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Well, in my continuing search for a mad car i went and had a look at "Extreme Machines" on Saturday morning (I didnt think C-Red would be open, so i went and had a look there instead).

So far i've been to a few places and i plan to visit them all (no matter how good or dodgy they are) within the next couple of weeks. I just want speak to and annoy as many people as i can to get the info i need to buy an awesome car. :)

They didnt seem too bad and were quite helpful. Their cars seemed in pretty good condition...

So again im looking for some more information.

Anyone bought a car off them or ever dealt with them before? If so how did you find them, their service, their cars etc. Maybe a PM if need be...

Its alot of money for me to spend so i just want to get the best car i can for my money..

Thanks again for the help



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My tip is to drive as many cars as you can before stepping out and buying one. Tell the salesperson to shut up whilst you drive, and don't talk to them. Just concentrate on the cars handling and noises. Let the facts speak for themselves not the salespersons interesting tales of how they never get 'dud' cars in etc...

My gtst was so much better than all the other cars I test drove. I got it from a mates yard (the last one I went to) Cannington Auto wholesale (not autohouse btw). Remember all these cars you look at are 'high hour' cars (note the kms are low but in japan cars can sit in traffic for many hours at a time --- read very bad for engine wear just like km's often worse)

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Thanks guys. I havent been able to test drive any yet...

A couple of the dealers have said no because they think i only want to have a thrash in their cars and one bloke said i look like i might want to mug him etc! :P Its not like i look scary....

Im going to have a top 2 or 3 list of dealers ( i think i know the three though) and then ask them for test drives etc. If they say no, i'll take my money somewhere else! Ohh yeh when i test drive any car i'll get my old man to come along and hopefully we'll manage to leave the dealer behind... Hes a mechanic by trade so he knows how cars should drive etc.

My old man picks cars to peices with a fine tooth comb and when it comes to internals i will just get a non biased proper import mechanic to have a look etc. If the dealers have nothing too hide, then it shouldnt be a problem for them. One yard wouldnt let me get a mechanic to have a look at their cars... Thats suss

I've only had one semi negative comment (first hand) about E/M and a few very good PM's. Off to see Jash on Monday i hope and i shall take it from there!

Thanks again for all the help, its been a massive help. Cant wait for the next cruise or two!



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Correct Adam,

I got my car from Power Auto Imports (Interpower) in Maddington.


Have you looked at Bentley Autos? Skippers Imports? They have a heap of lines there at the moment. Yeah you pay more but they look to have some nice cars...

Otherwise you should look at InitialD's car (Jon).. Damn nice and already modded.



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Originally posted by EVL R33

Correct Adam,

I got my car from Power Auto Imports (Interpower) in Maddington.


Have you looked at Bentley Autos? Skippers Imports?  They have a heap of lines there at the moment.  Yeah you pay more but they look to have some nice cars...

Otherwise you should look at InitialD's car (Jon)..   Damn nice and already modded.  



Dammit I was close!

If not InitialD's car, Maybe Check out Jashs Ball breaker 33 gtst? the silver one! rebuilt engine by the looks of it!!

OH and Brett next time you decide to damage your thumb please don't leave half of your skin on PSI front entrance door! Brett Hendo showed me your skin that fell off!! YUKKY! hope your thumb is ok now anyway!

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Oooow, didn't realise I left a trophy for Hendo... ha ha ha

I don't know who looked whiter, me or him!!!!! ha ha

Thumb is still pretty phuked, snapped the bone in half and tore off the nail.... worse still I can't drive the car real well at the moment so I can't enjoy the new power... :)


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I've had a look at bently auto's and skippers and to be honest neither appealed to me. Skippers seemed to want unrealistic prices for the cars they had (no flames, just my opinion). They did have nice cars tho, just not what im after.

They didnt really seem that helpful either, but i could have got them on an off day.

Jash PM sent..


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Thanks 33spec2. They seem like pretty decent people (attitudes will affect where i spend my money too)

On a side note, I had my first drive in a turbo skyline today. With minor mods it flew. So quick (by my standards anyway). It seems so drivable too. I know its not massive amounts of power, but i would much rather drive that, than my bro's 5lt stato! He estimates around 230rwhp and i'd be more than happy with that.

Off to see Jash at C-Red on Monday and then i have to make the decision!

Cheers for all the help, its been great


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theres a r33 series 2 with ohlins uspension and a fujitsubo exhaust, plus a pod filter with no airflow meter(wonder why) at extreme machines, i was interested but but my missus wasnt so we got a stock one instead. but col's a top bloke. and so is the fella from c red. still waiting for $ to buy them p1 racing wheels from c-red after i sell the wheels i got. anyone want r32 gtr wheels and offering a goood price pm me

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