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Its almost 3 weeks since my wife and I got to Melbourne. We are missing Japan a lot. I'm sure any other person who has lived in Japan will share my feelings.

If there are any people who want to meet up in Melbourne, PM me.

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Im in Japan 4-5 times a year for business and usually no longer than 1 month at a time but I always enjoy cominmg back to Oz- less people-more fresh air ,more room to move etc etc

Yeah, thats why i really awnted to get back to Aus. I guess, i just need to re-adjust to the culture differences/way of life.

Anyone know of any Sentos in Victoria?????? I love the Sento.

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I've been back in AU for just on a year now. I was in JP for over 5 years and the first 6 months back in AU I had pretty mixed feelings. But this is my home and I had to come back some time.

I heading back to JP soon but for how long I don't know.

I really REALLY don't want to teach English ever again...

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why not?ive been doing it for about 6 years now and i dont mind it

Its just personal. I need something more challenging, in a different way. It was a fantastic experience, especially the second company I worked for, which was just teaching kids.

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The grass is always greener on the other side.

I'm sure many of you probably found it cool how, at first, people would stare at you all the time because you're a hakujin, but I think that wears off after awhile and you just want to blend in with everyone else.

Maybe I'm wrong, but so far that's probably the biggest thing I miss about being back home.

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I don't want to teach ever again simply because of the mental strain from day to day, having to be the 'YEAH! GENKI GAIJIN!!!!' even when you're not.

After my experience I find that I appreciate doing even mundane things now. But yes, I agree with R sanyon it was an awesome experience... but just once in a lfetime is enough.

Just to follow on from the original post, I also find that I have this 'romantic' feeling about Japan now, and it's not something that I want to spoil by getting into the daily grind there again. I mean, no one wants to be stuck up against a drunk sweaty salaryman in high summer on the 10:30pm train with nowhere to get fresh air but *straight up*... its things like that that make me think the move back home was worth it.

I wish I could meet up with some other ex-gaijins and talk about things, but then again, it's all very personal and I think mostly people would want to keep their 'J-romance' to themselves. I've always got my Japanese wife here, and I guess I'm lucky in that she works for the local Japanese newspaper here in Perth. She gets to meet all the local permanent resident Japanese and I get to talk about Japan to them... but you know what? The local Japanese here all think AU is *the* place to live. 'WHY do you want to go back to Japan???' they all ask repeatedly. To them it's clear cut. Stay out of Japan. But for us foreigners, it's alot different.

The best thing would be to spend 6 months at home, 6 months in Japan....

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I mean, no one wants to be stuck up against a drunk sweaty salaryman in high summer on the 10:30pm train with nowhere to get fresh air but *straight up*... its things like that that make me think the move back home was worth it.

The best thing would be to spend 6 months at home, 6 months in Japan....

Thats why I drive to work :P . Eliminates the sweaty armpits factor all together,apart from my own. Another thing I have noticed is that a lot of people go "home". I think of Japan as my home now so I never get the urge to go back to Aus. Ive only been back twice in the whole time ive been here. Now Australia is more like a holiday destination for me

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I used to think of AU as a holiday destination too. That was until I realized without a doubt that no matter what I do, say or think, I will never be considered a Japanese citizen. The acceptance just does not exist with foreign born people in Japan as it does in western countries. Sure there might be times when you feel comfortable with your J-friends and inlaws (maybe!) but when you're out there alone in the middle of big city Japan well... everyone has their own opinion.

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you are 100% right Rezz. No chance for an outsider to ever be accepted as japanese the way we can accept imigrants as Australian. I have a friend who is half Japanese. He lived in Japan until age 8 or so. Then lived in Aus until around 1 year ago. He speeks fluent Japanese and recently moved back there and works in a very good job in Tokyo in an investment bank. But whenever we went out together in Japan people we met (Japanese people) would coment: "woah, you speak japanese so well" he was quite offended of course. Like I would be if someone here came up to me in Sydney and said: "woah, you speak english really well". Plus having to carry an Alien Card at all times is not nice for someone who thinks of themselves as Japanese. But the fact that he obviously has non-japanese blood in him means he will always be an outsider there, just like we would be. tough life for him.

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. Like I would be if someone here came up to me in Sydney and said: "woah, you speak english really well". .


sorry to go a bit off topic, I lived in America for around 7 years.. And I always got people comming up to me saying how well I speak english, and asking where I Studied it .. :P .. but you dont expect much from the Yanks lol

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Interesting you bring up that about half Japanese people Richard, as I used to work with a half british half Japanese girl. Same situation, she was bi-lingual, but she just had that totally un-Japanese mannerism about her that stuck out like dogs danglies. She would always get compliments about her Japanese ability aswell, but worst of all... the other Japanese girls were extremely jealous that she was british citizen and could leave Japan at any time and go work in Europe. It was kinda like she was not allowed in the 'club' because of her advantageous situation.

Of course you could just ignore all whats been discussed here so far and have a decent existence in JP but for some people everything stems from acceptance and mutual understanding no matter where you come from... and therein lies the problem I have/had.

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Hey guys,

Interesting thread, I am currently living in Japan but will be returning home to Aus pretty soon, so it is good to hear everyones opinion. Like most of you guys and girls I have taught english for the magical company we all know and love :P , as far as the job goes it is pretty repetitive and you have your sh%t days but hey you get that in every job. However it is really easy and lets you meet up with some pretty cool people and see the country.

As far as living in Japan goes, I have to agree that no matter how hard you try you will always be a gaijin and again that is a win/lose situation so you have to take it for what it is. Sometimes it can be great because you can get away with doing things a little different to the Japanese way ie read Rezz's page on gaijin antics and have some good laughs, but on the other hand you are an obvious target for the keisatsu-police and older japanese people and school boys seem to hate the fact that you have a Japanese Girlfriend.

I think there is things about both countries that I like and don't like, its just a case of enjoying it while you can and putting yourself in an environment where you can enjoy yourself(aus&jp). Once you get used to the culture and settle into Japan you can really have some good times, I have loved my time in Japan and in the future I be coming back(have a great J-girlfriend) so my plan is to spend 2 years in Aus 2 years in Japan kind of go back and forth(maybe it will work, maybe not) this way you can enjoy both countries.

Australia will always be my home, my family and long term mates are there plus its such a unique country.

Hang in there Micky you just have to get used to working in a different environment again.

Sorry for the long post, had a BIG night its 5.40am and i cant sleep.


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Hey sleeper ET.!! We had some good times in Japan together, did'nt we? Hitchhiking from the train station to Super F3 at Okayama circuit (among other things) stays in my mind.

Getting back to the thing about Japanese people thinking highly of Aus..... In the weeks before leaving Japan with my Japanese wife, her friends were saysing she was so lucky to be getting out of Japan, and Australia is so beautiful. There was also a bit of jealosy. And they would say to her, you're so lucky that you can have cute 'half' children. At first I laughed, but they were serious. And it made me angry cos these ladies had kids already. It was a novelty concept for them.

Japanese people would even question my wife about her surname, 'Are you Japanese?, But you dont have a Japanese surname, why did you choose a Gaijin to marry.'

Being home in Aus, I've been stripped of my Super Gaijin powers and i miss getting looks from the j-birds. My wife thought it was funny,"you're just a normal person, why do they look at you?"

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Well at least in Japan it is the only place in the world where you get treated better than everyone else because of racism... but I jest.

I recently got dicked by my Japanese girlfriend's parents (now ex) for being "not rich enough" so that was kind of annoying, but at least they didn't use the gaijin excuse! I will have to indulge in rampant hedonism to compensate.

I am going to go home (feels strange to say that about Australia) soon but last time I just remember it feeling dead and boring, but I also remember having room, good food and just feeling a lot healthier, but in Australia I can't do my hobby (driving) because I am "not rich enough" so it has to be Japan for me unfortunately.

But if I leave I will miss doing all this sort of stuff http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybcIFVbWI50

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