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You mean kinda like this one??? Although this one has also had the front converted to that of a 34 :thumbsup:

Holy snapping ducksh1t batman!!!! - does anyone have any more info on that thing?

gettin back on track for a sec..

been givin it alot of thought with Wildcat n we came up with a few good ideas .....

Xmas treasure hunt style cruise :)

Prezzies n all woohoooooo!!!!!

Whats everyone reackon??? ... give us ya ideas so we have some time to make this an awesome cruise :(

Ohhhh n Kylie i got a hacksaw if ya need a hand hehehee :)

Lee and I came up with some ideas last night like

1) Card Run -At every stop, ppl get to (randomly) choose a playing card, at the end stop who ever has the best hand wins and gets pressies

2) An Amazing Race style cruise...first one to get all the clues right and make it to the final destination also wins pressies

3) Treasure Hunt Cruise - i think lee named that the Stagea Santa Cruise or something!

4) A normal map cruise

Obviously there would be plenty of ppl out there with ideas so throw us some ideas..make sure its south as this time around we are heading down that way!!!

Mitchy the amazing race one is clue based so its not like race to the end..its like get all the clues and ones you have the hope you end at the final destination with them all correct

Kylie never heard of a poker run is it the same?

yeah except you pay for another card. Usually $5 to raise funds for kids or whatever.. bikers usually do them :yes:

I like the card one... the clues one would have to be fairly obvious or mitchy would get left behind :ninja:

maybe we could do donations for cancer foundation...seens there is alot of that going around at the moment :)

im also not available the sunday 17th :) maybe we should decide if we want a december cruise or an early new year cruise???

jan is way better esp for the late xmas shoppers like myself...

treasure hunt sounds like a good idea...organisers will be bored stiff tho coz obviously they wont be participating.

card game ...sounds like poker...maybe make it interesting an play drive by strip poker...looser drives home nekkid ..haha

amazing race <<kinda against this idea..i agree it is based on clues..but some may get overly excited and try outrun other participants...i kinda see a lot of speeding tickets with this one

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