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Well it all started about a month ago when a mate of a mate sold me his R32 4 door. After driving it around for the brief 3 days it was drivable (3 days spent in shop for roadworthy) I was absolutly hooked. When i wrote it off I decided I needed another Skyline no matter what it took so i started searching around, had an inspection lined up with a Sydney member from these forums but it was sold 8 hours before i was set to leave. Pissed off by my lack of sleep (I woke up at 5am dam it and turned down a mates 21st the night before!) I started searching more and found an Ebay ad with minutes to go, so like an idiot i bid 13,900 on a sight unseen car in victoria :P . Weeks of planning and stuffing around later i flew to Melbourne this morning and drove it back today. :O

Will post some pics tommorrow, bloody tired. (Its a 1996 GTST R33 Turbo 5sp Man)

Heres some pics of the old one:




(no P-Plater jokes :rofl:)

By the way my names Alex and im gonna become a forum addict :D

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Also, the guy i bought it off is selling another one just like the one i bought for a simlar price aswell as a red R34 GTS turbo Manual for $25,000 in amazing condition if anyones interested, I was tempted to buy it instead but couldnt afford another 10,000 :(

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Its been inspected since i drove it back to canberra and he couldnt find any faults, it handled great on the trip back on the Hume Hwy, no weird shakes or rattles at speeds, no weird noises, think i got lucky :X.

He didnt want a deposit so there wasnt any commitment to buy the car before i test drove it and inspected it, he was basically just holding it for me till i got there.

Photos taken with phone so not greatest quality



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stupid, MIVEC will tell you what happens to people who buy cars and dont inspect them :)

you are VERY lucky. i hope it doesnt explode on you in the nect few days. Ive seen that 4 door around the place, not for a while though obviously.

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haha, i got lectured by everyone i told about the car about how i was semi/wholly retarded but there was never any commitment to buy until i test drove it. Bidding on ebay was kind of like a moneyless deposit.

What happened to MIVEC?

Edited by Baconer
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dont think jamies told michael about the car yet :X

You know the roundabout near Gordon primary (going along tharwa drive) Was coming back up from banks/condor way, accelerated a bit too hard (rained earlier that day but it was propably dry by the time i crashed) while exiting and it slid right into the light pole on the corner. If you drive past there youll see the orange tape where it should of been :)

Crazy thing is when i hit it i drove off and hid in some couldersack in Isabella and reported myself to the police while waiting for a towtruck, apprantly because i reported myself i didnt lose any points from my liscence. Also ACTEW didnt secure the light pole (was told later that if you hit a light pole and it stands its $2500 fine but if it falls its +$5000) and they basically watched it sway around till it fell, hitting another car :X

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i agree inspecting is good and in most cases essential but i bought my motorbike off ebay and it has nothing wrong with it that was not described in the description. Just make sure they have posative feedback and if anything seems dodgy it normally is.

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