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Just some background...

This is the new colaboration between Nike and Apple. It's essentially a pedometer transmitter in your shoe that communicates to a reciever on your iPod Nano. As you run, it records your time, distance, pace etc



It was released locally on Sat and I tried it out today. Nike insist you need a pair of their swanky new shoes - you don't. I secured the transmitter to my Asiscs in a $2 key wallet. The unit costs $50 and works with any iPod Nano. You need to calibrate it first - for both walking and running paces - which I did using the 250m markers around the Tan. You basically run the distance and tell it to stop - same with walking. I then went for a 2km run - and the distance readout on the screen matched the distance markers, so all good.



Every 500m a charming young lady tells you how far you've gone - which you can do at any time by pressing the middle button on the iPod. She counts down the last 500m for you too. At the end, Lance Armstrong himself came on and told me that dispite the added weight of a second testicle, I did really well and he was proud of me. Thanks Lance :thumbsup:

You can configure your 'Power Song' too - which you an get by holding in the middle iPod button - for that added aural encouragement for the run home. The Tog Gun theme did me proud today.

Once back on the computer - you plug it in with the standard iPod cable and it links straight to the Nike site. You need a quick registration - but once done, it shows you how your run(s) went with pace vs time graphed - highlighting the km markers and when you used your power song. You can store a history of your runs to show improvement and even set goals for the month. I've set one for 5 runs at sub-5min kms over the next 4 weeks.

You can compare yourself with friends and even set 'team' challenges. So if anyone else is using this - let me know :laugh:

It's kinda technology for technology's sake - but it's cool. I already want to go for another run.


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5 min kms, so you're aiming to do the Tan in sub 19:35 (Tan being 3.87 km)?

I've never managed a sub 20 min circuit, usually just either side of the 21 min mark, with the second circuit slightly slower. (I'm not much of a runner, H could do it faster on her own probably if she didn't have to drag me around)

I've got a mate at work who's a footy umpire (VFL level), and one of their fitness tests is to do the Tan sub 15 minutes, so they aim for 14 to be safe. :thumbsup:

How much does this modern wonder of pointlessness cost? (not much use to me though, I have an iPod mini :laugh: )

My best on the Tan is around 16.30 - I'm at about mid 18s at the moment, but aiming for a sub 16 before year end. I figured I'd set the 5-min km goal for slightly longer runs - 5 to 8km.

One of the guys I used to work with did sub 14min laps. I don't think I could do that pace for 500m.

The kit is $50 from the Nike store. It goes up dramatically if you need a Nano and want the special shoes and the Nike running tops... but my stinky Asics and Mr Bungle t-shirt worked fine today :thumbsup:

I'm hardly what you'd call a fit or trained athlete/runner, and i'm not exactly small either....year 12 PE, I beat everyone in the class in the sprints, and 90% of the class were footy players that prided themselves on being machines.

Was quite a nice look on their faces when i beat em.

the same look when I beat your mate.


serious dude, we did that in high skool in yr 11 and 12

my mates were state long distance runners n sprinters

OK, but in high school our carnivals were 2.4kms.

Again, i have no idea how fact i can sprint....but 18km/h for 4km/h....what do prefessionals pace themselves at?

OK, but in high school our carnivals were 2.4kms.

Again, i have no idea how fact i can sprint....but 18km/h for 4km/h....what do prefessionals pace themselves at?

ours were 4k trials then went to regional then state.

nfi wat pro's do. havent looked that far into it. go look at how fast the triathletes do. altho they do longer + other bits

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