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So today i had a dyno run and my $22 boost controller was well, crap, so i need a new one. There are so many out there on the market, so can somone help me pick one. I have no idea what is best bang for your buck. I realy like the functions that the APEXI AVC-R has, but it's a bit much. I have also hear good things about GIZZMO IBC ect. What about turbosmart ect. There are just sooo many and not sure what to get.

I have alos heard good things about the JAYCAR units, but by the time you get everything and wire it up, cost are about $200 or so.

Can people help me pick one and tell me what to go for and what to stay away from. PLEASE.


BTW, here is my dyno run, as you can see the boost is all over the place, spiking ect.


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dam it, my car ran like crap this morning. Dam overboost, i think the car is also hitting R&R, so it makes it worse. LOL.

What do you think of the power curve, preat crap, or allringht, the car just doesn't feel right, it seams wrong.

Pulls hard then flatterns out, then pulls dam hard again.


I have friends with the gizzmo IBC its not a bad unit but pretty hard to use.

I have the HKS EVC 5 thats one damn wicked boost controller but it also cost me $950 so not a cheap option at all.

The apexi AVC-R would be a very good option but still pricy.

but a cheaper option is the turbosmart duel stage manual boost controller are ment to be very good.

Also the go fast bits boost tap is also ment to be a good manual controller for under $100

What do you guys think of the dyno curve, it sux a bit cos once it gets to 6250rpm she platoes out.

Yeah i would love a teh APEXI AVC-R but dam pricy, tooo pricy.

if i have the TURBOSMART singlr boost, i can just run that without the hi low mode then can't i. I have ripped out the stock selenoid so not sure if i have all the bits to connect it back up.

yehh it was a fair bit

look around champ

check out


read up on a few and see the functions they have....

once i give the gal a beatin after the avcr is installed i shall let you know

then next week ill have some dyno printouts aswell :):kiss:

Im running the hybrid boost controller, but honestly if i had the extra money id go for something like the Greddy or other name brands for reliability and better tuning capabilities in my opinion

Edited by Devils_Advocate21

Well I'm an absolute noob when it comes to car mods, and I've never used any other boost controller before, but I purchased and built the Jaycar hand controller, boost controller and digital fuel adjuster for under $200 total. I'm incapable of installing it myself, so I found a friend willing to help me and ended up paying him $150 to install it and a couple of other things over a couple of days. I'd imagine anyone who's familiar with hooking wires into the ECU and capable of following instructions (to build the kits) could do it all themselves.

Although I'm sure my ECU is going into R&R (running 12.5 psi - too much I think), the boost is dead flat all the way to 7000 rpm. I had an aftermarket boost gauge installed to check this BTW. I'm hoping the DFA will help get rid of the R&R (not sure if it will help at all though) and hopefully make a bit more power whilst improving fuel economy.

I had absolutely no experience in building electronic kits prior to these. If you buy the performance electronics for cars mag from Jaycar you shouldn't have any trouble at all.

So overall, I'm very happy with the Jaycar kit. Sure, it takes a while to build and install, but from what I understand, any EBC is gonna take a while to install anyway, it's just that you don't have to build it. But you're gonna be up for a lot of $$$ as a tradeoff. I'd say timewise you'd be looking at 12-15 hrs to build the kits (if you're an absolute beginner) and about 5 hrs to install the two kits, allowing for the inevitable problem(s) :laugh: Sounds like it's worth it to me!

I have built plenty of kits before, all small scale, and all worked ok. I already have an SAFC II, just need to controll the boost better.

Is it hard to tune the controller on the road, do you start by getting 100% open and then work down or the other way arround.

I have a friend who is an wiss at electronics, he would build it for me.

Greddy Profec E-01 is your answer :happy:

Upgraded to this from the Hybrid EBC and the car is "totally different"... best of all there's a screen to monitor every aspect of boost so there's no more guessing at whether or not your boost is holding/dropping.

Expensive piece of gear; I've seen these floating around for almost $1k

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