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I think a small point is being missed by various people on various forums when discussing this topic.

A small point being missed by some people..... Isn't that what I said? I don't think I accused ANYONE of missing the point. Just making additional commentary.

It is not the slightest bit of use arguing with the copper about road traffic regulations. Even if you have a law degree, you are still stuffed.

I AGREE! That doesn't make the statement, "If your mods don't comply, you deserve everything you get" any more acceptable to me.

Honestly mate, if you think everyone in an online forum environment is arguing with you, you'll be pretty stressed almost all of the time. I wasn't having a go at anyone, i wasn't being sarcastic and i don't think i mentioned your name or implied that you were one of the assholes who made the totally rank statement above. Please don't accuse me of missing the point. I can read and (quite often) speak in whole sentences.

Then on go the lights and siren, AND YOU ARE STUFFED.

This says it all doesn't it, learned elder? I refuse to resign myself to the fact that because the police say something is so, it makes it so! If the police said you were guilty of driving on a Sunday and that it was prohibited these days, (because they didn't like the cut of your jib, fella-me-lad), would you just sit there, take the fine and say, "Oh well, I'M STUFFED" and wear the fine? Even though you KNEW it was illegal?

Sorry to everyone else for the rant but I for one will not take BS from the police force about something I know isn't right. If Grandpa here expects us to, I feel he has another thing coming.


No one accused anyone of anything, name calling and finger pointing makes you much less of a man than any other. You raised some good points in the first post 2rismo, but the 2nd one just went too far.

The "you"s he used in his post weren't directed at YOU, he was talking in the third person or sumfin like that). Yeesh, take you frustration with the cops out on a cop.

BTW I'm 21, and I've been d!cked HARD for illegal street racing and exceeding the speed limit by 118km/h. My car has been impounded and my license suspended, my insurance company doubled its premium after this event, forcing me to sell SXC180. At no point did I blame the cops for doing their job.

My uncle works at the EPA in victoria, and he showed me docs. The ratio of sports cars that are canaried to the others is 1:29.

For every one of us that is d!cked, 29 unsafe cars are pulled off the road. most of these cars have brakes that are failing or are plain unsafe to drive. I sure as hell feel a lot safer driving around knowing there's less of em on the road posing a threat to both me and my driving experience.

I think what warpspeed was trying to say is that prevention is beter than a cure. There's no point ranting about how legal something is and how you're goin to rebel against it, because at the end of the day it achieves nothing.

If the cop hadn't noticed you in the first place, and hadn't formed a generalisation about you as soon as he saw you, which gave him incentive to make it a point to d!ck you for something trivial and perhaps even legal, then you wouldn't be in the situation you are in at the moment.

For all those that didn't want to read all that... my bottom line is prevention > cure. And I'm not attacking you (2rismo) jus trying to explain my view on where this thread is going.

Hey 2rismo, I was not trying to have a go at you or anyone else.

When I said YOU, I was not referring to your good self.

YOU know it is, YOU leave home in a hurry, YOU leave your wallet behind, and YOU run out of petrol miles from anywhere.

That sort of thing. Sorry if I offended you, it was not intended to read that way.

name calling and finger pointing makes you much less of a man than any other.

well excuuuusssseee me! Who died and ma.....never mind.

but the 2nd one just went too far.

Well good. I'm glad if it's incited some spirited discussion instead of the compliant, subservient nonsense that others have been spouting.

There's no point ranting about how legal something is and how you're goin to rebel against it, because at the end of the day it achieves nothing.

What a weak, spineless attitude this is!!! Less of a ..... Jeez!!!!

Let me say my piece once and for all. People put up with too much shit from the police when they assume that they (the police) know the regs inside out. To simply say that, "If you're illegal (by the cop's say-so), you deserve the treatment" is laughable. This post is about the police reading internet sites and acting on modifications that they feel are illegal. Well, lets see:

** To any NSW Police Force employees or EPA type people reading this. I have a pod filter! **

I'll be sure and keep you updated. If they try it on, i'm not gonna take their shit. If anyone does take it, they're less of a man/woman/whatever. ;)


Hey 2rismo, I was not trying to have a go at you or anyone else.
2rismo, it is you that are missing the point.

Sorry mate, obviously took it the wrong way. I just thought that seeing as how this is a public forum geared to promote discussion, I would be able to raise my own point and not miss it?!?!?! *baffle* I've done it before but i thought i was on top of this one ;) In other words, I think my original post added something to the discussion. It wasn't trying to refute any points. In fact I agree with the majority of things posted in this thread. I simply thought that something was being missed in the discussion and raised it.

In any case, I appreciate the clarification. Thankyou.

Hi guys. Take my eye off the forum for a coupla days, and ... wew. Spirited discussion indeed. I have had my problems with cops in the past and generally found a couple of general things apply: If they know you and your car, they leave you alone, if they are happy with what they know (if you see what I mean!!). So if you are outside your normal area, in a high profile car, then expect attention (and btw, this applies to guys my age too - I am 46). Once stopped, be polite. Even if you are unfortunate enough to come across a vindictive, self-important, uniform collector, or you're having a bad day. Deep breaths and smile! "Can I help you, Officer?"

Incidentally, I usually am as polite to them as they are to me. I even once had one cop ask me why I was being so aggressive and when I told him it was because he was as well, he calmed down and things went much more smoothly.

I know this is likely to make some of you groan, but most cops are OK people. They don't have two heads and really are just doing their job. If you think about it, when they stop someone, they are probably all uptight and authoritarian because they are expecting a bad time from whoever they have stopped. If you are relaxed and helpful, they are likely to relax too and you may even be able to get across to them that you feel you are being unfairly targetted. But if you use it as your opening line, you have simply given them the confrontation they are expecting.

And when I say "you", I mean "one".

Meanwhile, it seems that in WA we can get permits for pod filters and other kit (not sure how much other kit). I assume from the gnashing of teeth that this isn't the case in NSW?


great discussion but the age thing is a real bugger and you jsut need to learn how to handle being pulled over and having the answers required. It descrimiation to make you young peopel conform but some of us dont even grow out of this car thing it jsut gets bigger and badder cause we can afford to do the big stuff


Still the same ol` problem at the end of the day though, where 'we' as performance car enthusiasts are gunna feel targets to the police. I know everyone has had some very valid points to the topic in previous posts and i am not disputing them at all, but it will still come down to the fact everyone thinks they are being targeted for the hell of doing it. Its not for the hell of it, as they have been given one goal and thats to prevent any dangerous situations or possible dangerous events occuring by making sure all motor vehicels are legal to be driving on the road.

Its this thought that 'the police are out to get us for the heck of it' that gets everyone into trouble. I know i was the same and felt very strongly towards this, as i was the last of my friends to get my liscence and i know from being canaried 7 times in my mates riced up civic for things we knew were blanetantly illegal, but we still swore we were the victims in it... UNTIL one genuine police officer, who was young like us (22 to be exact) who sat us down one night when he pulled us over to do a random check on the canary on our car,and he explained to us in a manner we would understand and get it into out thick heads that they were. He xplained form past experience of his first ever shift he had dealing with a serious car accident of which he said he will never forget. It turn out the three young drivers none above 19 in the car died on impact as they collided with a tree at 130km'h head on. He further explained the hard hitting reason as to why it happened... their car was traveling down a straight stretch of road at an estimated 10-15km'h over the limit when they hit an unseen pot hole, and due to its extrememly illegal ride height of 6 cm's it bottomed out, lost control and ended up a tripple fatality. It hit even more hard when we realised that it wasn't 'real cool' in his civic which lay at a crazy 4 cm ride height, and we had done this for so long. We were an accident waiting to happen, and thank friggen god it never did.

I think it takes something like this to actually prove to you as the driver or owner of a vehicle that is modified, that you hear of the reasons behind why they are checking our cars. Yes i know that sometimes they do go about it very wrong and that 'some' have what it seems to bevery little knowledge in cars and modifications, but at the end of the day they are doing their job. Between two of my mates they have had 24 canary's between them in the passed 12 months. I used to look at it that they were targeted and it was bullsh!t, the cops were jealous blah blah blah... but the fact of the matter is, they are dangerous to be on the road.

Its easier to look at it this way... do you really wanna be a threat to yourself, your passengers and everyone else on the road and possibly have to live with shocking memories of possibly killing or injuring someone so severe their lives will never be the same again simply because u want a low ride etc.?

Whether it be ride height, rim size, extruding objects or what have u if it doesn't fit the criteria of VicRoads' legislation then youa re asking to be canaried bsaically. There's no in between for this, so its either we mod our car's legally and never be hastled by them again, OR take the risk of yourself, everyone else and getting caught for the sake of it? I'll leave it to you guys.

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