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i got in trouble for having one mounted on my dash apparently u arent allowed stuff on your dash

there goes my soft toy collection :)

yeah because it blocks your view apparently

i would have just span some shit like "yeah but so is the rear view mirror...and the steering wheel...and the frame of the car... but people can move their heads you know to see around it."

on the other hand its probably best not to say that.

Edited by Bloodlust
yeah because it blocks your view apparently

i would have just span some shit like "yeah but so is the rear view mirror...and the steering wheel...and the frame of the car... but people can move their heads you know to see around it."

on the other hand its probably best not to say that.

It is apparently an obstruction or distraction for the driver, but you can have the unit mounted on the windscreen if you turn the display off. The current BEL range you can do this and still get the audible/voice alerts so the display really isn't needed anyway.

If the cop wants to say it's a visible obstruction then just move it to the drivers side corner of your dash and tell them that it isn't taking up anymore room there than their in-car K band radar antenna... if they are happy to remove theirs then you will do the same!

  • 4 weeks later...

i recently bought an el-cheapo whistler 1732 detector...my 2 cents

1. driving on highway...beeped twice (possibly from handheld) coz about 1km after..2 cars were pulled over by cops for speeding -dectector was on city mode with all bands turned on

2. detector was on quiet mode...beeped once passing a petrol station...no beeps after ...300yards on..there was a tripod mounted radar....made a u turn...and drove past the radar again ....detector did not give off a signal...u turn again...drove straight past the radar...no signal..but the guy was fiddling with the radar so it prolly wasnt turned on

2 hours later...drove past the radar again...still just the single beep from the petrol station...turned and drove past again...cop was dismantling the radar..so couldnt test further

anyone know what band the tripod mounted radar uses?

Multanova's are Ka band and are supposably the hardest to detect since there so low power. IIRC there on the higher limit or just out of Ka band because they drift so much (and hence aren't that accurate...), the wideband detectors do really well against them.

I bought a shit cobra detector off ebay and it doesn't go off until your right next to the thing... its probably just your detector being shit. The cheap ones are really a waste of money for use with multanova's.

Dan, lasers are only used as handhelds. The tripod thingo's (multanova's) are all radar still. I'm pretty sure those camera's they stick in wheely bins are radar aswell, lidar makes it harder to get all the lanes at once.

GODTHRILA, I need to come see you to do some testing :happy:

Do you have a lidar gun at your work? I have a 'concept' I'm keen to test :P

Dan, lasers are only used as handhelds. The tripod thingo's (multanova's) are all radar still. I'm pretty sure those camera's they stick in wheely bins are radar aswell, lidar makes it harder to get all the lanes at once.

GODTHRILA, I need to come see you to do some testing ;)

Do you have a lidar gun at your work? I have a 'concept' I'm keen to test ;)

The handheld lasers can be mounted to a tripod for further accuracy... they set these up a lot near Mandurah so I am told.

fr0st, just come and see me, we can test your "concept" with our laser

The multinovas are set up and operated by people who are outsourced. They are not official police officers ad have no standing to detain people. All they can do is call for the police.

I just thought they were trained/qualified cops... my bad ;)

The handheld lasers can be mounted to a tripod for further accuracy... they set these up a lot near Mandurah so I am told.

fr0st, just come and see me, we can test your "concept" with our laser

I've never seen a tripod being used before in Perth. As far as I'm aware the max distance they can use lasers at is 400m and still have it hold up in court. Probably wouldn't need a tripod for that, but I haven't used a laser gun before so I can't really comment.

Can you pm/post you business address? It only lists a PO box on your website

Cheers ;)

GODTHRILA, what would you recommend as a good value for money (cheaper ;)) radar detector?

sorry to jack the thread.... but keep an eye out in the for sale section... I might be sorting out something for the forums sooner than you can say "two all beef paties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a sesame seed bun"

I just thought they were trained/qualified cops... my bad ;)

I've never seen a tripod being used before in Perth. As far as I'm aware the max distance they can use lasers at is 400m and still have it hold up in court. Probably wouldn't need a tripod for that, but I haven't used a laser gun before so I can't really comment.

Can you pm/post you business address? It only lists a PO box on your website

Cheers ;)

I've never seen an eskimo before so they cant exist

or maybe I havent been around enough :)

ok my bad...it was an outsourced person (i.e: no copper uniform...and sitting in a white 4x4....think it is the multinova's ...laser/radar....damned if i knew...bloody thing looked like a friggin missile launcer waiting to blow up any hoon

so what do u guys recommend for detecting multinova's? ...or do they generally trigger off the detector only if its targeted at ya?

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