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Hi all had a f**king nightmare of a night with the bitch (car). Got to the car and it wouldnt start, makes insane clicking noise like the starter motor is farked or something. Tried jump starting from engine bay fitting but didnt work, eventually we did it directly to the battery in the boot and it worked. Does anyone know why?

I drove around for a little, 15-20 mins to get home, turned it off... tried to start. f**ked again. Jump started it directly via battery in the boot and she kicked over. Any ideas fellas?

To be honest i dont understand how it could of even been flat, or do our cars need a pretty solid charge to even kick over? I was driving around last night for a few hours so surely that should of charged it enough and it was perfectly fine this morning, i definitely didnt leave anything on. This has happened twice before but both times it didn actually start of its own accord after a few goes. But not this time.

I do have quite a few gauges installed, aftermarket halogens and stuff, highish end pioneer headunit and very good front splits WITHOUT an amp (yet)... so if me driving usually with all these things +aircon on i dunno could i be drawing more power than its charging? Sounds stupid to me.

But, im very paranoid and scared now. What should i do? Why on earth didnt it jump start from the front and only the back? Im charging the battery overnight so we'll see if it has enough charge in the morning to start of its own accord. If it does, im sure as hell not using my lights or cd player or anything!!

Fark i dont know. Help guys?? Im thinking i should invest in a really good quality/powerfull battery first. Recommendation or advice??

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If its making that tick,tick,tick,tick.... sound, yeah battery is flat. Jump start it, drive the car for a while it recharges and turn engine off then try to restart it again if its same problem then your battery needs replacing!

Make sure batteries + and - heads are clean (dont know its name right now), make sure theres none of that white powder kind stuff around it.

Batteries need replacing every 3-4 years!

Edited by pretender-

Hi guys,

Thanks for the replies.

Battery was on the trickle charger overnight, looked to of given it enough power according to my bro, dad, and the voltage meter tester thingo. But car still wouldnt start. I managed to rip the battery out after destroying my hands trying to get the rear strut out when im all agro... gonna have bruises later. So yeah got the battery out its some jap shit farely dirty too, especially the terminal that gets earthed. acid powder shit big time.

We did some test thin on the liquid in the battery, looked like a big thermometer haha, it basically kept saying the battery was shit, despite it rearing ok off the multimeter.

SO... i need a new battery. Please, recommendations, i wanna go get 1 this morning. Dont care about cost. I dont want this problem again... and im PRAYING this is the problem.

I've just spoken with a few battery places and they say they have the odyssey but dont really recommend it due to $$$ and the fact all its ratings and shit are american standards not aussie which makes them sound alot better than they are.

One guy says im better off with a calcium sealed battery, much cheaper, and much more powerfull. Same one in Gen3 v8's and stuff apparently??? Its like $100 cos they are the wholesaler where as the suitable odyssey is double the price and not as good??

Help guys!!!

Had the same problem a little while ago !

Best battery I found was Supercharge Gold 36 from Peps Autospares for about $125. Its 710 cold crank amps ( Stock Skyline ones are about 280 ! )

Cold cramps (CCA ) is the number of times that the battery can crank the motor over from dead cold before it goes flat.

Make sure you get a negative left hand terminal. The battery is a low maintaince sealed unit and comes with a 36 month warranty.

Oh and you gotta get a larger battery bracket

Hope this helps

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