently and the cop wanted to go over my car inside and out.... I basically told him where to go as there was no sufficient reason for him to be inspecting my car. I showed him all the paperwork and that was it. I refused to open the bonnet (although said that i would happily wait with him for the paperwork to arrive) and basically he gave me the fine and let me go....

be lucky on that one. some cops use the bullshit "under qld transport law, we have full right to open your bonnent even if your not with the car".

there are big discussions on boostcruising about this how cops have the right to look under the bonnet according to some law but there is also something else preventing them from being able to. it would be interesting to find out the real truth behind weather or not they are allowed to or not without a warrant, etc.

be lucky on that one. some cops use the bullshit "under qld transport law, we have full right to open your bonnent even if your not with the car".

there are big discussions on boostcruising about this how cops have the right to look under the bonnet according to some law but there is also something else preventing them from being able to. it would be interesting to find out the real truth behind weather or not they are allowed to or not without a warrant, etc.

Well as soon as I said that he couldn't, but I was happy to wait for the paperwork, he kinda lost interest and just gave me the fine..... he did say that he could book me for my numberplates(as they have been bent to fir) but I said that it was done by the place where I bought the car and that I was sorry blah blah etc etc and that I would get it looked at....

But he looked at the tyre sizes and I was waiting for him to say something about them as well, but he let me go....

Wasn't willing to let him push me around, but was polite all the same

Revhead was pulled over on Coro Drive one morning at about 7.00 for RBT or something.

After completing the RBT, the cop asked Revhead to pop the bonnet and he says (politely) "am I legally required to do so?" and the cop had to say no, as there is no legal requirement to do so.

Revhead was pulled over on Coro Drive one morning at about 7.00 for RBT or something.

After completing the RBT, the cop asked Revhead to pop the bonnet and he says (politely) "am I legally required to do so?" and the cop had to say no, as there is no legal requirement to do so.

That is pretty much what I did as well.....

Cairns though.... bit backwards up here sometimes......

i got defected for atmospheric bov and exhuast reading 97db. i got it tested and it only read 89db. Anyone who knows sound knows that theres a massive difference between 89 and 97

Yeah they will try and find anything!!!!

Did you see their readout of the db level??

yeah they showed me so im not sure what the go is. The only thing i can think of is where they tested me my car echo'd really loudly sorta like when you drive through a tunnel


Sounds a bit sus.....

Should've asked then to re-do it in another place and compare

I would've also shown them the other readouts that you had (if you had them with you of course)

I just dont get pulled over...

Maby its the yellow or its the fact that i do their salary sac on laptops and i always point out my car in the car park and how im a good boy and that they should not pull me over...

Remember that night a Mt cootha... The cop pulls us all up and he see's me and says "Hey Col, what ya up too" he then says "Have a good night, see ya later". I didnt even get to pull on the hand brake and i was let go...

Arhhhhh its all about who you know... :(

I just dont get pulled over...

Maby its the yellow or its the fact that i do their salary sac on laptops and i always point out my car in the car park and how im a good boy and that they should not pull me over...

Remember that night a Mt cootha... The cop pulls us all up and he see's me and says "Hey Col, what ya up too" he then says "Have a good night, see ya later". I didnt even get to pull on the hand brake and i was let go...

Arhhhhh its all about who you know... :)

Or who you blow :(

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