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when my r34 was complienced i was told that the xenon HIDs were takn out. i noticed the other day that there were some scribbles just above my headlights that showed "H1.21V.55W" in 2 places above each side of the headlights.

heres a pic


but when i took the buld out and had a my mate told me that they were H3s....we wernt sure but they wernt H1s.


ive been planning to get HID Xenons back into my car but many ppl have told this and that to me.

i realli want to convert my bulbs back to h1s i dont realli like the idea my cars been changed from factory settings. is this possible?

ive got the word "XENON" across my headlights and was wondering maybe they just took the bulbs out and left the assembly? can anyoone confirm this?


can i have H1 Xenon HIDs back iin my car guys?

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Your lights have been converted to halogen so they comply with ADR, the R34 xenons don't. You will find they took out the xenon globes, the balasts and they cut the plug that goes on the globe, depending on how close they cut the wire you may/maynot be able to reconvert back to xenons . Even if you could you have to have the balasts and globes .

The writing on the h/light assembly is there to tell you that the lights have been converted( as you said the lights still say Xenon on them ).

Converted xenons are shocking in the rain, i don't know how you put up with them. Factory halogens are good but of course factory xenons are much better.

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man dats so bs......how can they do that....and put such shockn lights in.....hRmmm

wrxhoon wat would u recommend my best course of action is?

if i cant get xenons back isnt someone responsible?

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man dats so bs......how can they do that....and put such shockn lights in.....hRmmm

wrxhoon wat would u recommend my best course of action is?

if i cant get xenons back isnt someone responsible?

Like i said R34 xenons don't comply with ADR ( not self laveling or self clean) so they did the right thing by convering them. If they cut the cable deep inside the h/light you can't re-convert them, your best option is to buy a set of xenons or go to the compliancer and offer to exchange them with a xenons for another car they comply. It will save them converting and you will have decent lights ( not legal though)

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so if i buy a set of HIDs like these


everything should work correct?

i just need a set of h3s....right?

::EDIT just had a talk with kamikaze mortors (the ppl who complienced my car) and they told me my convertion should of been toa h1....he said that his pretty sure a h3 should fit into a h1 socket.....so maybe i just bought a h3 buld?

can anyone firm if H3s fit into H1s?

Edited by anDru
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