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My On-going Dispute With Recent Fines I Received


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Cops should really under go some car mod training of some sort if they wish to pull out defect fines...

i was pulled over on the grounds that i was speeding which i disputed right there( i wasent speeding) he wasent 2 happy and was pretty hesistant about it, so he was tryen to look for somethen i reacon. He asked me to pop the bonnet so i did, he found nothen then he says "ahh here is something, your exhaust" what type of dipshit says that?

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Not likely, and i am in my mid thirties. How many times can i make the point that there are many legal mods to make. He got busted with illegal mods and instead of taking it on the chin he wants to kick and scream. People can bitch and moan for as long as they want about how cool BOV's are when the reality is that aftermarket BOV's are pure wank factor. My last three cars have all been turbos and have all been driven hard. None have BOV's and non have expired prematurely. Short story if you mod your car to attract attemtion dont bitch when it attracts cop attention sunshine.

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Not likely, and i am in my mid thirties. How many times can i make the point that there are many legal mods to make. He got busted with illegal mods and instead of taking it on the chin he wants to kick and scream. People can bitch and moan for as long as they want about how cool BOV's are when the reality is that aftermarket BOV's are pure wank factor. My last three cars have all been turbos and have all been driven hard. None have BOV's and non have expired prematurely. Short story if you mod your car to attract attemtion dont bitch when it attracts cop attention sunshine.

I do agree with the fact that aftermarket bov's aren't necessary. But surely the cops could be doing something more usefull. I don't know how many times I have seen fights that are getting out of control and the police have been called but never turn up. Also at my last job the boss called the police about some kid smashing the windscreen of his car but they never turned up.

Yet without fail everynight i am out i will see the cops driving around doing laps looking for cars to defect or hassle.

How about they defect some cars with real safety issues like bald tyres , rust holes the size of a persons head, leaking oil and with struts and springs that have been in the car for 30years?

Edited by «Cyph3r»
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Very true but that takes effort to go stop fights and investigate its alot easier to pull up someone and give them a fine and or defect.Even easier to sit in a diesel jeep with newspaper covering the windows and book ppl while they sleep.Real work is too hard for them....If blow off valves are wank wank arent having monaro's as a cop cars?Dont see that much effort in making the roads better to drive on or wider to have more cars on them....Dont see much effort into providing areas for people to hang with theyre cars.Dont see them put effort into catching the paedofiles or rapists....All you see effort in is to defect "hoons" and book ppl for "speeding".If thats the case that we are speeding why not just makes cars to be limited to 110 or 100?At the end of the day any bit of money they can make out of us they will after all they gota get their monthly quota....

Edited by GtrVspec
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Oh my god that same dickhead cop did the same thing to me. he had no idear how to do his job, gave me a $70 fine and made me get a rwc which cost me a $60. the guy that did my rwc said the cop was wasting his time, my time and my money cause car was 100% legal. hope you cause him alot of trouble., he deserves it. It seems like we lose our rights when we buy a skyline.

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:) why cops hate skyline ????? Wasting our tax money to pay this kind of people :huh:

I think this cop is a part of a small minority within the police department, that gets off on the power they have. gives the police a bad name.

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I do agree with the fact that aftermarket bov's aren't necessary. But surely the cops could be doing something more usefull. I don't know how many times I have seen fights that are getting out of control and the police have been called but never turn up. Also at my last job the boss called the police about some kid smashing the windscreen of his car but they never turned up.

Yet without fail everynight i am out i will see the cops driving around doing laps looking for cars to defect or hassle.

How about they defect some cars with real safety issues like bald tyres , rust holes the size of a persons head, leaking oil and with struts and springs that have been in the car for 30years?

I called the cops tonight (first time EVER) and within less than 5 mins there were 6 cars circling my block - talk about response time. A group of kids were jumping on cars and making noise outside my apartment and throwing bottles at taxi drivers. I would much rather my tax money be spent for this sort of action instead of the defects.

It is quite funny, i have been driving a beat up old ute while my line has been in at the mechanics for the past month. The headlight is smashed, it takes about 50m to stop, the steering is loose as and it REALLY shouldnt be on the road (and i see a lot worse cars than that driving around all of the time). I have driven past LOTS of cops, even pulled up behind one tonight with the headlight out and they didnt look twice.

If i was in the Skyline i am sure it would have been a different story. Even though it handles 1000 times better, stops in 1/4 of the distance, has working headlights, and is better on fuel/ less emissions.

However I bought the car, I knew it would attract attention and MOST of the time i am sensible and do not get hassled. I am scared to drive my car sometimes though, I have to go to Melbourne in a week and I am so worried i will be defected. I bought a plumb back kit for the BOV but i have a POD, intercooler, Aftermarket ECU and boost control. ALL defectable.

I bought the car from a dealer with most of these mods already on it. It was complianced by the dealership with some of these mods on and some were put on after it was complianced.

Would I have any leg to stand on if i was sold a car that did not comply? I tried to take the car dealership through small claims but they couldnt really do much for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing yet.

Did call QLD Transport the other day to change my living address for licence and rego. They checked for any fines and they told me the lawyers/solicitors at QLD Transport are currently looking into the matter so the fines are on hold till they decide whats actually happening.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Amazing how a car enthusiast based internet forum, has so many people who have little or no knowledge in relation to cars and modifications.

The fact does remain that all vehicles must comply to national vehicle standards, that includes modified vehicles. ADR's ring a bell

This is where the blow off valve situation comes into play. (obviously relates to later model engines, check the dotars site for relevent ADR's)

BOV's vented to the atmosphere on vehicles which have these ADR's are illegal, and you will be fined.

It goes against two ADR's listed below. Just to note further, any air that enters the engine through its induction system ie(turbocharger, airbox) must exit through the exhaust. If you want further details on this, gee I dunno contact an engineer. (For the record, I am an engineer)

Not being plumbed back has the following issues

1. It vents crankcase gasses to the atmosphere - Against ADR 79

2. Increases the noise level/induction level - Against ADR

I think people should start doing some research before assuming their modifications are legal, then starting topics on internet forums crying about their defects. Wether they like it or not, most of the time the police are certainly within their right to give you defects. So remove that possibility by making your vehicle legal, might be a good start

You can mod your car correctly, and follow the guidelines which are there for you, get 0 defects, or go ahead and think you can outsmart the law. I know which path I will follow.

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dudes' i was talking to this guy i just met who works at the Department he say that s cop can defect even upon only suspition and that is that we have to deal with it, for you to fight the calim you have to do as john has done.

oh and by the way FYI as of monday if you are caught going over 30kms past the speed limit it is instant disqulification of your Licence for 6 months and they will take the keys off you right then and there.

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dudes' i was talking to this guy i just met who works at the Department he say that s cop can defect even upon only suspition and that is that we have to deal with it, for you to fight the calim you have to do as john has done.

oh and by the way FYI as of monday if you are caught going over 30kms past the speed limit it is instant disqulification of your Licence for 6 months and they will take the keys off you right then and there.

30kms...when did they sneak that one in? It was 40kmh last time I heard and 2 x 20kmh breaches.

It'll be 20kmh over before you know it then 10kmh........

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