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Really... Underbonnet boost controllers are legal?

What is classified as an underbonnet boost controller? MBC (bleeder etc) only as an elec boost controller would be in cabin.

Some time ago when I rang regency I did ask about boost controllers and they said a simple no, they alter emissions.

But things may have changed.


Altering the boost wil effect emissions, and hence is illlegal.

(but its so much fun to increase the boost, just make it as discreet as possible and hope that if you are pulled over they dont find it. My thoughts are that if they defect you for a discreet boost controller then they probably would have made something up to defect you for if they hadnt found it.

Do the right thing, dont draw attention to yourself and you should be OK.

its strange - cos just having a boost controller doesn't mean you've put the boost up.

There are cases for installing one for more reliable boost or just gear-specific boost etc. which if kept at or below stock boost levels couldn't make emissions any worse than stock.

There are many other mods that also affect emissions (eg. exhaust) but these are generally overlooked - unless your exhaust is loud or you have something obviously illegal showing.

Just do like everyone else, if you must have a boost controller, keep it well disguised/hidden. Its the best you can do. :D

At regency pretty much every mod is 'illegal' cz they dont know what half of them are.

I though on the street you are ok with most mods, as long as like the sus isnt too low, or you have bov, or super loud exhaust.

Im thinking of getting boost controller in near future, probably an in cabin one like avc-r.

I will prob mount on dash, and if get pulled over by cops, just put it in my pocket or something. My turbo timer is also hidden, as most cops look for them.

when i first went thru regency, my 32 was next to a 180. The mechanic inspecting the 180 asked the mechanic looking at mine if these cars had the same engines, as he wanted to check something in the 180.. i was like, OMG.... they pretty much say everything is illegal, but thats only if you have to take your car there...

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