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I recently bought the latest beltronics radar detector for about $1000 from West Coast Hi-Fi but it only seems to pick up K Band and not KA Band or Laser, even though they are set to ON. I've been past many cops now (like at least 20 odd which should have been picked up on KA Band) and a couple of handheld's (Laser) and my radar detector hasn't picked them up. So either its not working properly or the cops are using some new kind of laser/frequency band. Thinkin of takin it back this weekend and gettin it changed for another one.

I was also just wondering if anyone knows if they are actually illegal to use in WA - my friend told me they're not but confirmation would be good.



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Radar detectors are not illegal to possess, own or use in Western Australia.

Radar blockers or scramblers are illegal as they are an unlicenced transmitter under the telecomunications act.

Step over to the "enlightened" eastern of the country and in some states even possession of a radar detector is an offence.

It sounds like your unit is on the blink. I'd be taking it back for some testing. You will probably find the boys will set it up along side a known unit and go for a drive. If it still looks sus warrantee claim.

Have fun.

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I am the Asia/Pacific importer and distributor for Beltronics and if you have a issue with the unit that you think it might not be performing properly, just bring it in to me and I can test it for sensitivity on all bands and laser. check www.neltronics.com.au for office location and opening times.

I use the BEL XR and it is the cream of the crop... best range and features (gotta plug my products in a thread like this)!!! :)

Just so you hear it from the horse's mouth:

There are no laws in WA against radar detectors, but there are federal laws against jammers of any kind (laser or radar). There was a big blow up about detectos at the begining of the year but with lobbying and lots of behind the scenes work, the dust has settled now, and it's no longer on the political agenda.

P.S. Never think that your detector is as good as common sense... it will save you if your accidently over the speed limit, but if you want one to stop you from get land speed record tickets... your kidding yourself.

Let common sense prevail :P

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Just a little OT but...

GODTHRILA, have you ever experimented with modding antenna's on radar detectors to increase sensitivity?

I have a crappy cobra detector I never use because I can see multanovas before it can. I was going to cut off the standard antenna down to the waveguide and strap one on sized for ka band only. With a bit more further modding I could make it into a remote unit for the front of the car (so you can strap an even bigger antenna to it :P)

I was just going to go multanova hunting to test it out, but if you've got the equipment to test it out properly I'd be keen to come see you.

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Just a little OT but...

GODTHRILA, have you ever experimented with modding antenna's on radar detectors to increase sensitivity?

I have a crappy cobra detector I never use because I can see multanovas before it can. I was going to cut off the standard antenna down to the waveguide and strap one on sized for ka band only. With a bit more further modding I could make it into a remote unit for the front of the car (so you can strap an even bigger antenna to it :P)

I was just going to go multanova hunting to test it out, but if you've got the equipment to test it out properly I'd be keen to come see you.

Hey fr0st,

I have opened plently of unit and the size of the wave guide and design is always a dead giveaway to the potential performance of the unit... even before opening it you can usually tell from the weight of the unit... bigger antenna's=more weight.

I only say potential because a lot has to do with the programing of the unit too.

I have never actually changed antennas from different models or brands, but if you do it I could test it out for you.

Basically, manufacturers will produce units to perform the best they can (at the time of manufacturing). Of course there will be low, mid and high spec units, and it is probably possible to switch an antenna from a high end unit to a low end unit, but whether the units software will run with it ?????? anyones guess??????

Good luck with the mods and let me know if you need a test done.

OT time slip is in the mail! :)

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GODTHRILA, I'll definately be in touch over the uni holidays. I'll let you know how it all goes :P

R DIRTY 3, nup. They do exist but don't work, the ones that do work don't work very well. Lidar jamming can be done and works really well however it's also very illegal and they can tell at the gun that your jamming them, whether they act on it is anyones guess.

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there were radar jammers years ago. I had one... it only jammed the really old radar guns though... was a bit of a waste of money... this was back in 1998. One cop pulled me over anyway cause he figured out what was going on when he couldnt get a reading off me.

There is laser jammers now but they are illegal and if ur caught using one they will fine you

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Thanks for all the replies... i will definately come in tomorrow to beltronics and get it tested :sleep:

i was also wondering if heat is an issue at all? i always take the detector into the house when im done driving but for those long drives in the sun it can get pretty hot.

I have a BEL XR btw on highway setting with everything ON except for X Band. K Band doesn't even register going past cops (i do realise some cops just dont have their equipment turned on but when you go past as many as I have with it not even registering as K Band then you start to wonder)

umm i just looked at the site you gave godthrila but I can't find the opening times or a street address... all i could find was a po box. Could you please pm me with those details? thanks.

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Thanks for all the replies... i will definately come in tomorrow to beltronics and get it tested :sleep:

i was also wondering if heat is an issue at all? i always take the detector into the house when im done driving but for those long drives in the sun it can get pretty hot.

I have a BEL XR btw on highway setting with everything ON except for X Band. K Band doesn't even register going past cops (i do realise some cops just dont have their equipment turned on but when you go past as many as I have with it not even registering as K Band then you start to wonder)

umm i just looked at the site you gave godthrila but I can't find the opening times or a street address... all i could find was a po box. Could you please pm me with those details? thanks.

Um... you might be waiting a while at the front door... we don't open over the weeknd. Sorry, I though our office address was on the site. We are only open Mon-Fri 8-5.

Heat and many other variable factors can effect the performance of any electronic equipment using radiowaves (radar). The BEL XR will run a little hotter than other older units as it has a magnesium casing rather than a plastic fantasic case like just about every other detector on the market.

The best analagy I always use is... think of your detector like your car radio... drive into a underground carpark and the steel and concrete will interupt the radio signal and crackle or drop out... a radio station outputs a fairly strong signal when compared to a cop radar so smaller things (e.g. dust, rain, trees, buildings, etc) will interupt a radar signal and therefore reduce the effectivness of your detector.

Anyway, bring it in for testing to put your mind at ease.

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GODTHRILA, I'll definately be in touch over the uni holidays. I'll let you know how it all goes :nyaanyaa:

R DIRTY 3, nup. They do exist but don't work, the ones that do work don't work very well. Lidar jamming can be done and works really well however it's also very illegal and they can tell at the gun that your jamming them, whether they act on it is anyones guess.

Hear from you then fr0st.

There are jammers that do work and work well... BUT... HIGHLY ILLEGAL, and you might bring down a 747 in the process!

There are two types of jammers, passive and active. As the names suggest passive does nothing until it needs to (only jams the signal when it receives the signal), and active constantly tries to block signals.

Passive is useless and there are offers on the net of USD$5000.00 to anyone who can prove a passive jammer to work effectively!

Active is HIGHLY ILLEGAL because it is constantly transmitting varying signals in order to confuse and disrupt radar devices. The problem is that the signals it uses can interfear with emergency service bands, airport traffic control bands, etc... you get the picture... not a good idea and if you get caught you will go to jail and then a little hole becomes a big hole. :dry::sleep:

There are laser jammers that I may have tested!!! but these varied in quality and performance. They wouldn't be anything I would want to risk my licence on though. The best effective block I have "witnessed" was 120m, which isn't bad but as fr0st mentioned the cops gun will error on them and they will know something is up.

Paint your car black as black is the least reflective colour and will absorb some of the laser beam (I lucked out with a white GTR!). I have heard (but have not tested) that VEIL stealth coating works reasonably well to further absorb this light reducing the effectiveness of the cops gun. Laser is that bloody quick though... you have to be so fast to react. If you get a inexperienced cop (like I have before), you can get ridiculous range! I have detected laser from an estimated 1km away on a dead straight road, but the experienced guys know they only need a distance large enough to nab you, and then jump out infront and stop you!


*Never admit you were speeding when asked.

*If asked do you know what speed you were going... always say the speed limit... if you don't know what the limit is, just say you were doing 50km/h. They have to prove you were speeding.

*Ask to see the reading. It should have a speed and possibly a distance/range detected. If this is over 300m tell them their laser gun's effective range is only upto 300m and so the reading isn't valid.

*Ask for evidence the gun is calibrated and proof they are qualified to calibrate that unit...most are only certified to use it!


*Don't speed :D:):)

Sorry for the long post but better than typin it out hunderd times to who ever asks a question!

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I just drive with mine on highway all the time. It picked up 2 cameras and a laser alert hand gun on the way to and back from Busselton on the weekend and picks up emergancy vehicles, tells me if they are in transit or stationery etc. Think they are great but if it is only picking up K band (remembering its the most common signal) then there is most likely a problem. Looks like some good advice on here :(

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there were radar jammers years ago. I had one... it only jammed the really old radar guns though... was a bit of a waste of money... this was back in 1998. One cop pulled me over anyway cause he figured out what was going on when he couldnt get a reading off me.

There is laser jammers now but they are illegal and if ur caught using one they will fine you

best option FTW - Get a lidar jammer, when the unit gos off its head due to a laser signal, slow down to the speed limit, and the TURN THE UNIT OFF. This allows the cops to get a reading, so he just assumes it was a glitch in his device... if you get caught in NSW though its 9 Points (!!!!!!) and a hefty fine... they take it seriously here... but they've got to prove it.... A smartly concealed lidar jammer is possible...

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