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"He called 101 for me since he paid the money and I didnt have any luck but he got the same reply I did. Not about the $1,000 - but sending it back to them"

So all this time you've been telling people that you were going to be charged $1000, but neglected to tell everyone that you were offered to send it back to 101 so that they would unlock it for free, then send it back to you?.

Did you not type in this thread that you would have even been happy to pay $100 just to get it unlocked? How much do you think sending an ECU to Brisbane and back would cost? $100? not even that. "If they wanted to charge $100, fine, would have paid it". Last time I checked, interstate return deliveries would have cost $50 maximum.

As far as i can see you ranted and raved and got a nation of people from performance forums and SAU mad about what happened to you, when you yourself misled the entire bunch of them. Now, once the damage has been done to there business you clearly state what really happened.

There are 2 sides to every story and now that i've heard the 2nd side, and now the "clearing up" from the 1st side, I'm sorry but i 2nd this motion for you are a bitch.

Edited by silman
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always good to hear 2 sides of the story. I'm guessing you work there varun_gtr? if not maybe the guys from 101 could be shown this thread to further clarify the matters..

The business i work at was slandered on the net and on other forums and its not nice reading it....

yes i do work there mate, nothing gets by without all of us knowing. phee i dont know y u went on about so much crap, bagged the shit out of us, whats with all this burnout and public phone crap, i only come on skylines australia to see whats new and stuff i only came on this thead because word got around as to what was being said and im just here to state the facts. everyone around brisbane knows 101's reputation, its not a "band wagon" as phee likes to call it, its just happy customers and mates who know that whats going on and everybody knows that what is going on is wrong and are all standing up for the truth.

i dont know about their reputation....and they dont exactly get spoken about on here alot. How long exactly have they been around for?

isnt funny that shops only get spoken about when something like this happens, im guessing thats y u havnt heard much. 101 has been open for 3 years now but really still are one of the newer shops to hit the scene we have a site coming along, dunno wen it will be done its under construction atm. http://www.101racing.com.au/ giv it time we'r getting there.

As an impartial person not interested in either person or workshop I think this whole thing is a bit dodgy. From what I have read 101 have perhaps not offered the best customer service, they could have warmed to circumstances and handed out the code to unlock the map. But as many have said, what good would that have been when a new tuner would simply create his own? More importantly it sounds like the story has been changed in order to make 101 look much less professional and unethical and I highly doubt thats the way in which they conduct business, if they did ppl would simply take their business elsewhere.

I personally dont take to locking maps, if the owner wants to up the boost or the like without thinking of the consequences of not increasing timing or fuel thats their problem, let them screw their motor. They pay for the tune, you provide the service if they dont want to keep what you've done its their own money wasted, the tuner doesn't lose from this, so why lock it?

All in all as everyones said theres two sides to every story, read the whole thread and make up your own mind but I dont think 101 is as bad as what some people have tried to make it out to be. I'd happily consider taking my car there despite this thread. And before anyone says im a customer or something, im not and never have been.

My 2c, Matt

Edited by 33NIZ

How about this you either do 1 of 2 things

1. Go to the workshop, see what they are like, make up your own mind


2. Don't go there, find somewhere else to have your car tuned IT'S UP TO YOU!

But keep in mind, all this shit saying about the place is only doing bad

things for them as "varun_gtr" has told us. What if they haven't done

anything wrong all we are doing is f**king them over with a purple

double ender!

So just think about it...

From my point of view i dno which owners were the ones that f**ked

Phee or which worker or when it happened or ANYTING... so try my 2

options and make up your own mind people! just think "What if they

aren't bad anymore and all we are doing is f**king their business up"

Imagine being the new owners of a up-untill-recently bad business and no one likes it because of all the shit thats been said on forums! It'd suck ass!

I know not many people on forums remember to do this because "its

just a website" but f**k! just cause you sit in your room at the PC

doesn't mean that what is said doesn't matter

Just Think People




Edited by a-l-e-x13

Any business is going to have dissatisfied customers, because their are times when the workshop screws the customer around, other times the customer just expects too much, in too little time, for too little money (or a combination) so theres often a difference of opinion.

I certainly didn't set out to give 101 a bad rep by starting this topic, but from what i can read more people have said they liked the service and work done than those that didn't, if you count those who have dealt directly with them.. not hangers on who have a mate of a mate that had problems.

As for ecu locking i agree with it, how many times would a customer think they know their car better than the tuner, and go in and fiddle with the tune to 'squeeze' a bit more power out, only to cause damage to the motor (say through excessive knock, leaning out etc..) then take it back to the workshop complaining that it was the tuners fault for supplying a unsafe tune or something.

I think owners need to be given the choice of a ecu lock, or leave the ecu unlocked and the customer signs a waver saying that they accept full responsibility for any future problems encountered with the tune on their car, this could be done when you book your car in to get the tune done.

My 2 cents..

talking about workshops has any used Moseleys in Daisy Hill/Tanah Mareah I drive past there everyday and they have at least 4 Skylines around.

mate they did my roadworthy on the ceffy when i first got it and lets just say that it was interesting. you can pm me if you want more info, but i wouldnt take a car there for anything.

bad news is all i have to say

my brother inlaw 'had" a MY01 wrx, got a new 2.2L engin put in and a motec, now 101 couldnt get a motec for a 2001 model rex at that time so they put in a motec for a 2004 model wrx.....

ended up with a shit tune and months down the track the engin blew.....

another work shop fixed it, but motec had to chip the ECU for a 2001 model wrx.....

first of all about this rex, old owner was trying to get rid of his mates engine and just so happened ur mate got sucked into buying it. we didnt build the engine, we just took it out of one car and put it in another, im not even sure if we did that or if someone else did that. with motecs if u cant find a plugin u just use a normal m400 or wateva, in this case it would hav had 2 be a newer hundred series motec to run that particular engines crank angle sensors and so forth. the ecu was correct, as for the engine, 4 all we know it could hav been on its way even b4 we put it in but on the same note, we didnt build we were just instructed, this was over 2 years ago. il say again, old owners, i had no idea that happend, make ur own decision.

bad news is all i have to say

my brother inlaw 'had" a MY01 wrx, got a new 2.2L engin put in and a motec, now 101 couldnt get a motec for a 2001 model rex at that time so they put in a motec for a 2004 model wrx.....

ended up with a shit tune and months down the track the engin blew.....

another work shop fixed it, but motec had to chip the ECU for a 2001 model wrx.....

Edited by varun_gtr

i believe phee. why would someone do this otherwise.

are these recently made accounts?


gtr spec

does this show the actual attitude of the compnay. are these are their representitives ?..

very interesting

gg k thx bye

shop smart!!

Edited by silverbulletR33
mate they did my roadworthy on the ceffy when i first got it and lets just say that it was interesting. you can pm me if you want more info, but i wouldnt take a car there for anything

Sounds like a place to avoid unless you need a pinkslip

I cant wait for phees reply to this.

I lost interest in this thread a LONG time ago. You can only bang your head against a brick wall before you realise you're not getting anywhere :) I have no reason to lie to a group of people I don't even know...

i believe phee. why would someone do this otherwise.

are these recently made accounts?


gtr spec

does this show the actual attitude of the compnay. are these are their representitives ?..

very interesting

gg k thx bye

shop smart!!

Hrmmm lets see... Zuboo joined in March 06... Phee joined in May06... Meaning that Zuboo jus did not make up n account to come to this thread n cause trouble. I know zuboo personally and he in no way works for 101 or is their rep..

Phee says she has lost interest in this thread, but yet still came back to read it today. She cant even respond to the comments explained by zuboo n co.

PS. silverbulletR33, your account is the most recently made account out of all of them (sept 06) :)

Edited by Blitz_R33

I really try and avoid repeating myself but in this instance I will put everything down in point form so some of you aren't sitting there scratching your heads...

• Guy named Ben owned the Skyline

• Ben had tune done for the Skyline at 101 Motorcafe in December 2005

• Ben sold the Skyline to Phil not long after tune

• Phil sold the Skyline to me in March 2006

• I flew down and picked it up from Brisbane and drove it back to Darwin (where I live)

• Engine blew up in May 2006 because of a hole in the diaphragm in the wastegate (overboosting)

• Engine rebuild completed in October 2006 with forged internals and new mods

• Wanted Dale (10sec_rx7) to tune car for me

• Organised a group of people also wanting Dale to tune their cars so it wasn’t a wasted trip

• Ran engine in

• Dale flew from Sydney to Darwin on Friday 13th Oct to tune cars

• Thread started on PF about Dale flying to Darwin to tune cars

• Saturday morning we threw a couple of cars on the dyno to tune, went well

• Had extra time in the afternoon, threw my Skyline on dyno to tune

• Discovered locked ECU

• Called a couple of mates to see if they knew any way around it

• Able to get base map sent through from our contacts at Motec as a last resort if needed…

• Checked dyno sheet from when tuned last, found 101’s name and number

• Gave 101 a call Saturday afternoon and left message on their answering machine to call me first thing Monday

• A mate of mine on PF knows old owner of 101, so he gave him a call

• Old owner unable to release code due to contract agreements through selling business

• Made a couple of threads on both SAU and CB to see if anyone knew who owned the car before Phil, so I could see if he knew the code

• Monday morning I hadn’t heard from 101, gave them a call told me they didn’t know the code

• 101 also told me my options were to send the ECU back to them or to Motec to have it unlocked

• A mate found Ben’s original for sale thread for the Skyline, sent it to me

• Called Ben to see if he was aware ECU was locked, he was

• Asked him is he knew the password, he didn’t

• Ben called 101 for me to see if 101 would give him the password as he was the owner of the car at the time, and who paid for their service

• Ben called me back, said same thing that 101 had told me

• I called 101 again, to double check they didn’t remember the code

• 101 said if they get the ECU back they could wipe the tune that was in there and replace it with a base map

• I explained again that I lived in Darwin and that the guy tuning my car was flying out Tuesday lunch (this conversation was happening mid Monday morning)

• 101 said there was nothing they were able to do

• Posted updates on my progress with 101 on PF

• PF members unable to comprehend how 101 didn’t know the code, but there was a “magic” code they could enter which wiped the ECU and then they could install a base map

• In the background of all this happening, Dale is continuing to tune cars, an event I organised and am trying to run at the same time as trying to find my code

• PF members called 101 on my behalf to get a better understanding of what they are exactly offering to do to help me

• 101 gave in to the owner of PF and mentioned they know the code, but it will cost me $1,000 to get it

• Owner of PF called me and told me what they want

• Me = speechless, then laughed, then said a lot worse than what I have said on this forum

• Asked owner of PF to keep calling 101 to see if they would cave in under the pressure and eventually “give up” the code to get rid of everyone

• I sent sms to another PF member saying what happened, he posted on PF my suggestion of ringing them

• PF backed me up, continued to call 101 but 101 didn’t want to know or care about it too much

• 101 told a PF member “it isn’t their problem”

• I am continuing to help Dale with tuning the cars, keeping the drivers occupied and away from Dale so he can get the job done

• Base map is sent through from Motec to wipe 101 tune and start again

• Find out from Motec that base map will NOT erase lock from 101

• PF get aggressive and continue calling 101

• Dale finishes turning other cars

• Have lunch (chicken, mashed potato and gravy rolls – YUMMO!)

• PF start talking about the lack of service from 101 and doing burnouts out the front of their shop

• Reverse my car into Darwin workshop, call Motec, explain to them all the above points

• Motec get shitty with 101

• Dale is transferred into the Tech area of Motec and explained how to unlock the ECU over the phone

• Motec stay on the line until the car is able to be started again

• Car is put on dyno, starts to be tuned…

• Blah blah bah Dale flew out 12hrs later

PF is a good forum, and have a lot of knowledgeable people as members, including some high rollers in the car industry. If you want specific details, read the thread. 101 had nothing to loose by giving me the code, and if they were concerned that it would mess with “their” tune then that’s a poor excuse. I live in Darwin which is a different climate to Brisbane, and I had just completed a forged rebuild so “their” tune was no longer acceptable for my cars applications. The tune would have been drastically altered regardless, and as soon as it was unlocked, Dale would have taken over as warranty on the tune therefore 101 were out of the woods if anything went wrong.

Since Dale flew out of Darwin, I have had further engine problems due to a couple of rebuilding questions left a little open ended, so the car is once again off the road. New engine only had 1,500kms on it before it was not drivable. There were also a couple of problems on the dyno, like the radiator top tank cracking so we needed to rush and get all of this fixed 20 minutes before COB up here. Once flushed, repaired and put back to work, found the hole in the diaphragm which ‘could’ have been repaired up here during business hours, but due to a sever case of getting f**ked around this wasn’t noticed until after sun down when we had progressed further with the tune. If 101 gave us the code, we could have identified this problem sooner and had it repaired before Dale flew out.

If the owner of PF called me and said that 101 would give me the code for $100 I would have called 101 and gave them my credit card details over the phone, got the code and been on my merry way. But it didn’t happen like that. 101 had the choice to satisfy a potential customer, and have good feedback for their service… or sit in their own world and choose to ignore it.

Don’t think I sat on the computer all day bagging them out, because I actually had offline urgencies and priorities I had to complete and I only jumped online when I had the occasional chance between tunes and running around like a headless chook. My main form of communication with PF members was through sms.

Now that I know zuboo works for 101 his posts are making a lot more sense as they are now much more biased that that of a customers. 101 pays zuboo, where as the customer pays 101, so there are 2 ends of the scale here. I don’t know what questions were asked, I can’t be bothered going back into the thread to find them through all the crap posted. I did skim through it all again, from the start, and you might want to take note that I wasn’t the one who originally mentioned about the $1,000 being charged. You’ll also take note that I have said I was made aware about this thread via PM with a link.

The reason I came back today was when I logged in I had another PM from a member here telling me not to worry about the ‘101 thread’. I came in or a look to see what the fuss was about. There are 2 sides to every story, but making assumptions on what you THINK happened always makes people look like as ass, so it is best not to do it.

I am at work at the moment, and typing this into a word doc so when I finish I can transfer it across. I would like to thank the idiots who can’t be bothered reading my posts and only see the negative comments. I occasionally miss points when I am typing which everyone does, so I apologise for that. I think I have everything down now, but if I have missed anything or anyone else can think of possible questions to this long ass post then let me know.

In my first post in this thread I wrote…

I don’t know if they are great guys, never met them, I don’t know if they do a good tune, although I have heard different and I don’t know about their mods or servicing.
Take your car to them if you like, but I would rather stab my eyes out with blunt spoons!

My second post…

101 might know what they are doing, all I am saying is under pressure if something goes wrong, your own your own and they don’t help you until you throw some cash in their face.

Third post…

Never mentioned anything about the previous owner and his service, never dealt with them under their old system so I have no comment on them for that.

Forth post I just asked people to read the PF thread to get a better understanding.

Fifth post…

I am not here to change anyone’s mind about 101. No-one here knows who I am so I doubt anyone would pay much attention if I started being abusive about them, however this thread was started to ask for opinions on 101
I haven’t said they do a shit job entirely, I have said from my experience, they could have done a LOT better and from what I have experienced with them, I don’t recommend them

Sixth post…

But hey, you guys are the ones who live in the area and make the decision if you will give them your hard earned cash, so it is your final call who you believe

From there I go on repeating myself. I am a little tired of it now and have spent WAY too much energy on a workshop I think are full of crap. SO, by all means, think I am a bitch or whatever else, I really couldn’t give a rats ass, I can’t please everyone, and neither can 101, but a little effort, like mine for this stupidly long post, never go astray. :)

Edited by phee

For a start i dont work for 101, this is my car, which is why i dont post on SAU much its not a skyline, i know a few members on here and read up what they are doing or send pm,


All i was told off them, is they did not want to give the code to the public bacause it is used in more than one car. They said they would remove the code, if you sent them the ecu, or call motec if you want it done quicker because they were not giving out there code, what is funny motec did not give you the code to get into the map, but made you wipe it first before giving you the code to access the map, if you forget your password you can call motec for the back door password.

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