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nah i aint seen any ad's but i think its on a mate drove pass there...... and he reckons its pretty small turn out there... not many cars in car park!!!!!

probly call belmont race track office!!!!

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chosen few and silwa are about the only real clubs there and i went and walked around it twice and left within 20 mins of getting in the door . complete waste of time and money

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Dont bother! spent $34 entry fee for me and the missus and it was terrible, saw about 30 cars in the car park and that was it. THe advertising and the promotion of the event was poor.

TO the organisers of this event (who i have met before and will still continue to reserve my judgement), you should feel ashamed charging people $17 entry and not too mention the fee for people to put their cars in the show, besides a couple of ads on the radio this was not promoted well nor was there enough cars or events to justify the price.

For the shops who have paid for advertising space, unless if tomorrow it at least 400x busier how it was today I would be asking for a refund due to lack of contractal obligations being met.

I am not one to rant and rave and you are more than welcome to go through my 1000+ posts to see wheather i have or not in the past, for those of you who know me it is out of character to be harping on but the show was an embarrasement to the car scene. Sundays generally do get busier but with the lack of...... EVERYTHING I wish the organisers the best of luck for tomorrow.

I hope i have given sufficient reasons as to how dissapointed I am, coming from being in the scene for the past 10+ years due to my brother aswell, I am easily recognising this as the worst show I have been to.

Ruccis RX7 is absolutely beautiful and has done a great job of that, all in all there was about 5 standout cars all of whom I have seen in the car shows for the past 3 plus years. there are some great up and commers there aswell. If i counted correctly probably would have seen about 40 cars there in TOTAL! I would see more talent in freo or Scarborough.

Sorry for the negative feedback but it must be given as it was a very sad day for me and for the import industry if events that useed to be as big as PAS are done in a last minute tacky approach to get as much money in the organisers pockets from punters and car lovers there will no longer be a car scene at all. /end rant

on a lighter note was good seeing some of the boys though, Jash, Tj, Rucci, great seein yas again!

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Ruccis RX7 is absolutely beautiful and has done a great job of that,

i would have to disagree with the rx7 i found it foolish.

to me only an idiot would have a tv built into the bonnet of the car so personally to me it was a complete waste of what could have been a very nice rx 7

sorry but in first post i should have mentioned the drifters had a display as well.

and the chosen few display i was most unimpressed with .allowing cars with yellow stickers on them to enter doesnt show their club in a good image

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and the chosen few display i was most unimpressed with .allowing cars with yellow stickers on them to enter doesnt show their club in a good image

Anyone see a Silver 33 in there display?

If so, Thoughts

Edited by PSI_GTSII
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few lucky i didnt enter with my mates would of been embrassed to enter didnt even take care to look at from the way things were organised prior to this event

well all i can say is good luck to the organizer on making another event

pics on the net will do the justice for me

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i would have to disagree with the rx7 i found it foolish.

to me only an idiot would have a tv built into the bonnet of the car so personally to me it was a complete waste of what could have been a very nice rx 7

Its an award winning show car, what did you expect? P.S the owner is not an idiot, but a long time supporter of the extreme show car scene in Perth. Surely you dont expect a 700hp stock looking GTR to win major awards do you?

Its a modified car show, therefore usually the most modified car there is what attracts attention and wins the awards as seen over east in pretty much all of their Autosalon events. I too would prefer a tough looking street car but they will never be major award winners.

This event was absolutely sh*thouse, to the organisers, dont bother with it next year if the bar isnt going to be raised. I thought the only good thing from the show was the SilviaWA cars, some nice rides there, and of course [LE RX7], good to see an extreme show car on the scene in Perth again.

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Anyone see a Silver 33 in there display?

If so, Thoughts

On the Chosen Few stand? Yeah, looked OK, though a black carbon bonnet would look much better. either that or a black paint job with the white carbon bonnet :(

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On the Chosen Few stand? Yeah, looked OK, though a black carbon bonnet would look much better. either that or a black paint job with the white carbon bonnet :)

Its a mates car from work....he's always looking for feedback on it....well, actually I always just give him feedback on it like it or not :)



Just quietly I reckon it looks pretty good...one of the best 33 GTS-Ts in Perth for sure.....although I never tell him that :huh:

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Its a mates car from work....he's always looking for feedback on it....

Just quietly I reckon it looks pretty good...one of the best 33 GTS-Ts in Perth for sure.....although I never tell him that :)

I really liked the body styling (kit/bobtail wing etc), just not a fan of the colour of the bonnet. Good to see a R33 there, was the only 1 I think, which must be a first for an import orientated car show. there were a couple of Imports101 R32 GTRs there, with the bonnet down and no spec sheets unfortunately.

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My 32 & Drift WA were there too! :)

I was dissapointed, especially after the effort i put in to get my car there in time. And they were ringing around to get more cars to enter -FREE- (free entry?! While most of us paid $70 to enter) because they didn't have enough cars! I feel sorry for anyone who had to pay to get in or entered their car :)

And what's with changing the judging rules because "one car (deservingly) would have won the awards for that class" when most of the other winners who got one trophy, got up to something like 5 more?!

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