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So here is my brothers translation but he said lots of spelling errors and slang and can change the meaning.




uhuyyyyy...MR owner nighhh...

I tot 8 MR only comes in white and grey only?

trus2..kalo menurut lo worthed beli 8 MR atau 9? Soalnya kalo ndak salah agak mirip2 ya?

Kalo boleh tau, brapa gitu beli nya? Pas di ACT udah fully complianced + rego gituh?

sorry banyak nanya =P

Such a nice car u got there =)

MR owner are you? I thought MR…..

So…Do you think its worth buying MR 8 or 9? The problem is, if I’m not wrong, they are quite alike, aren’t they?

If I might ask, how much did you buy it for? Full price on the road in ACT?

Sorry for so many questions.




Twin of fast.






The speed (worshipper) brothers!




Itu evo mr kok velgnya masi enkei? Bknnya dpt yg bbs ya?

That evo (???) Mr stain/spot still enkei (???)Didn’t get an allowance did you?




ini bukannya bule yah yang punya????

Is this a western guy that has it?????




ngiler gw,,,, ^^

I’m drooling




yaking tuh MR ? Peleknya kok engga seperti MR?

Are you sure that’s an MR? The rims aren’t like MR?

ini mungking cuma GSR pake MR carbon partThis message was edited

Maybe its only GSR with MR carbon parts




like da lip spolier... definetly luv da car!




Reply To : LOSER

this is MR

dude i bought this car, so i know

wheel di permasalahin bgt sih, this is Advan RS, gw yang minta, soalnya disini susah dicari.. pernah beli and import belom??? The wheel was a whole set of problems, this is Advan RS, I requested it, the problem is just that its difficult to find here. Have you ever tried to buy and import it yet?

doesnt make sense kalo jauh2 ke ACT cuman beli GRS, soalnya dealer resmi mitsubishi aja itu keluarin GSR, kalo MR has to be imported..Doesn’t make sense if go all the way to ACT only to buy GRS, the official Mitsubishi dealer there only sells GSR. If its MR it has to be imported.





Reply To : [KUNING]

alo jg, gw pernah liat rx7 lu dicity nih. gmn skrg?

Hello too. I’ve seen your rx7 in the city. How is it?

some ppl call it 8.5 version, and yes it comes in red also.

8 sama 9 yah, ermm tergantung taste sih, kalo mao lebih baru abd ga repot ya go for evo 9, kalo mao repot2 dikit coba MR, worth it kok=p

8 is same as 9, errrmm depends on taste. If you want newer and you’re not busy, go for the evo 9, if you want a fair bit of work, try the MR, its worth it.

iya ini uda termasuk complianced+rego, kalo mao sendiri bisa tp repot, soalnya di tempat gw beli dia jg bisa compliance jg, harga jg bagus makanya gw mao jauh2 ke ACT, pernah mao coba lewat JSA di melb, tp dodgy tempatnya..

yes, already includes compliance and rego. You can do it yourself, but it’s a lot of extra effort. The thing is that where I bought mine, he can do compliance as well. The price is ok, consequently I want to go far to the ACT. I once wanted to do it through JSA in Melbourne, but the place is dodgy.





Reply To : owned

thx for the reply.

Rx7 gw...skrg uda d jual, lg itu accident dan gw males benerin....sayang sigh...kadang gw nyesel juga just because I did a stupid thing on public road.

at the moment, gw ada pikiran mo bli evo nigh ato another FD ato another FD with LS1 swap(masih d pikir2 =P) .Kalo evo, more towards 8 MR considering harga 8 MR Vs IX, maklum doku nya ga kenceng hehehehe. Kalo untuk import gw ada bbrp kenalan, salah satunya JDS auto imports. Cuma sampai sekarang gw lom tau roughly brapa yah cost buat import ke sini, plus compliance,plus rego. Soalnya kalo tanya2 ke importir gitu tar d sangkanya cuma time-waster doank lagih.

I already sold my RX7. I had an accident and was too lazy to get it fixed….pity….sometimes I’m frustrated because I did a stupid thing on the public road. At the moment I think I want to buy evo or another FD or another FD with LS1 swap (still thinking about it) If evo, more towards an 8 MR considering the price of 8MR Versus IX, knowing that the money isn’t tight. Hehehe. If for import, I have some contacts, one of which is JDS imports. Only that until now, I don’t yet know roughly how much it costs to import to here, plus compliance, plus rego. The problem is that if asking the importer all that, he will think I’m just a time waster.




sori ni mungkin gw salah

Sorry, maybe I’m wrong

stau gw sih ni evo MR punya James, presiden skyline Australia victoria, soalnya no platenya sama bgt! (AM.70.KV)

I know the evo that James has, the president of Skyline Australia Victoria, the thing is his number plate is the very much the same as mine (AM.70.KV)

btw, sweet ride, evo always my dream car.

oiya, bwat info tmn2, BBS wheels di MR jg optional d jpn, standar pelek msh enkei koq, klo mo nge-spot bedanya GSR ma MR si lo lyat d:

-headlight (MR dpn ma blkng ag' glap, kaya smoke gt)

-alumunium roof yg ktnya 10 kg lbh ringan

-black side rear spoiler

-full suede recaro bucket (MR warnanya glap, GSR tu recaro bag tengahnya ad warna biru)




itu evo biru punya alan bukan? org malay?

That blue evo is Alan’s, isn’t it? Malaysian guy?

Hehe - thanks Geoff :(

So funny - I finally got my registration, but i can't seem to open the profile of the member who posted it.

Kinda fitting his user name is 'owned' :rofl:

And Alan the Malaysian guy - bwahahaha :rofl:

haha you've lost me, I didn't do very well at Indonesian...

HOWEVER, I can say I'm 13...

Umur say tiga tak tahun or something along those lines :laugh:

I knew IT! All these years Dane... you're just a very TALL 13 year old!

That maccas looks very familiar in those pictures. I believe the employees have been harrased by a large group of import freaks a number of times!

  • 3 months later...
looks like a 4wd

lower de karnt

i think the olds 6 sits lower n has less gap between tyre n guard

I dont think that would be a good move... looks like the rear rims sit out from the guards.. they will scrub if the car is lowered.. wrong offset?

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