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Mellow Yellow? I Think Not! [JETR34] [RYL063] Terrorising The Streets.

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For those of you were wondering, i thought i better set the record straight on a few things, people have been asking who owns "JETR34". That would be my partner in crime/cuz "Ibi" not "Bibi" f@ck sake leaste get his name right :). The car is not owned by Suborn, but Suborn will be making a few alterations in the future "Hopefully" Im pretty sure if you live around the south-east suburbs of Melbourne you have at leaste one or more times seen these yellow monstor R34 GT-T's either fly by you or skate sideways round corners almost kissing gutters....if you havent? give us time were not perfect you know :uh-huh: . Also another thing my plates [RYL063] are kinda boring me, but if i wait around till [sEXMACHINE] will fit legaly on a plate my balls will be scraping the floor.....so im going to let you take a vote and discuss amoungst yourselfs what you think it should be....this will be the peoples R34 lol (but dont get me wrong when i say the peoples i mean mine).

PICS......Bumper was off at the time!


Note: Page is no where near finished.

You should have asked, what should sex machine be doing tonight? :)

yeah, don't think i can think of any betta that haven't most likely be taken tho.







i dunno..late, kinda lame :)

who u talkin to? lol... I met Ibi at Pier 25 or wherever near westgate bridge, and in my rush I tybe Bibi in my fone when he gave me his numba 2 come 4 a photoshoot we were doin.

Anyways, good 2 see both of yas on the boards...

correct nark, you arent, interstate you can, but not here, can only have numbers after letters [or all numbers] afaik.

could do monkeh's last one like this though: REV34 - double meaning ?





OUTRNU (out run u... well... meant to be :P)

UCNA34 (u seen a 34... as in past tense (tense? SP?), u just got passed by a 34)

i dunno....

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