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looks like you have your mind set on this, and i dont blame you, A skyline is a great car, but with a $15,000 plus car, and not having comprehensive insurance, are you willing to take that hit in the pocket, if (hopefully not) something might happen, out of your control or not. I know that i wont want to take that hit. I drove a camry for a few years until i bought mine and let me tell you, it just makes it sweeter when you do finally drive it off the lot.

Im with the others and you should wait.

Good luck which ever way you decide, it is a big decision

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sorta similar situation, red p's lost my license once already, im now 22 still on my red p's and awaiting a court case to retain it right now, my insurance quote from only insurer that would touch me was $7300, full comp, my car was stolen but thank f**k it was recoverd, intact with minor damage, i now have to pay to get panels repaird etc etc,it helps im a mechanic so i can do all my own work, however for the sake of payin $20k and then having it go missing never to return,its not a nice phone call at 3am when the cops tell you they was just in a pursuit with your car, you have to question if its worth it, as it stood with all the mods done to my car if i never got it back i wouldve lost close to what your gona be spending, im not a fan of driving a shitbox either, just make sure you think very f**king hard about if its worth loosing 20k rather then gaining a skyline. p.s lachlan give the kid a break,

Edited by dead32

Everyone tells you to get sh|tters because they are intelligent.

Its people like yourself who are un-intelligent and rebel against it.

Either way, the insurance for the car will cost you the purchase price in around 3 years (so thats 30k in 3 years, and thats an R33 GTR), because lets face it, your gonna hit something in the next 3 years and have to claim at least once.

People like yourself that say they wont hit anything are being silly... its pretty clear (much like a blue sky) that your going to do something a little more than minor damage to someone with your track record.

Get a sh|tbucket. Seriously.

I had 2 crap cars over 2 years before i purchased my first skyline when i was 20 and i STILL had a serious accident 2 years after driving and i dont sound like half the muppet you do.

Its a KC laser for you mate.

Save your pennies and buy a nicer car with the cash you've saved in 2-3 years

mate i admited what i did was stupid, and when i drove it wasnt like an idiot, just becasue im not some poor yobba who can only afforf to drive the family ford laser, dosnt mean i should be stuck with driving a shitbox, like anyone will tell u you can kill yourself in any car , a non turbo car is more for looks than anything, its a 2.5 litre straiught 6, doenst exactly scream perfomance to me mate, not boasting but i leant tto drive on my dads vz ss, not saying that makes me a mad driver, not even saying makes me a good driver, just saying a 90rwkw car isnt something id class as over the top for a p plater , your just s jelous poor old bastard who couldnt afford a nice car on his Ps, piss of mate

directed at Lachlan33

Edited by GTR Power
mate i admited what i did was stupid, and when i drove it wasnt like an idiot, just becasue im not some poor yobba who can only afforf to drive the family ford laser, dosnt mean i should be stuck with driving a shitbox, like anyone will tell u you can kill yourself in any car , a non turbo car is more for looks than anything, its a 2.5 litre straiught 6, doenst exactly scream perfomance to me mate, not boasting but i leant tto drive on my dads vz ss, not saying that makes me a mad driver, not even saying makes me a good driver, just saying a 90rwkw car isnt something id class as over the top for a p plater , your just s jelous poor old bastard who couldnt afford a nice car on his Ps, piss of mate

directed at Lachlan33

Im 19, on my Green P's and drive a turbo R33......... Nice call, idiot.

I don't think P platers should be restricted to crap cars. Im saying YOU should be seing as your obviously one of the idiot minorities that give us P platers such a bad name.

school holidays again?

seriously - theres heaps of insurance threads and im sick of it!

just suck it in, you'll be paying heaps for a while.

as said before, something smaller and cheaper - say 4 grand worth, have 3rd party on it, do courses. when u have saved up - get a skyrine amnd maybe insurance wont be a pricey as now.

good things happen to those who wait.

I'm going to tell you not to get a Skyline, but not because you are a P-Plater with a poor driving history. It's purely financial. A car worth $15,000, in a high accident and high theft risk category, should not be under 3rd party insurance - that will end in tears for sure. Third party fire and theft insurance with a maximum payout of $5000 is also not worth it. Such a car HAS to be fully comprehensively insured.

Fully comprehensive insurance is, in this case, priced at 1/3 the purchase price. Basically, if the car isn't stolen or written off within two years of purchase, paying such insane amounts for insurance just isn't worthwhile.

So, the dollars for third party don't make sense. The dollars for comprehensive don't make sense. Essentially, this means the dollars for ownership of this vehicle doesn't make sense.

You could insure the car in a parents name, but you will not acrue a no claim bonus or insurance history, so you are only delaying the problem. Plus, it means that you cannot move out of home and keep the skyline. Plus, whilst the parents no claim bonus will be used to cut the premium down, the base price will still account for you as a listed driver - i.e. you're still looking at at least 1/2 the amount quoted. I do not recommend it.

I recommend you use your $15,000 to buy a nice, safe and easily insurable car for $5,000, buy some stocks for $5,000 and take a trip to Thailand or something for the final $5,000. Plan it well and the holiday will more than make up for no skyline for a little while! In three years time, the money you have saved by NOT owning a skyline, plus the appreciation in stock value (and dividend payouts), plus three years of insurance history will allow you to purchase something REALLY good, and not only will the dollars make perfect sense, but you will have the driving experience to be able to handle a powerful car AND you will be able to honestly say that you DESERVE this car, because you were smart with your money, smart with your time AND smart with your life!

Edited by Big Rizza
this isnt my first car and im sick of people syaing buy a sh it box, i had a vl already, i know its stupid but i had my vl when i was 16 and drove buy myself everywhere with no license, and i dont know how but didnt get cought, got my Ps and f*k in get done speeding straight away, ive got the money for the line, and im not gonna drive a peace of crap, true wat u said if u cant afford the full comp dont get the car, fair statement, and i wont get the car if i cant afford it, its just annoying seriously, everyone tells us to get shitters, why dont u drive a peace of crap car yourself, i love cars, i love everything about them and im not gonna get sum shit box, id rather wait and get sumthin decent, but ive got the money so im gonna get this

Because we arent all 17 year old P platers

Your receiving advise from a whole lot of people that have been 17, and been on their P's so contrary to your opinion, they know what they are talking about, and they are trying to give you good advise so I suggest you listen and stop being such a tool.


You can't buy experience. We're only trying to give some advice. But... if you want to go out and buy what is an absolute thief magnet and only have 3rd party insurance because you couldn't wait that little bit longer... be my guest.

Mate nobody's having a go and nobody's telling you to buy a shitta! Buy something you can afford. Being able to buy a car doesn't just mean the car but the whole package, insurance, registration plus other expenses. You can grab a great car for the money you have and still be able to afford the good things - modding - living!

Buying cars require patience... have a look, don't have a go.

Maybe even just buy another type of nice car that isnt a grey import. Your still going to get hit hard insurance wise, but no where near as bad. Like a subi RX something.

But hey, you do come on here, ask for some form of advice, you get it, and then choose to ignore it.

The lesson here is learn from others mistakes. Dont make your own if you dont have to. (and really, do you get that many looks in an NA skyline?)

I've driven pieces of shit for 2 years then upgraded to Skylines. In 3 years of paying that premium, you could have bought another R33 skyline or something. I can't justify $4500 a year on insurance. Waste of cash. You'll learn the hard way and probably wish you listened to us then end up in our shoes telling people such as yourself to not f**k up their financials so early.

hey guys i got my license suspened for 6 months for speeding (yes i know im a dikhed and i learnt my lesson the hard way) , i got my license in march of this year, im getting my license back on the 23rd of december, im buying a non turbo, 2 door coupe, R34 Skyline.. im 17 on my red ps - NSW

now with insurance, wat do you guys recomend, full comp, thirdparty , third party + fire n theft

i just got a quick online quote from just cars, they quoted me $4300 full comp, $700 excess + another $700 for under 21 year old driver... PLEASE TELL ME I CAN FIND CHEAPERRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey man, wish I had the option of a skyline when I was 17. I'd agree with everyone and hold off on the the R34GTS too and get an R32 or even R33GTS and get fire and theft with Just cars for around $800

3rd party fire and theft covers you for a maxium theft value of $5,000

Yep but after paying 1K excess you're left with 4K


You tell people to "drive a peace of shit"

I do mate. I drive a 1988 Nissan Navara, ball joints shot, rust, springs dead in the seat.

I drive this thing EVERY day. It's my daily hack.

Oh, and I'm 19, and I own a 1994 Nissan Skyline R33 GTS-t also, as well as a 1994 VR Manual Commodore.

Seriously, a Skyline is a HUGELY costly car to run.

Mine costs me $273 every two weeks, BEFORE I put rego on the car, BEFORE I put tyres on the car BEFORE I service the car, BEFORE I drive the car.

So lets see, tyres are looking at going to cost me around $300 EACH (4 of them, $1200 a year. Rego +Green slip = $1000, $200 servicing cost, $2800 insurance so each year, that's another $2400, so that's another $200 each fortnight...

So currently, I'm looking at $473 every two weeks, and hey, I still haven't even STARTED or DRIVEN the car...

Can you honestly afford that mate? $236 every week, plus around $70 in fuel... So, can you afford $300 a week, (More for you with insurance) to run the car? I don't think so. I work, full time, in an engineering role, and still have issues with making everything work out (Fuel, rego, insurance, tyres, servicing, my phone, having money left to go out, buying food for the week.)

Seriously, think about it financially... I shot myself in the foot really when I bought my skyline, the costs are ASTRONOMICAL!

Buy a cheaper to run car, if you only want a looker, get a looker, buy a Commodore or something, Say $9000 on the commodore, $1500 on mags, $3000 on a bodykit. You have there, for $14500 a car that looks good, has just as much go as an N/A R33, and will cost you about $1500 each year to insure, and use less petrol, cheaper tyres, etc.

Just think about it logically.

Because we arent all 17 year old P platers

Your receiving advise from a whole lot of people that have been 17, and been on their P's so contrary to your opinion, they know what they are talking about, and they are trying to give you good advise so I suggest you listen and stop being such a tool.

As we were all once 17... i remember looking to the older man and thinking... "what would he know"

Good thing i listened, however there are many that do not.

And frankly, nothing will change that until your wrapped around that pole and crying for your old man

I know you probably came on here expecting us to say that it's a good idea to buy the car and so on and so forth....

But realistically, we're only telling you the things you've already heard from everyone else you've asked. So theres no point getting shitty.

If I were in your position, I'd prolly buy a Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 for under $10000, use the rest to put a knock policy on it, rego it and give it a general clean up.


-VR-4's are an awesome bit of kit, so you wouldn't be driving a shittah.

-You can still get an insurance rating on a knock policy.

-You'll prolly have some change for maintenance, insurance excess, running costs etc.


-You're inexperienced, so you may end up hurting yourself, or worse, someone else.

-The car may get stolen, but $10000 isn't that much on the scheme of things.

Thats about as rosy as its gonna get.

Oh, and just because most of us drive skylines now, doesn't mean we've never had to drive a crap car. We're all talking from experience, so you'd do well to listen.

Edited by Ol_Mate

There are much better cars to buy for $20K than a R34 NA Coupe. If your hell bent on getting an import, there are far better choices that will not only give you a better all round performing car, but allow you to get comprehensive insurance for less.

If I was 17yo and want a performance/sports car id be looking at;

TX3 turbo Laser



VL Turbo

Mitsubishi Galant

early model HSV

RS Liberty

and the list could go on and on and on and on....

That way you are spending $10-15K on a car that will probably already be mildly modded and out handle and out perform a R34 NA Coupe + you will have change to comprehensively insure the bl00dy thing. All of the above mentioned cars are a big step up from a NA VL that you previously owned too.

If it were me however, I wouldnt be spending any more than $5-6K of my own money if I was 17 on red Ps....

$4K+ for comprehensive insurance on a R34 is a true reflection of your driving history and record, I think its reasonable. Pay it and cover your a$$ and everyone else on the road, or dont and run the risk of being way up sh*t creek without a paddle......

Edited by _8OO5TED_

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