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just dont be too silly!

even the guys here who say "i dont speed", speed and drift. maybe just not as much as the idiots but.

go on a cruise a see. everyone gives it a bit but just some have more self control.

do you have some? took me a while to get :pirate:

Its not just performance driving that you have to aware of its real driving experience's that happen all the time, people cutting you off and certain braking defensive techniques that are easier to do in a lighter and less powerful car. Heavens known how many times i could've smashed the front of the skyline if someone had suddenly pounced on the brakes (learnt to be cautious now).

I had friends go through their L plates and a bit of their P plates, not driving in raining or slippery conditions. Im sad to say that one of my friends died in the rain braking to late and ran into the back of a truck, driving a late model family car.

learn the road before you get taught a lesson that you WON"T wake up from

dane makes a valid point - real world driving :P

all sorts of condtions, rain,hail (well...try not to!) snow, dirt, peak hour, freeways, night day morning, dusk dawn etc etc.

theres so many drivers out here who souldnt have a licence, whether they are 18 or 80 or in between and nothing prepares you for them or the conditions. so thats why majority of us are saying, learn in a small easy car - and yes, it is upto you - so go for what you want.

just remember - we have been there, done that.



hey guys, sorry about cumin across as a dick, i read everyones posts, and it would be pretty stupid to not take in to consideration what the majority of you are saying.. in saying this after i read the posts, i decided that maybe a commmodore or falcon would be a better option, this doesnt seem to be the case, because just cars actually quoted me higher for an xr6 falcon, or sv6 commodore, i also checked the standard acclaim commodore, 200 dollars cheaper than the skyline...

then out of curiousity i checked how much it would cost to insure my mums ford mondeo under my name.. still $3000!!!

right now as a nominated driver under myu mums name, we are paying only $600 a year for full comp, cos of her 60% no claim bonus..

ok tell me what your guys think, are these quotes way out, or can i consider doing this:

this is my idea, tell me what u think, i get third party fire n theft, under my name for the ford mondeo, as if thats my car now.. and the skyline under my mums name, as if thats her new car, me as a nominated drive, but not the main user of the skyline, with her 60% no claim bonus would this work out to be very cheap??

mate just get wat u want dont worry about anyone else....just make sure when u hop in that car and u start being a danger to urself and everyone else, be prepared for whats cummin.

im 18 with a turbo r34 paying 3.5k a year with a excess of 1700.

ive had 3 incidences where ive been smashed and was totally not held accounted for (some may dissagree but funny how i stil keep my rating and never paid anything)

the only down side is that my cars been in a smash...and thats the only thing i regret.

i guess what im saying is in the end its ur own money.....ur money ur payin for the car....for the insurence.....so the only one thats gonna feel like a idiot when u wrap something around a pole is u :P

ignore half of the wankers on SAU who are telln u to get a lancer or some other crap. if u got the money get something nice. just prove em wrong u can handle a skyline.

Edited by anDru

You know I used to hate the people that told me to sell my turbo's and buy a non turbo etc untill I learnt how to drive. But you know what, you were deadset on the mark! If I still had my turbo, I wouldnt be here today. Simple as that :P

Although I didnt take the advice, other reasons forced me to sell (or store :D)

hey guys, sorry about cumin across as a dick, i read everyones posts, and it would be pretty stupid to not take in to consideration what the majority of you are saying.. in saying this after i read the posts, i decided that maybe a commmodore or falcon would be a better option, this doesnt seem to be the case, because just cars actually quoted me higher for an xr6 falcon, or sv6 commodore, i also checked the standard acclaim commodore, 200 dollars cheaper than the skyline...

then out of curiousity i checked how much it would cost to insure my mums ford mondeo under my name.. still $3000!!!

right now as a nominated driver under myu mums name, we are paying only $600 a year for full comp, cos of her 60% no claim bonus..

ok tell me what your guys think, are these quotes way out, or can i consider doing this:

this is my idea, tell me what u think, i get third party fire n theft, under my name for the ford mondeo, as if thats my car now.. and the skyline under my mums name, as if thats her new car, me as a nominated drive, but not the main user of the skyline, with her 60% no claim bonus would this work out to be very cheap??

Hey man, it sounds like your mummy and daddy pay for everything anyway, why not just not have no insurance and then your parents can just replace the car when you wrap it around a pole :sorcerer: .

Also if can't afford the insurance you can't afford the car simple as that.

The reason you are benig reamed so hard for you insurance, is your driving record.

Although, if your parents are with GIO and have a 60% NCB you can also get this yourself by quoting there policy number... :)

Hey man, it sounds like your mummy and daddy pay for everything anyway, why not just not have no insurance and then your parents can just replace the car when you wrap it around a pole :sorcerer: .

Also if can't afford the insurance you can't afford the car simple as that.

lol "mate" it might sound like it but infact ive been workn proberly before u were....and still am :sorcerer:

lol "mate" it might sound like it but infact ive been workn proberly before u were....and still am :sorcerer:

Andru, dude he was directing his post to GTRPower.

@GTR Power: There are plenty of NA cars that perform well. Most of the popular turbos have NA models. If the insurance for an SV6 is around the same as an NA Skyline, sure, buy a Skyline. I have a GTR but still have to stick to the speed limit just like everyone else. The extra power is fun but I also like just having an R32 to look at in the garage :) It only comes out once a week - the rest of the time I drive a shitter corolla. FWIW.

lol you know just because someone is on their Ps and they get a turbo skyline it doesn't automatically mean they're gonna kill themselves

No, but statistically they've got a good chance of doing so. And the reputation garnered by "teh Fast n Furioz" Skyline fans just ruins it for everyone else.

and seriously what is it with people telling others to get shit boxes or lasers to get some "experience" ? coz thats the biggest load of crap ever. honestly what kind of experience do you think he's gonna get driving a laser? just because you get a slower car deosn't mean you'll never have an accident.

Even before I read the rest of your post, I knew that it means you've never drive a slow car before and had to....you know....learn how to drive.

If you have a look at all the great motorsport drivers, most of them learnt in shitheap old bangers. This is Peter Brock's first car / paddock basher. Mark Webber also learnt to drive in a paddock basher. The list goes on, and its not just here. Internationally, you hear a lot of pro racers grew up driving similar (for their region) clangers. Michael Schumacher's first car was a kart with a lawnmower engine.

They're all cars where you have to learn to carry a high cornering speed because of the lack of acceleration, but you have to learn to balance and gently feed inputs into because the stock setup doesn't like going that fast, if you want to go fast point to point.

Cars, and probably skills, you've never had to aquire in your WRX, because you've had so much grip and grunt that you can just turn slowly into a corner and stomp on the throttle once you've got the wheel straight.

That doesn't mean people who have grown up driving Lasers or Geminis are going to be the next "Peter Perfect" Schumacher-Alonzo, but in my experience people who've grown up doing enthusiastic driving in underpowered cars and upgraded later tend to be miles quicker than people who've only ever driven in fast turbomotors.

They also tend to have a higher aversion to telegraph poles.

ignore half of the wankers on SAU who are telln u to get a lancer or some other crap. if u got the money get something nice. just prove em wrong u can handle a skyline.

I'm all for proving me wrong. Then again I assume the worst in people.

But, the problem is, most of the time they don't.

if u dnt want ur car stolen dont let it out of sight keep it locked park in good neighbourhoods lcok bar it arm ur alarm even at home and if u want pull out ur fuel pump fuse.

GL im 18 with a GTR. im unsure what im paying though... sucks to be young.

ohh i was shuffering my bro in my GTR and his mate in a GTST. then my mate who is 17 took the keys of the GTST and went round a round about too damn fast ended up flicking into the gutter. no visible damage maybe aligment. instead of me ripping him out of the car and yelling at him i decided to educate him on not letting off the accel too quick and verring it into the gutter when it flicks round lol. now he could have killed himself. wasnt my GTST was my mate.. now experience is the best way of education. so learn from experience. and buying powerful RWD cars end up disaster.

ther is a 20valve AE92 forsale. that would be nice. should easially keep up with a stocko turbo R33 and insurance wouldnt be too bad. and SPEEDING is a no no.

Edited by markimak

That doesn't mean people who have grown up driving Lasers or Geminis are going to be the next "Peter Perfect" Schumacher-Alonzo, but in my experience people who've grown up doing enthusiastic driving in underpowered cars and upgraded later tend to be miles quicker than people who've only ever driven in fast turbomotors.

They also tend to have a higher aversion to telegraph poles.

yes and no to a point. i always think that learning at an early age is imperative as its easy to learn young. does that make sense it did to me lol. :O anyway. my mate in my other post who took the R33 for a joyride has been driving a FWD 5SGE celica and another FWD camry. for yonks and he came off on the first corner on a round about.

but on the other hand is my brother hes 16.5yo drives a lib GX awd to learn it. hes hell better than everyone else his age. better throttle control can advert powerpoles lol and his countersteering during emergencies is excellent. hes driven a few GTST and S14s and hasnt had no probs. so in the end it depends on the person.

by all means get ur skyline if u have money. but dnt lower our rep if u hit a powerpole. i dnt like large excess on my insurance and my bro dont want to pay more when he gets his first powered car.

i recommend going to skidpan days and driver awareness days. that or get a job at a dealership like myself either a apprentice mech or something else then u will get all day hands on experience. with cars that are insured by the dealer. :sorcerer:

Ive said it before and ill say it again

If you cant afford the insurance, you cant afford the car

Why spend all your cash on a nice car to skimp on insurance? If it gets stolen you wont get much back (if any at all).

As for the whole "ill put it in my parents name and list me as a nominated driver" the insurance companies have been cracking down on this. Dont forget you also have to register the car in their name or any claim you make may be void.

3rd party fire and theft is a waste of time imo - pay the extra and fully cover yourself

Its your money - spend it wisely

has anyone read what i said about the little shit box mondeo costing nearly as much to insure as the skyline.. $3000 for that shi tbox, im not gonna drive sum hunk of sh it over 1 grand, its gonna be the same for everything, guess i have to live with the fact that im 17 with a bad record, no car will be cheap to insure

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