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Originally posted by red17

"Hey skaifie, is that the new Gen 3 commodore?"

"The one with the noisy gudgeon pins?"

"..and the excessive oil consumption?"

"The leaking P/steering pump?"

"....and the 500 degrees negitive camber?"

I have to work on 'Bombadores' everyday..... Lucky me!?

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Originally posted by broken

ha ha what a classic thread.  

so your $10 or 20k car beats a 40k car !! so what?

i know id rather be driving a 40k car if i could afford it.

how many people who dislike v8's have actually been in a decent one?

It's just a pity it's taken holden until now to come up with something that equals what Toyota and Nissan were doing in Japan 10 years ago...

The current Monaro's specs read pretty close to those of the 1991 Twin turbo supra Limited....

well, except the supra also has a targa top available... and a twin turbo 2.5L motor that performs as well as the tweaked, oil burning, rattly on startup 350 that holden elected to use...


I know plenty of people who work at holden service centres who will disagree. The Gen3 in their opinion is a heap of junk (and these guys LOVE their holdens), they get endless customers complaining. Yet it doesnt seem to happen with holdens other motors.

Sure theres probly alot that havent exhibited the problems. For one reason or another.

Ill stop bagging HSV's when HSV owners stop bagging me. I know quite a few top blokes with commodores, but ive also come across some right assholes who deserve to be put in their place.

Figure out which one of these categories you fit into enjo boy.


Originally posted by summoner

haha man, i love how SAU's turned into a holden/ford bashing shithouse of a forum, atleast WA section is still decent.

just giving back whats been handed out from the heartland over the years... :-)

hey red17.. i have had 2 gen3 cars.. no piston slap. no oil issues.. and i know plenty more like that.

yeah, but how many diffs/trannies have you been through?

and yeah, i know... i've blown a diff in the supra, but after all, it's 11 years old :-)

Originally posted by INASNT

Go down to a holden new car repair centre and see all the dead gen3's laying around. :bahaha:

I work at a Holden dealership, and yes there have been a few GENIII rebuilds, but worse than that is the attitude of the drivers.

We had a VU SS ute in with a hole in the sump (alloy sump), we were going to replace the sump, when he rang up and said, "I'll just use some 'plastic metal' to fix her up mate." Bloddy cowboys.

Another one who ran over a large, very imoveable object, (ripped open the sump) and kept driving until it stoppped. (another V6 dead).

I will give one thing to the V6 supercharged engine.. they make a really cool noise, but that's it.

i think ive races 4 cars on the street in the last 7 years lost one and got beat up by the GF the other times

everyone talking it up on the net get your arse down to the local open day at the race track, cut some laps

and drive your car

then we will c who can drive and who just talks the talk

and if that doesnt work

"you r a tool"

nothing more nothing less

red17.. whats deal with reference to enjo? so i work there.. good for u turning it personal? pretty pathetic imho.. oh and if its an attack on fact my folks run it.. even more pathetic. I love imports and quality of them is better in the build but doesnt mean 1 needs to non stop slander on the commodore, after all its orig purpose is to lug a family around and getting a car designed for that to have a bit of go is good, as oposed to cars which are designed with performance on their side.

FIL, oh i know commodores arent the best, but i see poor attitudes from import drivers, its always depending which side of the coin your on..

I killed 3 Auto trannies and 1 diff in the auto ute, in the manual i've snapped a tail shaft.. bout it.. although i need a new selector fork set for reverse :D

Originally posted by summoner

FIL, oh i know commodores arent the best, but i see poor attitudes from import drivers, its always depending which side of the coin your on..

I don't have a problem with Commodores, I think they are good for what they are. My last car was a mild VS V8 and it went pretty well. No Skyline can compete with the amount of space you get in one, so if only for that reason no one can say a Skyline is better at everything than a Commodore.

What I have a problem with though is a small minority of non-performance car drivers (majority of which seem to be V6 Commodore drivers) who think they are king shit. I have seen all kinds of makes and models drive like hoons, but I can't remember I saw a real performance car driver (ie, one that has been modified, of any make) act like a dangerous idiot - ie, tailgating me, cutting me off, swerving at me, etc. This is even when I was driving a Commodore (and Toranas) myself.

In my experience, it is primarily the unmodified Commodore brigade which do this, even V8's and some HSV ones. Partly because most cars on the road are Commodores and therefore it's just the law of averages, but also partly I think because idiots tend to go along with the flow and buy whatever car they think is most popular. So you get a compounding of the problem. I think this is why also I see so many clueless Camry drivers, another popular car.

This thread however is proof that hatred of other makes and models is not limited to Holden owners. I personally don't hate any particular make or model of car, but do observe which types of drivers are more likely to give me grief on the road and try to stay clear of them.

Also, earlier you made reference earlier to GTS-t owners thinking that their car was like a GTR, and likening that to an XF Falcon owner thinking that their car was like a GTHO. I don't think your analogy is very good. On a handling and power level out of the box, the GTS-t is probably 2/3 the car of a GTR. An XF is probably 1/8 the car of a GTHO.

The 1/8 ratio or similar also applies to other cars like regular Lancers to Evo's and non-turbo Imprezas to WRX's, but I believe the GTS-t is an exception. Compare the factory 1/4 mile times for all the aforementioned for a simplistic overview.

I am starting to get very angry with some skyline drivers lately.

No-one here, but the guys that live in my area. They are the ones that are giving me/us the bad names. I am getting pulled over, all because some other guy always drives like a dickhead around town.

Some people call me a sheep for buying a skyline, because everyone is getting one now. I don't think thats the case. I believe a import skyline is more reconised because they're not a popular car here. So once you see one, and then another one, you think "HEY theres heeps!". Theres probably a MAXIMUM of 30 in my area.

At the mo, my biggest argument, is a lot of young (commonly males) are buying skylines/silvias and just driving like absolute tools.

I don't know what its like in your area, but this is whats happening here.

The cops were having a massive blitz in town last night. I didn't want to take my car in, because I knew i would be picked on because of that other dickhead in the skyline.

PS This is what my car and the other car have in common;

Same first 4 digits on the number plate

Gunmetal Grey


Originally posted by int21h

I am starting to get very angry with some skyline drivers lately.

No-one here, but the guys that live in my area. They are the ones that are giving me/us the bad names. I am getting pulled over, all because some other guy always drives like a dickhead around town.  

Some people call me a sheep for buying a skyline, because everyone is getting one now. I don't think thats the case. I believe a import skyline is more reconised because they're not a popular car here. So once you see one, and then another one, you think "HEY theres heeps!". Theres probably a MAXIMUM of 30 in my area.  

At the mo, my biggest argument, is a lot of young (commonly males) are buying skylines/silvias and just driving like absolute tools.

I don't know what its like in your area, but this is whats happening here.

The cops were having a massive blitz in town last night. I didn't want to take my car in, because I knew i would be picked on because of that other dickhead in the skyline.

PS This is what my car and the other car have in common;

Same first 4 digits on the number plate

Gunmetal Grey


I feel exactly the same way, as wankers are buying lines around my area as well.

Originally posted by int21h

I am starting to get very angry with some skyline drivers lately.

No-one here, but the guys that live in my area. They are the ones that are giving me/us the bad names. I am getting pulled over, all because some other guy always drives like a dickhead around town.  

Some people call me a sheep for buying a skyline, because everyone is getting one now. I don't think thats the case. I believe a import skyline is more reconised because they're not a popular car here. So once you see one, and then another one, you think "HEY theres heeps!". Theres probably a MAXIMUM of 30 in my area.  

At the mo, my biggest argument, is a lot of young (commonly males) are buying skylines/silvias and just driving like absolute tools.

I don't know what its like in your area, but this is whats happening here.

The cops were having a massive blitz in town last night. I didn't want to take my car in, because I knew i would be picked on because of that other dickhead in the skyline.

PS This is what my car and the other car have in common;

Same first 4 digits on the number plate

Gunmetal Grey


hey im a young male! but yes i have to agree that i am seeing more and more young people with imports and alot of them r hoons that give people like me a bad name especially silvias i think its coz they are cheap and fast!

i know a lot of holden and ford people who hav swapped over to buying imports (took em a while to realise imports are better :)) we must stop hoons from disgracing the family name! haha

JimX, to true, the v6 brigade probably are the worsed.. although the biggest trouble makers here were the vl 6cyl single spinner burnout brigade.. but they're getting into imports these days, i think as the price drops of imports they become a more viable option to the idiots who used to go for cheap commodores.

Unfortunately as u state due to more commodores on road, more idiots driving them :)

That is really an ansult. TO THE MAZDA!!!! I'm not joking either, the wife had a bubble and it was an amazing little car. Cheap to run, nippy, and in 4 years it was absolutely faultless. I don't think I even changed a light bulb. It was as roomy in the front as a slobberwhore as well (I'm 2 metres tall) contrast that with our gen111 which racked up most of it's mileage behind a tow truck.I had to sell the thing on consignment because I knew i wouldn't be able to face the poor bastard who bought it off me! I never used to be a Holden/Ford man and only bought it cause they look ok and with 5.7 litres they go well. BUT they are buckets of shit. Full stop. I had one, take my word for it.


I don't get you skyline drivers? yeah some holden drivers are dick and yeah some 8 r shit but that is just a general statment you all make.

I am not a fan of jap cars but i like the skyline (32,34), supras but for me i see them everywhere now, yeah holdens are everywhere but not all holdens are guys/girls looking to race and are dicks about it.

The other day i was driving with my cuz in his Kingswood (old skool shit) its got nothing its slow as ***. We were driving on the Freeway and we pull up to a s13 silva, it was a POS (FntF style sticks) big ass wing. so we can it some crap and the guy went psycho at us,reving it like ****ing and say "coming on tells race and kick your ass you ****head ect ect" it was bullshit.

So its not just holden drivers it's that small group that drives cars and think they are the best.

And for the comments that v8 are cheap power or watever u need to do some h/w. a LT-1 396 Superchange will put a 9sec easy, ls1 and ls6 can easy pull every low 10 with a few mods. The fact is that everyone in australia is still getting used to v8, the tech in v8 in australia is shit i agree but take something like a vette a LT1 or Ls6 has alot of tech in it (i dont see a stock r34 GTR beating a stock zo6 vette)

Yeah a zo6 is ls6 and an 8 but it doesnt have any other mods like the gtr which has a turbo.

All im tring to say is im sick of all this bs talk from Turbo and v8 drivers yeah you may think your car is the best and it can beat every car on the road and that all people that driver "nissan" or "holden" or "supra" are ****ing gay and have shits cars but everyone has there day yeah my 9second GTR might not get beat 2day but some day it will get beaten. (explain i dont drive a gtr)

By the way i dont dirve a Jap Or Holden Car, (im w8 for my vette to come and im not some punk kid too, i might not know alot about turbos or skyline but i know to stop the bs flame wars that happens if some guy in a skyline tell me to get **** cuz i beat him i will say carm down and get over it and not make a thread 4pages long about it)

Just my 10cents

Originally posted by Soulja

Yeah a zo6 is ls6 and an 8 but it doesnt have any other mods like the gtr which has a turbo.

Fair enough Soulja, I generally agree with you, but your above comment that V8 drivers love to make really annoys me. The GTR is DESIGNED to have a turbo (2 in fact), and therefore it is not really valid to say the GTR is modded because it isn't NA. It is a small capacity engine that is boosted. The LS1 is a large capacity unboosted engine. Both are equally good ways to make power. And personally, I'll take the turbo way.



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